Above The Sky

Chapter 510 He's Dead (34)

Ian's tone was a bit tense and solemn: "And why are you talking to me - although I think I am indeed a genius - but in the end, it's the first-level little guy talking about these things?"

"Because for the past twenty years, I've been patrolling the empire with my mind-body, raising pigs, feeding chickens, and baking biscuits and bread. Honestly, I bet, Ian, you My cooking skills are not as good as mine, I am familiar with 17 local dishes in Terra, and I can even cook a delicious marching meal."

Mikael put his hands around the back of his head, he lifted his head easily, looked up at the ceiling, and said with a smile: "Surprise? Don't think too much of the royal family, we have brains. The Setar Dynasty It has lasted for nearly a thousand years, longer than Terra, and even had an incredible emperor like his grandfather - a fool can't become a sublime, let alone the fourth energy level."

"As for why I told you..."

The blond prince repeated this sentence once, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, his eyes relaxed: "Maybe a little narcissistic."

"Because I saw myself in you, the first time I met, I had this idea, you and I are the same."

"I know very well that you are such a genius, that you even have the potential to become a legend like the master Friedrich - as long as you let go, you can change the world, I have such a hunch, and I had no doubts about my hunch."

"But you're going in the wrong direction. Ian, I'm here to tell you."

"Don't continue researching the path of 'simplifying and popularizing alchemy potions'. It's a path that looks good but turns out badly."

"The dead end that my grandfather walked through, I don't want you to go through it again."

Speaking of narcissism, Ian also doesn't think it's strange that the other party is talking to him about it.

I am the first energy level under the age of sixteen, a psionicist, an elite alchemist, courageous, decision-making, meritorious, and action-capable, and with resources in the future, I can almost say that I will steadily advance to the third energy level and an alchemist— Even the latter is estimated to be a matter of four or five years.

The second prince ran over to remind himself that it was really normal, because it involved the future of an alchemist who was related to him... In the end, it wouldn't take him half an hour.

Ian still has the qualification to waste half an hour of Mikhail, the second prince.

"What dead end?"

At this moment, Ian's brows were furrowed, and he was just right—perhaps really puzzled—to show a negative expression of research direction, and his tone became a little intense.

Ian is as arrogant as a real young genius: "I have always found it strange that the raw materials of alchemy potions are not expensive. While the service fee you get increases, the product can be used by more people.”

"That should be a good thing."

"It's a good thing."

Mikael was turning his head, he looked at Ian, stared into Ian's unwilling eyes, and said calmly: "So what I said is, don't continue to study."

"Because if you continue to study, you will leave the frontier field of alchemy and step into the abyss of technology popularization and practicality."

To be honest, Ian didn't understand what Mikael was talking about at first - what kind of abyss is the practical application of technology? All technologies have to be practical.

But soon, he reacted and understood a little what the second prince really meant.

- Ascenders don't need technology to be practical...they can directly convert technology into power themselves. Only ordinary people, ordinary people who can't use source material, psychic energy, and can't directly use technology with their own body as a tool... need to be practical.

"You mean to say..."

Ian's tone was a bit difficult: "I hope I can study deeper alchemy theories and develop techniques to make potions stronger instead of more... Serving the strong instead of ordinary people?"

Because this sentence was so direct that he didn't know how to say it in a more euphemistic way.

But what Ian didn't expect was that Mikael was silent because of this sentence.

"...grandfather was always thinking of something very grand."

After a while, the second prince slowly opened his mouth and talked about another topic that seemed to have nothing to do with before: "He has a very, very big dream, and that dream is the source of his spiritual energy, that incredible dream. His desire and desire made him one of the most powerful psionicists in Terra Continent at that time, and only the first knight, Hilliard, the fortified city, knew all about that dream."

"He has made many decisions that later generations criticized or secretly admired for the sake of this country and all beings living on this land, from the most ordinary people to the highest-level nobles and royal families... How can I say that, even me A talented person, after seeing what his grandfather has done in his life, has nothing but admiration in his heart, and there is no idea of ​​comparing him."

"Where is it? Everyone is somewhat self-aware, and those without self-awareness can't reach the third energy level."

"In short, no matter the black king, the tyrant or the great emperor, he can't sum up the grandfather's heart. He just loves everyone so much, and hopes that everyone can be happy. Ordinary people can be healed with healing potions when they are injured, and they can resist damage when they are in danger. Medicines protect themselves, every family has meat to eat, a house to live in and good clothes to wear, and every family has dreams and pursuits.”

"And sublimators can also pursue their dreams, become stronger and greater, and transform the world."

Saying so, Mikael and Ian looked at each other.

He said three words.

"he died."

Mikael was even laughing when he said this, but Ian could only hear a sigh: "Many people helped him, the first knight tore down half of the imperial capital for him - don't believe it. At that time, there was a big earthquake in the entire plain surrounding the imperial capital. The lower city area was almost rebuilt in recent years. A quarter of the buildings in the middle city area collapsed, and the upper city area on the top floor was blown away by a third. There is also a mountain of black iron to the north, and that is the wreckage of the imperial capital that was slashed by the first knight's sword."

"But grandfather is still dead. So powerful and invincible, I feel like my little grandfather is dead when I look at it... You can understand that too? Those of you who have read grandfather's manuscript, you must understand how amazing he is... ...but he still failed."

"And decades later, those who supported my grandfather back then called him a black tyrant."

Mikael seems to acquiesce that Ian is the one who inherited the alchemy of Inaga II, because their thinking is extremely similar, which may not be confirmed for others, but for the second prince who is the son of Inaga II , Ian even reminded him a little of those days.

Recalling the grandfather and the first knight, the two seem to be one in this boy.

Of course, he just ascribes it to Ian's inheritance of the manuscript of Inaga II, and doesn't think much of it elsewhere - Mikael's powerful inspiration to the truth is ignored by himself.

Ian noticed the second prince's slight gaffe, and he actually wanted to sigh.

But in the end, he still pretended.

Disguised as the confusion of not knowing whether it is true or not.

"Isn't this the propaganda of the empire?" The white-haired boy asked inexplicably, "Isn't this a propaganda strategy made by the empire to smear the late emperor?"

Hearing this, Mikael shook his head and walked out of his loss.

He laughed and said teasingly, "Look, you think so even if you are so smart, let alone ordinary people?"

"Think about it, Ian, in order to show its orthodoxy, the new dynasty in Yanjiang has to prove the authority of the previous dynasty. Inaja is my grandfather, my father's father, and it is not the dark moon turmoil caused by the father. , would such a smart person do this, and demote the throne that he got himself?"

"You don't think that the Dark Moon turmoil is just an internal affair of the empire? The one who called the grandfather the black tyrant at the beginning was not the people of the empire... The real people who started to call it that way were Junlingbao and Cangtian Royal Court."

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