Above The Sky

Chapter 483 Let's Do It! (33)


"No problem." Ian said seriously: "The question is, what exactly do you need to do to solve your problem?"

"I see."

"Oh!" (Ok!)

"Next, it's time to solve your problem. Isengard, don't deny it, I can see that you were worried when you were reading in the park. You must have something to solve."

And Ian raised his brows. He stood behind Isengard and looked at the dense notes he took down: "You have changed a lot, Issen. Much more mature than two months ago."

Like... a psionic neural network?

With the power of the worm nest, if you want to normally cultivate three ether crystal dragons, you will definitely not forcibly merge into one - after all, three is bigger than one, for me at that time, even if three ether crystal dragons are The training speed is inferior to that of the Ultimate Crystal Dragon, and it is definitely better than one.

"I may have been born with a good family background and excellent conditions...but I have never taken my destiny in my own hands."

"I'm not so sure either."

"Then, let them know your level and talent - I'll prepare a whole lab for you."

Ian was stunned for a moment, and then suddenly felt a sudden and strong sense of impact - it was like hitting his head on a boat, and then his body smoothly passed through the big hole and returned to the sea... The joyful joy surfaced out, making him want to flick his tail!

"Actually... just imitating you." Isengard stopped writing. He was silent for a while, and then sincerely admitted: "Or, try to learn a correct example. And you are the most correct and powerful one in my knowledge."

The young man imagined that a steel armored shark with a small crystal dragon traversed the South China Sea, ramming whoever looked at him, and left a squeak of 'what are you doing'...

"This... this condition."

Ian just thought of this, and Isengard asked the same question curiously: "Ian, how about the shark and the remaining dragon egg? Has it hatched?"

"Ian, you have to help me with this." He sighed.

Looking down, Isengard's tone gradually became firmer: "But now, I understand. Ian, I understand when I see you walk to the imperial capital step by step, and hear the things you do along the way."

Ian turned his head and said to Isengard: "The crystal dragon probably didn't hatch so quickly. It probably won't be a sign until the end of the year."


"Can you still sense it?"

Even if it is taken away by the empire for special care and incubation, it may be a little difficult to hatch normally.

Forget it, be confident, he can get rid of 'it's like'.

"Actually, it's still authority. I'm too young, and I didn't exclude the support of people from the teacher's faction in the platinum-iridium workshop. Although it doesn't mean that I was put off by others, I really don't have enough authority to do some things on weekdays."

Accompanied by the violent swimming sound, the happy voice of Shaoxing sounded: "Oh. Oh! Oh~" (I saw someone. They entered the maze! I crashed the boat~)

"We have to see what happened to the crystal dragon egg that Shasha took care of."

Ian raised his left hand, and he stared at the authority of the "Lord of the Labyrinth": "Let me sense it."

"Come on, what's going on?"

Moreover, although it is said that the ether crystal dragon tried to expel the influence of the worm nest left on the three eggs before it died... But with the super adaptability of the crystal dragon egg, the three dragon eggs may still be contaminated with some of the characteristics of the worm nest.

After writing the note, Isengard turned his head and looked at Ian, he said seriously: "I used to be too arrogant and too inferior."

"Let's go big, let's do our best. Show them you're close to master level!"

Speaking of Shio, I think of dragons. Speaking of dragons, I think of the two dragon eggs in the Crystal Dragon quest.

"The Quiet Sea Labyrinth next to Misa Port... I know this, but it hasn't hatched yet?"

Ian stared at the report on the file, and he nodded knowingly: "Think about it, yes."

"Being so prepared is completely different from the past."

Ask when you think about it.

In Yisen's surprised voice, Ian closed his eyes, and he began to try to use the power of the core authority of the Sequoia Base in the silver chip to sense the situation at the end of the South Ridge, in the far sea of ​​Harrison Harbor.

In this regard, the blond boy shook his head a little ashamedly. He closed his notebook, thought for a while, and then said, "It's actually a problem with the Platinum Iridium Workshop. You know, I'm now the deputy manager of the Southern Border, although The position is high and the weight is high, but there is not much real team under his hands."

The shark was surprised. It didn't seem to expect that Ian would contact himself at this time today, so he stopped swinging, and the whole shark began to sink to the bottom quickly: "Oh! (Boss!)"

"You are more powerful than I thought." Ian nodded slightly and praised from the bottom of his heart: "I have almost all the answers to my questions. I also know the situation in the imperial capital and the information about the three princes and princesses— Those nobles outside can only guess from superficial appearances, but we have grasped the fundamentals."

Ian put down the information in his hand, shook his head slightly, and smiled in his heart with some sarcasm: "The human body, even a dragon can have - Shio's body is a pure-blooded human who cannot be more pure-blooded, but it does not hinder him. Or her real body is a dragon. The sublimator is essentially the same, for Terra, many steel-like concepts on the earth are meaningless."

--what? Dizzy beeps glowing?

"Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

On the way of the insect swarm, only one of the dragon eggs left by the three ether crystal dragons can hatch normally, and the other two are defective. A three-headed etheric ultimate crystal dragon.

"And inferiority...because, I don't think I deserve to understand these complicated things."

"Not hatched, but healthy."

"Yes." Isengard sat next to his desk, and he wrote down the news: "Then I will ask about the situation after a while, and then compare and verify it."

Shark did hit a boat! Also had a blast! That beeping light like a police officer is a manifestation of it being very happy!

Ian was shocked, he asked immediately.

"Show your true level."

Ian suddenly had a hunch.

Looking at Ian, Isengard nodded slowly, his tone was solemn and expectant: "Join the platinum-iridium workshop, Ian, become my deputy."

"My arrogance is because I feel that I don't have to understand these things, and I can do knowledge and research with peace of mind. It sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But my family background allows me to do this, and my father hopes that I don't understand these things. , my mother also wants to better protect me."

"I have to change that. It starts with understanding the world around me."

Ian understands, it seems that Shasha is indeed acting according to his instructions: "Well done, pay attention to safety, continue to work hard!"

Sharks are happy.

Immediately, a vague induction came, as if he was swimming in the sea, and he was still glowing 'ditoo'.

It's fine if it doesn't move, otherwise, this shark may collide with the crystal dragon everywhere.

"Why are you hitting the ship again, whose ship is it?!"

Ian asked about the dragon egg again, Shasha said that the egg is very good, just as good as it, but unfortunately it won't move.

Lifting his head slightly, Ian blinked, feeling like he wanted to doze off and came to the pillow.

"Oh--" (Breaking the man--)

Does he feel good?

"Is it possible...they merge into one, which is the normal choice?"

He laughed: "I really can't refuse."

"Because this world... really has extraordinary power."

And Isengard seemed to have long expected that Ian would ask this question, and smiled and handed another document to the boy.

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