Above The Sky

Chapter 470: The Way To Solve The Problem

"I don't belong to the same department as you, so don't be too polite."

The expressionless Ian raised his hand and stopped the captain's words: "Continue your mission."

"Report sir, the mission has been completed."

The Iron People with silver-gray hair showed a rather blunt smile. He respectfully took out a blank report and pen from his arms and handed it to Ian: "How many would you like better?"

"None. It's a very disciplined town."

Ian glanced at the report, then marked a '0' and returned it to the captain: "Here. You're fine."

Saying so, I don't know when, an alchemy potion that shone bright green light was mixed into the returned pen and paper.

"This is……"

The captain named Fasha widened his eyes. He instinctively sensed the danger and expensiveness of this medicine, and carefully held it in his hands.

"Queen ant poisoning." Ian said lightly: "Be careful not to leak it, it's a very expensive thing...and it's very dangerous. Remember to hand it to the person who should be handed it, understand."

"Yes, sir!" Fasha shuddered, but his face showed joy.

"Well, let's go." Ian waved his hand, although he didn't show an impatient expression, his tone was very obvious.

Fasha saluted Ian again, then turned around and shouted at the team behind him: "Everyone returns to the team! Let them go, today's mission is over!"

The guards did not hesitate, and quickly unshackled everyone and let them go back.

The armor was activated again, and the search party left Gar town.

On the way, the team member who was reprimanded before approached a little puzzled-he was related to the captain: "Captain, why are you being so polite to that young boy? He seems to be a little better looking... A little bit? It should also be It is the first energy level, even if there is any background, it is not so respectful..."

"What do you know."

Captain Fasha glared at him, and he said softly: "If it is a first-level sublimator who is eighteen or twenty years old, then he can deal with it as a younger generation."

"If it is sixteen years old, it must be addressed respectfully, treated politely, and when necessary, let him do what he wants, we don't care."

"But if it's that young man over there who is too young, with a tender face, and is still a psionicist... It's better to call me a gentleman politely, what he says is what he says, he wants you to be a dog, you are the best It's good to squeak."

"Not to mention, that's the person who was told to look for... Do you know why he gave me this bottle of potion?"

Carefully raising the 'Queen of Ant Detox' potion in his hand, staring at the emerald green glass bottle, Captain Fasha's tone carried a hint of emotion: "Because he is very clear, I can see his identity... and also Know my mission."

"This bottle of potion can analyze the level of his alchemy level - he is such a genius who has attracted attention! You will also pay attention to me in the future, and figure out why the younger you are, the less you can offend!"

Ian watched them leave, he could hear the conversation but not much emotion.

The boy looked around the entire Quinor Plain.

——He can only help a small town... that's all.

He shouldn't be able to help just one. It's not the townspeople who are at fault.

The boy turned his head, he looked at the mayor with a complicated expression, and nodded calmly: "Only this time I can help you."

"Thank you… thank you, Ian… sir."

The old man who had a little temper before lowered his head, the old man bent down, and thanked him earnestly, but couldn't say a few words that were not repeated: "Thank you... I really appreciate it..."

"you are welcome."

Ian lowered his eyes and said, "In some cases, this is indeed a crime. Be prepared next time."

He could only speak in such an official scene.

"We understand...but!" Mayor Ye Moer pressed his throat, he straightened his waist, but did not raise his head, just clasped his hands tightly: "But I really don't understand, just living here, how can I break the law? …”

"We have all paid the taxes, all of them in full, and we have never been in arrears - it's just that we have to go to the city to get a temporary residence permit for more than ten or twenty days. How can ordinary families afford things that are once every six months..."

"I didn't hear what you were saying, the town elders, they didn't go far."

Ian sighed. He raised his head and looked at Aunt Julia, who was half-protruding from the house. The teenager smiled and waved: "Apple pie is delicious! Thank you Auntie!"

But the aunt retracted into the house.

Ian didn't care, he just put down his hands and continued to say to the mayor, "Mr. mayor, I have another question for you..."

But the old man burst out suddenly.

"I know what you knight wants to ask..."

The skin was already very red, but now the redder old man took a step forward, and both hands tightly grasped the gauntlet of Ian's left armour. There was a knight who helped us before, and he asked the same question as you—really, can't you high-minded people think about it?!"

"The environment here is good, the life here is good... It's that simple! After the Dark Moon turmoil, we spent half our lives rebuilding the imperial capital, don't we even have the qualifications to live next to it?!"

"Yes, we are insatiable, and we want to be better. Since we can live next to the imperial capital, we definitely hope to live forever! So even if those people don't have a temporary residence permit, no time or money, they still want to stay here! "

"We were wrong, but..."

"...No, it's not anyone's fault to want to live in a better place, and it's definitely not insatiable greed."

- This system is unreasonable.

Ian was silent for a while, then slowly said, "Actually, I didn't mean to ask this question."

"Mayor, what I want to ask is actually very simple."

Ian sighed, he pointed to the beam of light in the distant imperial capital: "Does this thing affect your daily life?"

"It's not very obvious during the day, but it should be brighter at night, right? Does this light column have a certain effect on the growth of crops? Or does it have nothing to do with it?"

"I wanted to ask this question from the beginning, and now I'm leaving soon. I have to ask it quickly... I mainly want to ask this."

"This, this...doesn't matter?"

The old man was stunned, and then stammered and replied: "Maybe it has a promoting effect? ​​The fruits of the imperial capital are sweeter than other places..."

"Is that so..." Nodding slightly, Ian said thoughtfully, "Then I understand, thank you, Mayor Yemor..."

At this time, Aunt Julia also came out of the house.

"Here here!"

She trot deftly all the way, holding a large package and handing it to Ian enthusiastically: "Oh, this pie is not finished yet... I know the knight may be leaving soon, but the food should not be wasted..."

Nagging, she shoved the package containing the apple pie to Ian forcefully, which made the boy stunned for a while, and then laughed: "Thank you so much, Sister Julia~"

"Oh, the mouth is so sweet~" Haha laughed, the fat aunt shook her head happily, and Ian smiled and said goodbye to the two: "Then hope to see you again, apple pie is really delicious, but next time I want to eat it Strawberry pie!"

"Also, the money is left on the table!"

After he finished speaking, he turned over and sat on the horse that had arrived at the front door of the mansion at some point. Hua An and Shuang Die were waiting for him on another horse.

He left the town of Gar and galloped all the way north.

"Ian, you are so calm."

On the way, Hua An said to the boy in surprise: "I thought you would reprimand those guards severely and help the mayor and the aunt to clear the siege, but I didn't expect you to solve the matter so plainly!"

"What's wrong with the guards and need me to reprimand?"

And Ian held the reins of the horse and said lightly: "The more insipid the way to solve things, the better for the people in that town... I'm not strong enough to scare people away with a name, so I don't want to let these If the guards come back and take revenge on the townspeople, this is the perfect solution."

"I have a channel to send news to the imperial capital. The guards can get the above awards, and Gal Town will be safe for at least two years, and the people above can also know my specific character and behavior... More wins."

"Huh... it's so cold!"

Miss Fairy hugged Frost Butterfly who was flying in front of her, and she said with emotion: "You are more like ice than Frost Butterfly! The more you know, the calmer you will be? My teacher is like this..."

"I just know it, and it's actually pretty powerless."

Hearing this, Ian laughed instead. He shook his head slightly: "And your teacher can definitely solve some problems more thoroughly."

Yes...there are a lot of things I know. Just knowing doesn't solve anything. Only students will feel that if they understand, they can solve the problem.

-I am no longer a student.

"Who said that." But Hua An retorted: "Didn't you solve the town's problems perfectly? Don't be unhappy!"

Ian was stunned for a moment, he wanted to say that he was laughing, why was he unhappy, but then he was silent.

However, in the silence, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

In this regard... the goblin was right.

In this way, in the smiling silence, the boy and the fairies arrived at the entrance of the imperial capital.

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