Above The Sky

Chapter 468 Plain Town (23)

There are not many people in the mayor's family. His wife passed away a few years ago. Both sons and a daughter work in the imperial capital.

In the two-story mansion, there are a total of four people, including the mayor, the cook, the uncle, the groom, and their gardener son.

However, although there are relatively few people, the spacious house is quite tidy. It is said that the diligent cook from the northwest is also responsible for cleaning on weekdays. It is she who keeps the entire mansion spotless and warm.

"Dear little knight, what do you like to eat? Strawberry pie, or apple pie?"

After taking off his helmet, Ian successfully dispelled most of the potential hostility of the mayor named Yemer with his young and unworldly appearance. He invited Ian to come to his house for dinner, and Ian naturally agreed.

And the chubby aunt was holding a jar of jam, passing the restaurant like a wind, entering the kitchen, and leaving a question with concern: "Or do you prefer to eat meat? The knight, no matter how big or small, likes to eat meat..."

"Julia, be polite, they're not your country relatives!"

The old town mayor patted the table and reprimanded 'sternly', but Ian could hear that it was just a warning that he was afraid of being angry, so the teenager smiled and shook his head: "No need." Then he raised his voice: "Aunt Julia, I love apple pie!"

He personally prefers strawberry pie, but Shuangdie and Hua An both voted for apple pie, so apples. He likes it anyway.

After getting 'Okay! ' After this response, Ian looked at the mayor of Ye Moer who was still sad: "I'm really from the country, I didn't lie to you. Who would come to the imperial capital on horseback?"

"Besides, why are you so afraid of me?"

"How do you say it, my lord knight..."

The mayor touched the armrest of his seat. He seemed to want to say something, but looking at Ian's face, he found it a little difficult to speak: "If it's normal, everyone like you is willing to entertain... but... The Chinese New Year is just around the corner, and the semi-annual review will begin again..."

Having said this, he sighed, and still confessed everything: "Well, depending on your appearance, even if you are from the countryside, you are a serious genius, and the focus of attention should not be related to the review team. relation."

"It's all about the temporary residence permit - you probably know that it is very difficult to obtain a permanent qualification certificate around the imperial capital, and the temporary residence permit is not easy. There are many people in this town who don't have time to fix this thing... Everyone is still waiting for the news to be hidden, but you suddenly arrived, but the person who announced in advance didn't show up. We thought it was a surprise attack, and of course we were a little scared."

"That's it."

Ian nodded slightly, he knew what the mayor said was true... The other party didn't have the courage to deceive him.

But...what is a temporary residence permit?

Ian's knighthood can save him a lot of trouble, many problems for ordinary people, for him, just show proof and can pass things smoothly.

In the final analysis, compared to ordinary people, the first energy level can almost be said to have completed the transition of the class. As long as you don’t want to become stronger and better, you can feel comfortable and happy, even a little extravagant, as a senior wage earner. Live a lifetime.

However, even Ian doesn't know what the concept of a temporary residence permit in the imperial capital is, but as the name suggests, he can still understand the meaning of this permit.

"I remember……"

Ian took a sip of tea. He opened his mouth and said slowly, "It shouldn't be difficult to get a temporary residence permit, right? The town seems to be rich. Although there are a lot of people, everyone should be able to get it..."

He didn't know the conditions of the temporary residence permit, he just used such words to induce him.

The mayor raised his head and gave Ian a complicated look. But after noticing Ian's age, he shook his head helplessly: "Knight...you...oh, it's too simple..."

"It's really not difficult to get a temporary residence permit. If you have a stable housing and a job, you can apply for it. The problem is that it is really difficult to enter the imperial capital."

The old man also picked up the teacup and took a sip. He turned his head and looked out the window where he could vaguely see the sky of the imperial capital, and muttered to himself, "I have given birth to a few good-willed children, and only then did I get the permanent residence permit. ...but most people need to manage every layer when they enter the imperial capital, which is not a small sum of money...Occasionally, it is only necessary to do it once during a major review, once every six months..."

"It is said that the first emperor... In the era of the Black King, everyone could enter and leave the imperial capital freely, but after the turmoil in the foggy moon, the big men above were probably afraid of another surprise attack by unknown troops, so the policy was a lot stricter, and it would take more than ten times to get the certificate. …”

The old mayor babbled, and Ian responded with approval every now and then.

He also gradually understood what was going on with the temporary residence permit.

After the Dark Moon turmoil, during the period when Earth Keeper Axel settled in the imperial capital, because the imperial capital was more than half damaged and the defense circle had not been fully repaired, a large number of people from the surrounding provinces and cities were concentrated around the imperial capital to repair the city’s buildings. At the same time, it also supplemented the population lost due to the civil war in the surrounding cities and towns of the imperial capital.

Due to a large number of population supplements from other places, as well as the heirs of the great nobles and their vassals who were forcibly relocated, the population composition of the imperial capital has become mixed, and there have also been many espionage activities by spies and saboteurs from other countries. a small loss.

At the same time, because the old central aristocracy headed by the Black King was basically wiped out, the local aristocrats in all sides began to gradually disobey orders.

Therefore, under the command of Axel, the imperial capital took two different measures against ordinary people and nobles.

For ordinary people, there are two sets of standard identification. The permanent residence permit and the temporary residence permit represent the right to live around the imperial capital and enjoy related policy benefits... If nothing else, at least the weather around the imperial capital is good, and there will be occasional droughts for a few days, and artificial rainfall will be solved.

If you can become a resident of the imperial capital, even the residents of the surrounding villages and towns of the imperial capital do not have to worry about the harvest and food and clothing.

For nobles, it is to send a 'residency permit'.

In other words, forced migration.

Aristocrats who have obtained residence permits can move their families and even related squires to the imperial capital or its surrounding areas, enjoying the privileges of the imperial capital and the guarantee of absolute 'safety'.

At the same time, the relevant nobles must also contribute their strengths, as the nails to protect the imperial capital, to resist the army of the flying flames that may come at any time.

The Imperial Capital is located in the plain area not far from the northeast of the Far Flame Great Desert. With the mobility of the knights and sublimators, if they cross the border area fortress, it will not take long to invade the central area.

Of course, the nobles don't have to come... but if they don't come, there will be consequences. Axel has taken over an empire that is almost paralyzed and can still defend the country. He is not a gentle and kind person. He brought the Eastern Territory Iron Cavalry and confronted the Cangtian Royal Court. The emperors born in the military group did not mind letting their heads be buried in the imperial capital.

If you don't come, you will end up not coming, and if you come, there are advantages to coming.

At present, of the fifteen large satellite cities surrounding the imperial capital, the city owners are all nobles or their descendants who have moved to the surrounding areas of the imperial capital... Compared with their local emperor-like rights, there are a lot more people who can control them now. The big man is indeed a place that is not suitable.

But it is precisely because they are close to the imperial capital that they can also touch the essence and center of the Terra civilization in the true sense.

"It's actually like this..."

Ian nodded slightly, and he said thoughtfully: "The latter system of relocation is actually quite good... A batch of new wealth and population were gathered around the imperial capital for digestion and transformation, and the local tyrants were also eliminated. , the contradiction is subsided... Although it is only a temporary solution, but it is very effective."

——Compared to an emperor like Axel who grabbed the nobles to cut leeks, how could the Black King be considered a tyrant.

"The truth is this. It is said that the Black King also planned to do the same back then. His Majesty modified it a little and used it, but it's just a folk rumor."

The old mayor nodded, and he frowned: "I know that these policies must have their purpose, and they must have been good at the beginning, but... the imperial capital has been peaceful for so long, and the temporary residence permit should have been abolished long ago. what."

"It's been decades, how can it continue..."

——Because the relevant vested interest groups have not been eliminated.

Ian didn't say this, he just stared at the clean wooden table in front of him.

Since a policy is proposed, it must have its reasons. In order to ensure the safety of the imperial capital, the permanent residence permit and the temporary residence permit two sets of identity review systems can indeed eliminate most foreign spies and spies.

But how do the implementers later distort, convert it, or forcefully maintain a policy that should have been banned long ago... Then it has nothing to do with the policy itself, and it also causes great trouble for people's livelihood, and it is more related to certain interests The madness of the people.

He knew it, and Ian knew it. But now...not the time to say that.

About half an hour later, Aunt Julia came laughing and carrying a large plate of apple pie, the grid-shaped light golden fruit tart exuding a tangy aroma, bulging and looking very real.

Even the outermost layer is drizzled with a layer of translucent amber-colored jam, which is particularly attractive in both color and fragrance.

"It looks delicious, thank you so much!"

Ian smiled and thanked him. He was not polite. At the invitation of the mayor, he picked up a sliced ​​apple pie and ate it.

With one bite, Ian raised his brows slightly, then separated it and handed it to Hua An and Frost Butterfly.

The two goblins took a bite and smiled.

The pie is soft and hard, and the inside is soft and delicious. The sweetness and fruit aroma are all just right, and it is enough to be called a delicacy.

It seems that Aunt Julia, as a cook, is really good at it!

Seeing Ian eating seriously, even the old mayor who had been frowning couldn't help but smile, and Aunt Julia laughed even more.

But at this moment, a slightly frantic knock on the door interrupted the calm atmosphere.

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