Above The Sky

Chapter 484 Fairy's Meditation (13)

Isengard's current difficulty is essentially because he is the leader of an airborne department.

Patrick may be a bit of a villain as a villain and a noble, but he manages the many branches in the southern border of the Platinum Iridium Workshop in a rational and orderly manner, at least it can be stable and positive.

And after his death, the disciple of Master Gesai who took his place had at least excellent professional ability.

On the contrary, Isengard, although he can be considered an alchemy genius, is probably an elite middle-level in the alchemy class.

Apprentice, formal, elite, master, master craftsman... Basically, similar jobs are divided in this way, although the name is not necessarily so rigid, but the specific classification of pharmacy is like this.

Apprentice potions are actually all kinds of primary blood supplements, coagulation ointments, and all kinds of trauma medicines made by ordinary adventurers. The potions that an alchemist of this level can make will not exceed this category, and at most they will be faster.

Formal medicine has the ability to be used in battle. For example, to quickly stop bleeding, temporarily repair wounds, harden skin, and increase strength... and alchemy potions such as ice condensing potions can even easily freeze a piece of water, while burning potions can burn a forest.

As for the elite potions... potions that can regenerate limbs and heal internal organs; can directly enhance part of the sublime's abilities, and even allow people to have the power of beasts in a short period of time, potions that enhance the agility of beasts, or various rare potions, All of this level.

If it is used for attack, it is like what Ian and Magneto Light Knight showed when fighting - the fluctuation of the explosion is even comparable to a volley of alchemy artillery, and the lethal radius covers the entire stone tree jungle.

This is already considered a material that can be used against the army, and it can burst out extremely terrifying lethality when needed.

Ian seldom produces potions of this level, because the materials have become rare, and it requires monster materials or sublimation plants to do it.

Further up, it is the field of masters and master craftsmen.

Master Gosse, as the second energy level, was treated with courtesy by many nobles and powerhouses in the empire because of this. Although he is only at the second energy level, the value of the potions and academic values ​​he can produce far exceeds that of an ordinary third energy level.

And Ian's level is already approaching this category.

"Actually, it's mainly because I have a silver chip. I really have to rely on my own methods, at most it is similar to Isengard."

Ian has a very clear understanding of himself. Although he has been practicing alchemy since he was about ten years old and used silver chips to deduce it, this does not completely offset the weak foundation brought about by his lack of systematic learning of relevant alchemy knowledge. .

Isengard could use his own foundation to temporarily make a targeted medicine for the brain-devouring worm, but Ian couldn't do it at that time. Alchemy alone cannot do it.

But in the recent period of time, the many alchemy books left by Master Gosse, as well as Ian's study and research along the way... The most important thing is that he has become the second energy level. The keen perception and more subtle control ability, Let him also gradually understand the essence of alchemy.

——The fusion and sublimation of source substances, all kinds of catalysis and ascension...

Very simple truth.

The higher the level, the better the hardware, the better the experimental conditions and tools, the easier it is to bring about research results.

But Isengard is different.

He was relying on his solid foundation and indeed quite strong alchemy talent to get him to this point.

Of course, in the eyes of outsiders, Ian, who can easily purify the queen ant poison and master the formulation of new regenerative medicine, is already a future master alchemist, a rising star.

"But at the end of the day, Ethan."

Ian said: "They didn't act against you either. The reason why you feel restrained is simply because you are too young - they can't be convinced of you in two months."

"Indeed." Isengard nodded: "And youth is not a problem. The most important thing is that my current identity is all from my teacher and mother. And I can't do anything, I will discuss it with them first... At least I have to grasp a part of my power."

"So I need you, Ian."

"You can break this initial predicament. At least there are many things inside the platinum-iridium workshop. I won't even discuss it, and there is no one who can help to vote."

"Yes, you can see it clearly, you really grasped the key."

Ian really laughed now, and he stood up: "Tell me when you need it, and I'll help right away."

"But today, it's time to rest."

"Please feel free to choose your room."

Isengard also got up. He was also very happy to meet Ian this time: "Although this is a place where the family lives, my sister and I will live here. Adults don't live in such a cheap place."

- Is this all cheap?

"Do you have a sister?"

Ian was a little surprised when he complained in his heart, and Isengard scratched his head: "I should have said that? But she is still young and has nothing to do with me, so she is taken care of by my mother's people and does not come to the imperial capital. "

The night was already deep, and even the simulated light curtain in the mid-city area of ​​the imperial capital turned into a dim night sky.

Walking out of Isengard's room, Ian found that Hua An and Frost Die were in good spirits. The two were enjoying themselves on the table. Looking closely, it was a big goblin playing cards with a little goblin.

Goblin cards are quite traditional entertainment in the goblin family. The rules of the game are somewhat similar to some fantasy card games in Ian's previous life. They are divided into occupations, with special card groups and battle methods.

Hua An was holding cards that were roughly the size of a human thumb, explaining the attributes and meanings of the cards to Frost Butterfly, who didn't understand.

"This is a field card... It can create a long-term field effect!"

"This is a monster card, which can be used to fight, attack the enemy's card and the enemy itself!"

"This is a psychic card, which can create various special effects..."

"Very good, you have mastered these basic rules, let's play cards!"

"Don't." After reading all the card effects, Frost Butterfly shook her head seriously, causing Hua An to be shocked: "Why?"

"Because the senior wanted to bully me, not to play cards with me." The little goblin said righteously, and the sentence was unimaginably smooth.

"Why are you so sensitive in this regard..." Hua An was downcast, especially when there was a small conspiracy broken down.

"Alright, alright, two lovely ladies." Coming to the hall, Ian clapped his hands: "It's time to rest today."

"We are fairies, we don't need to rest!" Hua An protested, and then saw Shuangdie yawning loudly: "But I want to sleep..."

"Really?" Miss Goblin was shocked: "Do Goblins also want to sleep?"

"Maybe there is something wrong with the human common sense I gave Frost Butterfly?" Ian obviously doesn't have the habit of going to bed so early. In fact, he doesn't need sleep for a long time. The second energy level can effectively control his body. Extend the heyday by keeping the time as low as possible.

But taking a break from time to time for your brain and body is better for productivity.

He sat on the sofa, then lifted Frost Butterfly on his shoulders. The goblin rubbed Ian's hair into a suitable shape, and then fell asleep on the back.

"Hey." Hua An was also a little curious at the moment, she flew up and asked closely, "What did you talk about with that little blond-haired guy? Although I can't hear you, your emotions are quite active!"

"Talked about how to increase power in the human world."

Ian's eyes widened and he said, "That's what people talk about a lot - so we're all excited."

"Oh." Hua An didn't feel that Ian was lying, so she backed away with little interest: "It's not interesting."

"Indeed, many things in human society are really meaningless to fairies." Ian also said frankly: "I don't like it very much, but it is a necessary part."

"Understand." Hua An folded her arms and nodded earnestly, "It's like my teacher, saying that he doesn't love money, and fighting for money is a great thing..."

"Speaking of this, Miss Hua An."

The white-haired boy glanced at Frost Butterfly beside him, straightened the other party's crooked body, and then looked at Hua An with extremely curious and longing eyes: "What kind of skill is the fairy's meditation method? Besides, I have always wanted to try, but there is not a stable enough environment.”

"And now, in the imperial capital, all the conditions should have been met."

"I'm very curious about this..."

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