Above The Sky

Chapter 482 Imperial Capital Pattern (23)

"You are really welcome."

In his room, he activated the soundproof inscription, and while taking out the rolls of information, Isengard jokingly said, "The goblin lady outside obviously doesn't know your specific situation, but she is still willing to accompany you on adventures."

And Ian leaned against the door with his hands on his chest, he nodded lightly: "The word adventure may be a bit too much, in my opinion, it can only be regarded as a slightly turbulent travel, and I am not sure it is me who is popular It's still my cooking."

"Killed Baron Ryan on the way, and crushed the head of the deputy section chief of the Lingzhi Institute by the way? I guess the death of the magneto-optical knight is not normal. It must not be what you said outside the door, but he was worshipped by the Dragon Cult. friend killed."

The blond boy handed Ian the information in his hand, and he asked curiously, "How is your cooking? I haven't eaten your cooking yet."

"You'll know when we go out together next time. Don't expect too much. The dishes made by the chefs of Imperial Capital are probably better than those made by me."

Ian picked up the information, and he didn't find it strange. Of course, Isengard could guess that it was Baron Ryan and others who he killed. After all, the other party saw himself and Patrick fighting head-on without losing the wind. The young master may not understand the gold content of this, but for Isengard, who has begun to 'open his eyes to see the world' in a real sense, he can know the horror of Ian.

As for why the outside world said that, of course, it was to prevent Miss Fairy from accidentally leaking her mouth.

In short, knowing this, Yisen listened to Ian's experience along the way, and naturally understood how much Ian killed and how much danger he experienced.


Looking at the information in his hand, Ian suddenly let out a small murmur.

He raised his head and looked at Yi Sen: "The emperor really doesn't care? He hasn't been in court for five years, right?"

"We also held a few meetings at Fei Yandi and decided on the policy. Why is everything else the eldest prince, the eldest princess and the second prince are doing?"

"indeed so."

Yisen nodded slightly: "Uncle Carlos, Aunt Alegria and Uncle Mikael are the main royal family members who have presided over the affairs of the imperial capital over the years."

"I forgot, these people are all your relatives, no wonder they know so much."

Hearing these titles, Ian was stunned for a moment, he almost forgot that Isengard was actually a relative of the royal family.

But it was more convenient in this way. He said with interest: "What are these people responsible for? Oh, I saw it, it's written on the documents."


Isengard nodded slightly, he came to Ian's side, stretched out his hand to introduce to the boy: "Uncle Carlos is the eldest prince, he has a gentle temper, can coordinate with all the ministers and nobles of all parties, and his popularity is very high, but it is also because of this. , he has attracted the attention of all parties, and he must be careful in his every move on weekdays."

"The Mirror Sea Guard of the Imperial City is under his full authority, and a considerable part of the Knights of the Patrol Knights will obey his orders."

"No matter how much more, I can't tell. Although my uncle looks very bright and upright, but in fact, there is so much information that even I can't find it... He is like a tree, standing still on the surface, In fact, the root system has already covered the whole territory as you know it."

The portrait Yisen pointed to was a white-blond long-haired man with a heavy face. He was wearing a robe, smiling, and his dark blue eyes were as deep as the sea.

Then, he pointed to the portrait of another woman. In terms of appearance, the woman on the portrait was pure as an angel, with long light golden hair swaying in the wind, and a beautiful and graceful figure.

But if you look at his eyes, those blue eyes and gold eyes reveal an ambition that seems to control the entire era.

If the eldest prince feels like a quiet sea, deep and calm, then the eldest princess feels like a tsunami, and the majesty and confidence are like a drawing paper.

"What does Auntie Alegria say...she is not in the imperial capital all the year round, but is stationed in the dark mountain fortress around the port of Wusha...and all other frontier military regions. She runs around all year round."

"She is the leader of the hawk faction in the absolute sense. She has said more than once that she wants to erase Junling Fort from history. If the Royal Court of Heaven dares to harass the Eastern Fortress, she will dare to attack the mobile fortress of the Royal Court."

"The problem is, this is not a slogan. Auntie really went to attack the mobile fortress. Recently, she has been observing the movements of the Flying Flame Land in the great desert. The soldiers regard her as the Valkyrie who brought victory."

Speaking of this, Isengard sighed with emotion: "I still remember that my aunt was very kind to me when I was a child. The aunt in my memory was a cheerful and optimistic big beauty who showed an angelic smile every day... Who knows that she came to see it several times. In front of me, in fact, just finished a victory?"

"I feel that for her, there is no conflict between liking juniors and liking killing and fighting."

Ian narrowed his eyes. He commented, "But isn't that all the military and political affairs have been occupied? What kind of power does the second prince have to compete with these two?"

"Second uncle?"

Isengard laughed, he shook his head slightly and said, "Second uncle doesn't have any rights, he doesn't really value this - Uncle Mikael is a very calm person, his favorite thing is actually lying on the warm grass Look at the clouds, and eat the little biscuits made by yourself."

He turned the page for Ian.

The man in the portrait was wearing armor and looked quite young, in his twenties. Of course, the sublime cannot determine his age based on his appearance. The second prince is at least forty years old, but his relaxed temperament and youthful demeanor are not at all false.

The blond knight had sword-like brows and a handsome appearance, but in general, he felt a little unremarkable.

In any case, Isengard is definitely not inferior to him in appearance when he grows up, but he is definitely more distinctive than him.

"This guy……"

But Ian frowned slightly, and he showed a wary expression: "You can see that there are many secrets hidden at a glance. It's still a big secret that shakes the world!"

It's some kind of sympathy, and Ian feels the danger just by looking at it.

"Yeah, I think so too."

The blond boy laughed, but he shook his head and said: "However, this secret should not be the kind of secret we think. As for why Uncle Mikhail can be called together with the first two..."

"Just because he is strong. Strong enough to be considered to be able to advance to the fifth energy level in ten years."

"So the right is moving towards him."

Very reasonable.

Ian nodded silently.

A new generation of fifth energy level? Regardless of potions and formulas, at least the second prince already has the basic conditions to carry the fifth-level inheritance power. In Terra Continent, this is more important than the support of ministers and nobles, and the approval and approval of the military. more real.

On Earth, the power of the emperor comes from the system, the approval of the ministers and the people. It is not the recognition of the people in the modern sense, but the concept of the "Son of Heaven" in the feudal era, the concept of divine authority.

The system endowed him with divine sanctity, and he could call upon people, and the ministers negotiated with him to determine the specific implementation method. The entire bureaucracy was such a tool to transmit the power of words to the Quartet, and the emperor could not completely deny it. The system of making oneself emperor, and the struggle over the system and the right to speak was the core of the struggle of that era.

But it's different in Terra.

Because, the powerhouse of the fifth energy level is here. The truth is true, like the second sun in the sky. If you want to close your eyes and deny it, you can't deny anything except to prove yourself ridiculous.

In Terra, the sanctity of an emperor is largely derived from power.

If the powerhouse of the fifth energy level just wants to be the emperor, he does not need any support, no power, no conspiracy, and no political struggle.

Even if there is only one person, without any country or people, as long as he declares himself to be, then other forces will recognize that he is.

Terra's political system is completely different from Earth's... No, anyone who thinks that there is a world with supernatural powers, whose system is the same as that of the ordinary world, must have something wrong with his head.

Because these sublimators, biologically speaking, I am afraid that they cannot be called human beings. They just have a human shell. Talking to them about the rules of human beings is tantamount to talking about the ethics of the earth with aliens.

Ian stared at the information in front of him, and he understood something.

——When the second prince really becomes the fifth energy level, he will become the next emperor.

Therefore, the second prince did not make any big moves, but gradually gathered some wings, sheltered some geniuses like himself, and had a basic control over all parts of the empire.

Others, in addition to improving their strength as soon as possible, also need to grasp the power as much as possible, so that they can gain a little advantage in other aspects.

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