Above The Sky

Chapter 471 The Living Imperial City (13)

"City of Lonely Mountain", "City of God's Blessing", "City of Glory".

These words are the name of a city.

The language is extremely pale in nature. If you just rely on these words and don't look at it with your own eyes, no one would have thought that the so-called 'Emperor Capital' is actually such an outrageous thing.

Standing on the ground and getting closer to the imperial capital, Ian could see that the horizon was gradually occupied by a gray-black plane, blocking the clouds behind him.

That is the 'city wall' of the imperial capital.

A row of 'city walls' three hundred meters high.

Speaking of the city wall, most people imagine that it is no more than 20 meters high at most.

In fact, human beings are actually quite insensitive to height, and ten meters high sounds like that, but if there is a ten-meter-high giant walking in front of them, they will feel shocking and unparalleled, not to mention It is said that such a giant is running at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour, and when it hits face to face like a super-giant truck, basically everyone will lose their ability to think because of shock and fear.

Twenty meters is already quite a terrifying height. In the absence of sublimators and gunpowder hot weapons, such a huge city wall is almost equivalent to an invincible position for the defender.

It can almost be said that it is a 'fortified city that does not fall'.

But the city walls of the imperial capital... or the structures called 'city walls', even the shortest one, are ten times taller and stronger than the high walls that humans can generally imagine.

In front of this kind of city wall, even tens of meters, or even a 100-meter-high titan beast... will only bring out its insignificance.

The outer shell of the city wall is a special alloy, and peering through the broken cracks reveals a spongy, porous structure...that's a special kind of organic biomass that keeps getting denser over time , sturdy, organically blending with the steel of the outer structure and making it thicker.

"This thing is not a city wall at all."

While eating the leftover apple pie, Ian looks away.

The silver-blue halo in his eyes lit up, and then shook his head: "This thing is probably the 'foundation' part of the superstructure that was built in the stratum before to fix the superstructure... But due to the catastrophe, these were originally located under the surface of the earth. The structure protruded, forming a structure similar to a city wall."

"And those biomasses are estimated to be the 'root' that links the entire 'planetary shield generator' to the earth's crust after the pre-epoch civilization absorbed alien biotechnology and integrated it into its own technology tree."

"Yes, it's the root... It turns out, the whole thing is, no wonder it's such a structure, this layer of alloy is just a shell, the inside of it is not completely a hollow bracket or a solid mechanical structure, but... alive. something."

"This city is alive...golden...the entire imperial capital...is a whole, dazzling golden, fifth energy level like the sun...super-giant man-made...mechanical creatures?!"

"Its structure is several kilometers deep underground... No, dozens of kilometers, the entire Quinor Plain is a stable structure supported by its roots... Cough!"

Talking to himself in this way, Ian suddenly felt a heat in the depths of his brain, and a terrifying pain hit him - then, he was in a trance for a moment.

By the time he reacted, he had been in a coma for three seconds, Hua An and Frost Die hurriedly flew over and supported his body, so that he did not fall off the horse.

"What's the matter, Ian?"

Hua An was holding an umbrella in her hand, and this rather fancy-looking parasol was now folded into a staff whose top was polished by a cold light diamond.

Miss Goblin flew into the air and quickly alerted the surrounding area. The top of the staff in her hand began to glow with golden light in the air, and a striped defense grid visible to the naked eye spread out, connecting Ian and Frost Butterfly, who was looking for medicine in the package. Protected: "You were attacked by someone? But you didn't sense the fluctuation of psionic energy and source quality?!"

"No, no... uh, it's alright. It's my own problem. I'm psionic backlash."

Sitting upright on the back of the horse, Ian shook his head. He blinked hard, wiped off the spilled blood, and sighed: "I'm sorry, Miss Hua An, for worrying you. You know, I'm an observer. I am a psionicist, so when I got close to the imperial capital just now, I couldn’t help but use my psionic energy to observe it…”


He didn't go on, but it turned out that everyone knew.

Frost Butterfly flew to Ian worriedly and brought a bottle of healing potion. Although Ian felt that he didn't need it, he still smiled when he saw the worried appearance of the little goblin, and drank the potion in one gulp: "It's alright, I no problem."

"What, you are so smart, but how can you do such a stupid thing?!"

After hearing the reason for Ian's sudden coma, Hua An felt angry and funny: "How dare you observe an entire city directly, or the imperial capital? You are really brave!"

Speaking of which, she couldn't help but sigh and put away her parasol, which turned into a staff: "However, human psionicists can awaken because they are all fools... If this is your desire, Then next time I guess you will be the same."

"I hope Frost Butterfly can help you in this regard in the future."

"I think it's definitely fine." Ian smiled and put Shuangdie on his shoulder: "Shuangdie is smart!"

"That's it!" The little demon raised her head beautifully.

"It sounds nice!"

But Hua An angrily came closer, reached out and touched Ian's forehead, used the source texture to respond to the boy's physical condition, and then nodded reassuringly: "Fortunately, it's fine, otherwise, what should I do if it leaves you with sequelae?"

"This..." And Ian was stunned for a moment, then lowered his forehead, letting Hua An feel: "If there are very dangerous consequences, then I will definitely know in advance."

"Wow, I knew in advance, could you be a prophet!" Miss Goblin snorted and withdrew her hand: "Don't brag."

"Of course." Ian smiled lightly: "I am the prophet."

"Cheat the fairy!"

This time, since Ian became a sublimator, he hadn't felt the backlash of the Predictive Horizon for a long time.

Because of the sublimation brought about by the 'extreme realm' of the soul, the teenager can already observe the fourth energy level without feeling any pressure, so this time when observing the imperial capital, Ian continued to observe after thinking for a while, and the imperial capital was The whole and even part of the underground structures have been observed.

It turns out... the fifth energy level and the fourth energy level are still too far behind.

Of course, Ian suspected that it was because he hadn't really seen any of the fourth energy levels.

Heo's mother, the dragon shadow of the King of the Mountain swept across the earth, was too far apart, and the feeling was not very real.

And the second prince's heart light body is only a small part of the heart light body, not the main body.

But what he just looked at was the real imperial capital - the complete body, the imperial capital right in front of him.

"It can only be said that the information collected is very precious... worthy of backlash."

Shaking his head again to clear his head, Ian doesn't think his decision was wrong.

Sometimes, the prophet just needs to risk backlash to obtain some precious information.

For example, what I already know about the real situation of the imperial capital... It is priceless in other countries, or with some people in the empire.

The speed of the horses slowed down, because at this moment, Ian and his group had entered the part of the 'city under the mountain' around the imperial capital.

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