Above The Sky

Chapter 319 Welcome Home (33)

Until the end, the soldiers on the 'Privateer' failed to board the clipper driven by Sai Nan.

When Ian came back, he was treated like a hero, or rather, he was a real hero.

With the power of one person and the assistance of at most one comrade in arms, the sharks alone blocked the raid of an entire battleship. How can ordinary people do such behavior?

Regardless of the somewhat exaggerated sailor's praise, even the White Mist Bishop who returned after repelling the armor thought that Ian's speed in taking down the frigate was a bit astonishing.

"Although it is not uncommon for a single person to win a ship, at your age, this speed can be said to be a miracle - even among the many great pirates and legendary captains across the stormy ocean today, there are not many such deeds. ."

Shark did not go far, but continued to advance with the sailboat until the outline of Harrison Harbor could be vaguely seen ahead, and the South Sea Fleet of the Nineteenth Legion of the Empire also began to move towards the sailboat to escort the sailboat before quietly leaving under Ian's instructions. .

Two destroyers flying the Imperial flag approached, protecting the clipper back to port.

They were supposed to help the ships that might have been 'attacked' to get rid of the privateer in the Flaming Land, but they were surprised to find that the target they were supposed to protect not only needed no rescue, but was even harmless.

After knowing that the enemy had lost the ability to pursue, the commander of this rescue operation, Baron Gwen, couldn't believe it was true.

In particular, the nominal heroes were Ian and Isengard, two fourteen-year-olds, and the others cheered and cheered.

- He was still playing hide and seek with the maid when he was fourteen!

Baron Gwen was really puzzled, and Isengard was nothing more than that. It is normal to have this strength, and it is not surprising that the credit is given to the children of the Marquis, but Ian...

According to the information given by Viscount Grant, isn't he an alchemist and appraiser? How is it so powerful?

But in the face of Master Gosser's assurance, he had to believe it even if he didn't believe it, let alone theoretically wouldn't lie at all. Even if he did, he definitely wasn't the Bishop Baiwu who lied about such trivial matters.

"We will send other warships as soon as possible to try to capture those 'priver ships' that are anchored."

He assured so, and then passed the message back to the port and the Viscount as soon as possible.

The South China Sea is still shrouded in storms, and the changes in the large relics have an all-round impact on the climate. For at least half a month, this abnormal climate will continue... But the big storm will never appear again.

The three warships cut through the fog and waves and sailed on the sea at a steady speed that was neither too fast nor too slow. After a while, they completely entered the offshore waters of Port Harrison.

Here, the Viscount's mansion and the alchemy center in the new city can already be seen from a distance. The thunder lights are pulled down from the rain clouds in the sky by the power engine and flow into the heart of the alchemy workshop.

This scene, if it is the first time to see it, must be quite shocking, but after watching it for three or four years, any Harrison Hong Konger will only feel familiar and accustomed to it, and even an inexplicable peace of mind.

After all, as long as there is thunder, the water in public baths can be a little hotter.

There were bursts of cheers from the sailors on the speedboat, and even the Frost Butterfly threw a little, briefly leaving Ian's hair. , I don't know what it's happy about.

As the ship continued to move forward, the outline of a huge fleet appeared behind the rain screen, and when the outline became clear, Ian could see clearly that it was the South China Sea Fleet stationed in Nauru City on weekdays-these The huge ironclad seems to have just experienced a battle, and is now being refurbished and replenished in the port.

At the port, many people are also waiting.

Just as the people on the boat gazed expectantly at the landing, the people on the land looked eagerly to the sea.

Finally home--

Even though he has always been as calm as Ian, he can't help but breathe a sigh of relief at this moment, his expression is much more relaxed, not to mention Isengard.

The straight figure of the blond boy who was standing on the side of the ship swayed slightly, as if he was about to fall down immediately, but fortunately he woke up immediately after a dizziness, and firmly grasped the side of the ship.

Otherwise, he may well fall into the sea and make a fool of himself before returning to the port.

Even Master Gosser touched his beard, and the old man had a sense of alienation on his face - as an alchemist, he has not had many similar exciting experiences over the years.

If there are not too many things that cannot be revealed and cannot be explained during the trip to the Great Relics of the South China Sea, he would like to write all this into a book, or write it into his autobiography, which will definitely sell well.

As for Andor, who has been trying to make himself as transparent as possible...but he started to tremble.

Up to now, whether it is life or death, it is no longer his turn to dominate—

"don’t worry."

It seems that he sensed the fear of the other party, and the hidden trace of 'relaxation' hidden under the fear, Ian turned his head and looked at the elf pirate captain.

He smiled and nodded at the other party - although this smile made Andor feel even more uneasy - and said softly: "Next, as long as you don't leave Master Gosey and them, you will not be in danger."

"But don't even think about escaping. In that case, you will surely die."

"I know I know--"

Andor nodded quickly, how could he not know this truth? The pirate captain wanted to continue to reassure, but found that Ian did not continue talking to him, but looked at the dock.

The young man saw a stocky old man standing on the trestle, waiting for the ship to dock.

Elder Pude's face was originally as heavy as charcoal, but when he really saw that Ian had no arms or legs, and waved to him with a smile on the side of the boat, he couldn't help showing a sigh of relief.

Perhaps even the old man himself didn't know it, and he laughed just as well.

And the white-haired boy who was holding hands by the old man opened his purple eyes wide, and he also waved happily to his brother. This scene also made Ian laugh unwittingly.

Isengard noticed this, and he laughed at first, too, delighted at this rather rare side of Ian, as well as the joy of his own comrade-in-arms.

After all, whether in the ruins or in the city, Ian has always been strategizing, seems to be in control of everything, and is so calm that he doesn't seem to have any expressions other than expressionless.

But this smile proves that even if it looks like an Ian who only thinks rationally and chooses the 'right option', it is still a living human being with a family and relatives.

Isengard felt as if he understood Ian a little better.

But then, recalling the source of all these thrilling adventures, his uncle, the aristocratic boy, fell into a dazed silence, not knowing what he should think in order not to hurt his heart.

"To be honest, Ethan, although it might sound a little ugly."

At this moment, Ian turned his head sideways, and he noticed Isengard's low mood.

He stretched out his hand and patted Isengard on the back - this is a rare occasion for Ian to take the initiative to contact other people to express his recognition of others.

The boy said seriously: "You can't figure out the truth like this... Whether it's your uncle's actions or your grandfather's plan, it's absolutely impossible to hide from them in your current state."

Isengard's body trembled, he slowly raised his head and looked at Ian.

Ian said lightly: "I understand how you feel now, you seem to feel that you have no relatives you can trust, and your uncle wants to kill himself-although he said it is for your own good-father has a hard time with all this. The silence of understanding, and does the mother know about the grandfather's plan? And what plans does our majesty the earth-keeper have for your Ellen family?"

"You feel that although you are an aristocrat, you have nothing to really rely on... You seem to be more powerless and confused than any young child playing on the street."

"You're even terrified - you don't want to let this sailing ship dock, because once this ship does, you're going to get out of a grand and wonderful adventure and go back to your family of intrigue and betrayal... …You are not afraid of a crisis that will kill you, but you are afraid of a home that is cold and emotionless.”

"And you already know the truth, you can no longer be like the past, stupidly unaware of all malicious eyes."

Isengard's breathing quickened, he gritted his teeth and looked at Ian, those lake green eyes full of daze mixed with anger.

The anger wasn't at Ian, it was at himself...

to the still fearful self.

But he still gritted his teeth unwillingly and whispered: "I understand everything you said, Ian, I'm not a fool! I understand everything!"

"But what can I do? Yeah, the adventure is over, you can go home now, but where can I go..."

His tone became desolate: "...Where can I go?"

"It's because you're smart that you can't deceive yourself, so you're miserable."

Ian stared at the blond boy whose tone suddenly dropped in front of him, he pondered for a while, and then said: "Listen, Ethan, Patrick told me the truth before he died, things may not be as bad as you think, but also It's really scary enough - you don't have to worry about not being able to go home, but also be careful of other people's deception and betrayal."

Ian said seriously: "If you are willing to believe me, then after returning to shore, when the turmoil of this matter is over, let's find a secluded place to talk about it."

"At that time, it is estimated that you will calm down and think about countermeasures."

"I can help with some advice, if you're willing to believe it."

Isengard raised his head, his eyes widened.

-Why are you helping me?

"It's not my turn to want to help you." The corners of Ian's mouth twitched, he knew what the other party was thinking, Isengard has made rapid progress in terms of human worldliness, but the micro-expression on his face is still the same as Ming said.

The boy shook his head deliberately and sighed: "But I have actually helped you before - I think the guys you are going to face are probably not the ones who can listen to explanations, and I have chosen sides from the very beginning. "

"Not to mention, if I want to go a step further and reproduce the glory of the family in the future, I will definitely need the help of others. I think we are in the same camp from now on."

"Instead of thinking about why, you might as well think more about how much you should pay to be worthy of my help to you."

Isengard stared blankly at his peers in front of him. For some reason, when the other party said they would help him, he suddenly felt a lot more at ease.

——If Ian helped me...

Then perhaps, there are many problems, it is no longer a problem.

The ship has docked.

"You're shocked, this is our dereliction of duty!"

Isengard and Master Gosse are being visited by the South Sea Fleet Commander. As nobles and well-known alchemists in the imperial capital, they obviously have other entertainment to deal with.

And Ian got off the boat smoothly, and then strode towards Ellen and Elder Purd.

"Hey—Little Fatty!" He stretched out his hand with a chuckle, and hugged Ailan, who was trotting all the way, and Ian jokingly made fun of the little boy who seemed a little heavy because of the steel frame: "Why is it getting heavier? Did you eat too much at Elder Pude?"

"Brother, I'm not fat!"

This remark obviously aroused Elan's dissatisfaction: "Also, Grandpa Pude can't cook! His family's dishes taste average!"

With a laugh, Ian just like that, hugging Elan and looking at the white-haired old man standing silently in front of him.


The boy said sincerely, "I'm back."

Elder Pude wanted to rebuke something, but at the moment he couldn't say anything.

After taking a deep breath, the old man sighed and shook his head and said, "You brat who is not afraid of death... that's all, just be safe."

"Welcome back."

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