Above The Sky

Chapter 512 You Have To Stand On The Top Of The Mountain (54)

What does the ordinary person represent to the sublime?

Perhaps, it is just to ensure the size of the country, to ensure the potential of the 'future', and to cultivate more talents and sublimators for more bases, so they are still working hard to protect these 'ordinary people'.

The reason why Inaiga II was able to persuade the major groups within the empire to carry out universal education, apart from being strong enough, I am afraid that other groups also believe that universal education can improve the quality of the people and create more sublime people. Fill their forces with ideas.

The emperor eats meat, and they can also drink broth. Everyone is a courtier, and they can't beat Emperor Inaga and the first knight. If that's the case, then forget it. Listen to their words, drinking soup is not bad.

But in the end, because of technological progress too much, these educated ordinary people lost the way to advance. Inaika II miscalculated human nature. He thought that learning and knowing more knowledge was a reward in itself. A reward, but many people don't think so.

They need more direct, intuitive 'rewards'.

Among this group of people, although there have emerged a group of more sublime people than in the past, the number is far less than imagined, and it has also caused social chaos in many areas.

The whole empire recognized the benefits of universal education, as well as the 'disadvantages', and the death of Inaika II led them to have a cautious attitude towards this policy, and were only willing to give a lot of attention to some geniuses and talents who would definitely become sublimators. Psykers make investments.

Along the way, the reason why Ian has been able to get so many preferential treatment is precisely because of the continuation of this policy-he was selected by this system, so he was able to achieve such a steady rise.

This is why Ian is favored by so many nobles, and even the second prince like Mikael personally came to warn him.

Because, he is a high-quality investment product that can get stable gains instead of chaos.

A sure-fire stock.

That's enough to throw money at it.

As for ordinary people, just protection is enough.

For the vast majority of Terra sublimation rulers, it is only necessary to select the elite among ordinary people and turn them into sublime ones. Can other mediocre ordinary people be educated? Do they have any hope and dreams? , are insignificant little things.

They don't care.

——It's no longer a question of class.

"This is an isolation. An isolation that is almost impossible to break, an isolation created by technology beyond the times!"

When Ian knew that the Empire had actually mastered the 'Inscription Intelligence' technology that could produce 'Alchemy Elixir', his heart gradually 'cooled' after a burst of 'ecstasy'.

The ecstasy is because Terra's artificial intelligence technology actually has a foundation, which means that the productivity of this world will soon usher in a big explosion-if it can be practical, then the productivity can explode, and Terra is ready to become a near-interstellar at any time. capacity of civilization.

But cooling, because of a very simple problem.

——It broke out, so what?

A fifth level... no, a fourth level, can destroy all this at any time.

It doesn't even need to be destroyed. Who can consume these bursts of productivity?

Free delivery? Free to give? Free benefits? What a joke, this kind of thing never happened in the previous life, expect the alchemy workshop in power of the sublime to do this work?

Even with the authority and power of Inaga II, they will resist...


The young man finally understood why, why Inaga II was betrayed by almost all of his old friends.

Because, the naive guy, the guy who is so talented that he ignores the problem under his feet.

Really want to do that.

"I'm afraid it's really because he wants to give free benefits to the whole people... Where is this running? It's a rocket leap to Datong society. Entering through interstellar pioneering, which can consume infinite productivity, can not cure the root cause.”

"Without four or five fifth-level platforms, how dare you carry out this kind of reform? Considering that era, our Cieharorvo family also produced something like the Echo of Eternal Life. Everyone thought that it would be like this by Inagar II. After tossing for a lifetime and future generations, it is no wonder that they are all reversed.”

"Not to mention the crown prince at that time. Everyone thinks that the emperor and the first knight are too strong, and we can't oppose it. Even if we can oppose the success, the price is too high. It's better to endure it and wait until they both die of old age. Besides, with such a compromise mentality, they accidentally learned about immortality technology, even if it was just a mirror echo... They were also frightened, so they could only fight back hard."

"And at that time, the basics of Inaga II, those emerging productive forces, the Alchemy Association and other forces, were probably still liquidating and going bankrupt."

Ian smiled bitterly in his heart, the more he knew about Terra's world, the more problems he felt.

people? No shortage.

technology? Not lacking either.

Social system? As long as you are strong enough, you can do whatever you want.

The question is here, how can it be considered strong enough?

Originally, Ian thought that Terran people were not enthusiastic about universal education because they simply 'can't find a job after learning' and 'the productivity and education did not match' - this is a good solution, as long as an industrialized society is gradually built, By increasing productivity and increasing the consumption power of the people, Terra can quickly enter a modern society.

But now it seems that the two problems of "learning but not finding a job" and "productivity and education mismatch" are indeed correct.

But the truth is the exact opposite.

Terra is a productivity technology, and has already pointed out "artificial intelligence", so it is useless for ordinary people to learn - how can ordinary people compete with artificial intelligence!

And the sublimators are also not interested in this. What they need is a 'strong' alchemy potion, which can only be produced by an alchemist master, or even a high-level alchemy potion that needs to be controlled by a 'soul', which artificial intelligence cannot provide. , which ordinary people cannot provide.

Therefore, the Empire did not dare to continue research, and felt that universal education was meaningless.

Because, if the inscription intelligence that even the soul can have is researched... Does that mean that apart from ordinary people, the current batch of alchemists don't need it?

Is that really about to start being revolted by the entire sublime class?

"The technology left over from the civilization of the previous era is really not a good thing sometimes... Hey, too strong technology is really a disaster, it will completely destroy the possibility of the development of the times, and make the whole society deformed ."

Thinking frantically in his heart, Ian spoke slowly.

"I understand."

The young man's words stopped Mikael, who was ready to leave: "His Royal Highness, you think the mistake of the late emperor was that he wasted too much time on ordinary people, and these ordinary people are too trivial, just take it easy. Propaganda, a little smear, a little deceit and tampering can make them switch sides and hate those who truly love them."

"So, ordinary people... just help whoever wins. They need to be won, but what they need to do more is to make themselves stronger first and ensure that they can win, otherwise everything they do will lose their meaning."

"Instead of being good to ordinary people from the beginning, it is better to choose a genius, cultivate it into the fifth energy level, strengthen one's own strength, and then be able to do more things."

"Goodness and love without the support of strength will definitely be twisted and twisted into... tyrants."

Mikael turned her back to Ian and listened to Ian's words in silence.

"Yeah." After the boy finished speaking, he said softly, unable to see his expression or to hear his tone: "Isn't that the way this land is. Ian, why didn't you give birth a hundred years earlier to catch up with your grandfather's time? ?"

"If grandfather had another fifth-level beside him back then, history would be rewritten."

But no.

Inaka II is dead.

"Ian, you are really smart." Turning his head, the second prince faced Ian.

Before leaving, Mikael said this seriously for the first time: "But the way you look at things is too inclined to technology itself, and it is not high."

"Life in Nanling has made you experience the hardships of ordinary people. I can understand that I have really done similar things. But you are already a lord. Although you may not take office so soon, at this moment you are should understand."

"Compared to the simple happiness of a group of people, it is more important to ensure the stability of the city and province they live in. You have to understand that in addition to the empire, there are many other forces, other high-level powerhouses, we check and balance each other, confront each other, absolutely Most of the resources have been thrown into this bottomless pit, and we have to keep throwing them for the rest of our lives."

"All technologies, all resources, have to be skewed in this direction - we can't change the allocation of this kind of resources, even if there are better options, but if this change will cause turmoil and drastic changes, then we will also Can't do that."

"We can't compare good, because from bad to good will cause flaws, and we are just ahead of who can't last, who will reveal flaws first."

"Ian, you can't think about peace of mind, you can't imagine this luxury."

"You have to mobilize resources to fight the destruction of monsters and other countries - much easier destruction than construction - you have to protect the stability and peace of this land, and then you have to make a choice."

The second prince stretched out his hand, his right hand was on Ian's shoulder, and his left hand was raised, pointing into the distance... Ian knew that that was the direction of the upper city of the imperial capital: "You are the kind of person who can stand on the highest point, Ian , you will become an important minister of the empire, standing on the top of the mountain in the imperial capital."

Mikael said almost solemnly: "Whether it's me, or whoever becomes the emperor in the end...Even even the emperor, seeing you now, will cultivate you. You will become one of the members there."

"You have to learn to think this way."

"Ian, you have to stand on top of the mountain!"

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