Above The Sky

Chapter 469 Temporary Residence Permit And Guard (33)

"Mayor, here we come!"

After the door was opened, there was only a young man in a guard uniform. He looked flustered and left immediately after saying this, obviously not wanting to reveal that he had notified the town in advance.

It's censorship time recently, which is why the townspeople are so sensitive to Ian's arrival.

The mayor was surprised for a moment, then his expression immediately became firm, and he quickly ran upstairs to his house.

Soon after, some abrupt bells rang from above the mayor's house and spread throughout the town.

Ian frowned too, and he stood up.

"What's the matter, Aunt Julia?"

He looked sideways and was a little flustered, but in the end he regained his composure. It was just the fat old lady with a worried expression, with a solemn tone: "Is the security team here to check the temporary residence permit?"

"Oh, yeah..."

The aunt Chizhimin with orange-red hair bowed her head sadly, and drooped her hand holding the plate: "Our family is fine, the master also took us to apply for a temporary residence permit, but there are many people in the town. I don't have that kind of money..."

"It takes more than ten days before and after the temporary residence permit, and we have to go to the political trial from time to time. How can ordinary people do this once every six months... To be honest, if it wasn't for the master who gave us the job in the town, most people would even be eligible for a temporary residence permit. nothing!"

"I don't know which ones will be arrested this time..."

Ian asked a few more questions, and after getting a hesitant answer from the aunt, he finally understood.

It turned out that the town of Gar, which is the mainstay of the economy, does not need so many townspeople for production and life.

As Ian speculates, when there are large alchemy machines that are almost armored for farming, it only takes four or five hundred people at most to complete all the work in the village.

This is also within the normal range, the number of townspeople who are allowed to hold a 'permanent residence permit'.

The extra ones are all temporary residence permits, and if there is no job, the temporary residence permit will not be eligible to apply.

This is what happens to the 'liberated population' after the great development of agriculture - if there are factories or other jobs that can absorb them, it will be fine, if there is no ... a sudden increase in productivity and technology, just let them For a period of time, became an 'unwanted person'.

At present, the Setal Empire has not made any serious plans for this kind of person... or in other words, it has been planned, but the execution is not good.

Yemer Gal, the founder and mayor of this town, really couldn't bear to watch the village and town he built up by himself, being ruined by the temporary residence permit system, the old man was displaced, and finally there were only four or five left. Hundred lucky ones...

So he forcibly expanded many jobs, such as 'rice pickers', 'wheat sorters', 'windmill supervisors' and so on.

It sounds outrageous, but at least everyone has a job.

There are also many towns that have adopted similar methods. The Imperial City Guards, who are in charge of the review, have never cared about it. After all, there is no profit in checking this. It would be better to say that the more people who stay, the better. The more money people have.

Of course, the review twice a year must be done, otherwise, these people will not have the sense of urgency and motivation to update the proof.

"Excuse me, sir knight, we may not be able to continue to entertain you."

Deng Deng Deng, the old mayor walked down the stairs, his face was also very ugly, and the expression he looked at Ian also contained a trace of implicated resentment.

The knights of the empire, in his eyes, belong to the same raccoon dog.

The teenager didn't care about this, but stood up and prepared to go out to check the situation.

But before going out, there was another hurried knock on the door.

Aunt Julia shivered a bit, but thinking that she had a temporary residence permit, she took the courage to open the door.

Several families came. Ian glanced at it and found that there was a family with children, the children who were playing next to the town at the beginning, saw him and immediately went to warn the townspeople.

The representative of the group was a dark-skinned farmer, who entered the door, begging the mayor with a desperate look on his face.

At first, the mayor was still looking ashen, but after all, he was a tough man on the surface, but he was actually very soft-hearted, so after a long sigh, he still opened the door and let this group of people come in to avoid the guards.

"Julia, take them to the basement and hide behind the haystacks... well, that's where you can hide."

He called to the cook: "Also, let the slacker of Norn and the stinky boy of El come back, let's pretend... Hey, Lord Knight, you?"

While the mayor was instructing, Ian, who he thought had left just now, came to the door of the mayor's mansion.

Ian saw that a team of twenty-five people in armor was slowly approaching the village.

The Imperial City Guard, the full name of the "Imperial City Border Defense Guard", is a department created during the Flying Flame War, and its main responsibility is to prevent the entry of "unsafe elements" in the bordering parts of the Imperial City and other areas.

Responsibilities were gradually shifted to internal security maintenance, but in general, the main function did not deviate from its own name.

The armor of the garrison was not equipped with heavy weapons and machine guns, but was only equipped with ordinary restraint net launchers and equipment similar to electric shocks. After they entered the town, they began to send people one by one to search and check. Temporary residence permit.

About one-half of the people in Gal Town have temporary residence permits, and about 500 people have permanent residence permits. Others either did not apply or have expired.

Generally speaking, every family will have one to do it, and at this time they can come out to deal with it - the guards also know that if you push people in a hurry, you will not make any money, so the requirements are not strict.

The team checked in order, and the speed was very fast, and Ian, who was standing at the door of the mayor's house, without a helmet, was particularly conspicuous, attracting attention.

But the guards who were in charge of the inspection bypassed him silently and tacitly—bypassing an entire area of ​​​​the room.

Although they don't know who Ian is and what kind of strength he has, it is definitely not something they can provoke for such a young sublime who can wear this kind of armor.

Especially here is the surrounding of the imperial capital, unless it is absolutely sure that the other party is an ordinary person, otherwise, it is best to be cautious.

The townspeople hid, but they were always found, and no one in the family had a temporary residence permit. The crying figures were chased out of their homes by the guards in uniform and armor, and gathered behind the armor with their hands locked. .

Later, they will be sent to the repatriation area and sent away from the surrounding imperial capital.

"Captain, I saw a group of people enter the old man's house..."

One of the guards narrowed his eyes and looked at the mayor who was standing behind the door behind Ian. He whispered, "That's obviously someone who doesn't have a temporary residence permit..."

"Shut up, fool, do you think I can't see?"

The leader of the team raised his hand and signaled everyone to stop checking.

He raised his brows, carefully observed Ian's appearance, armor, and the inconspicuous Eye of the Sun badge on the armor, and then his heart tensed in response to the news he received from his superiors.

"Don't keep thinking about earning such a small amount of money, is there any future?" After reprimanding the team members, he stepped forward alone.

The captain stood in front of Ian and gave a serious military salute to the commander: "Report to the commander, Captain Fasha Cairns of the twenty-one squadron of the Imperial Guard Search Brigade!"

"The next action, please instruct!"

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