Above The Sky

Chapter 320 Crystal Hand (13)

Perhaps it was a peculiar coincidence, or this sudden South China Sea storm was originally an anomaly caused by the changes in the ruins.

After Yin En and others returned to Port Harrison, the rainstorm gradually stopped.

The rain screen became sparse, and the thick clouds gradually separated, revealing the golden sunlight behind them.

When everyone saw beams of light falling from the sky in the South China Sea, they suddenly remembered that the time was still noon, but the cloudy and gloomy weather without the sun for several days made it impossible for them to accurately grasp the accuracy of the time.

After disembarking, Yin En was immediately dragged by Elder Pude to the Elder Hall of Bai Zhimin.

In theory, Yin En, who had just returned from the maze, had to be questioned by the Nineteenth Legion as soon as possible. After all, it was involved in a large maze of this level. If nothing else, a non-disclosure agreement must be signed.

But the regime of the empire means that it is basically impossible for 'theory' to appear, and 'special cases' are everywhere.

Not to mention that Master Gosey has specially instructed 'don't disturb other young people', they are too lazy to ask for trouble...

Even if there are serious people who have to ask about the situation.

In theory, Yin En is the official sublimator registered in the book, the first energy level, divided under the command of Viscount Grant, the Governor of Port Harrison of Nanling, who is the 'full-time appraiser of City Hall' and the 'official alchemist of Port Harrison', A genius psionicist, with a local chamber of commerce of the white people under his name, a real snake figure.

With his specifications, a person at the chief official level would personally preside over the inquiry process, and he had to offer refreshments and incense, so that it was in line with etiquette.

If it's normal, it's fine - now almost all the high-level executives are greeting Master Gosser and Isengard, where is the time to find Yin En.

Going back and giving a report is interesting, everyone is busy, and without the Imperial Capital Supervisor and the Patrol Knights, who would like to work really hard.

After all, how much did the imperial capital give? It's worth it for them to have nothing to do and cause trouble to other sublimators and local supernatural beings.

"I won't ask about the specific situation. You can tell me something I need to know later, so that I can give the Viscount an explanation."

In the elder's hall, Elder Pude put down his umbrella, untied his coat that had been soaked in rain, and hung it on a hanger beside him: "Now, go take a shower... I can't smell it, and my body is full of blood."

He put on a long robe, then took out a change of clothes and handed it to Yin En: "I don't care, don't make Ellen uncomfortable."


Carrying Elan all the way back, he asked him if he had eaten well in the past few days, and whether he had completed his daily homework or not, Yin En was slightly startled.

He really forgot about the smell of blood - there are so many people and beasts that he has killed in the ruins in the past few days, and he is indeed a little numb.

But if you think about it carefully, not long ago he killed more than a dozen Flying Flames Marines, so it's not surprising that the smell of blood is heavy.

The teenager lowered his head and looked at his brother who was winking at him: "Does it smell bad? Remember to say it."

"No way!" And the boy replied confidently: "I can't smell it!"

Yin En pondered for a moment. He remembered that Elan's sluggish perception had improved a lot in recent years. Although his sense of smell was still somewhat insensitive, he should be able to sense the smell of blood.

Elder Pude said angrily: "Okay, even if you are full of smelly fish, Elan won't say it smells bad. Go take a bath and tell me what you want to eat. There must have been nothing in the ruins in the past few days. Are you eating?"

"I didn't eat at all." Yin En put down the obedient Ailan, then picked up a change of clothes, and prepared to go to the bathroom: "But I drank a lot of stamina potions. Thanks to Master Gosser, I drank at least a hundred thalers. ."

"Physical strength medicine..."

Elder Pude obviously understands what this means, after all, he was also a member of the imperial family back then.

The old man repeated it in a complicated tone, then shook his head and said, "If that's the case, then I'll order more dishes."

The bathroom on the second floor is usually used by Elder Pude himself. In recent years, a hot spring bath has been added, which can be regarded as imitating the public bathhouse in the new city. The bottom of the cobblestone bath even has the function of massaging the soles of the feet, which is very popular among the elderly. welcome.

Although no one would say anything after soaking for a while, Yoon Eun wouldn't really take a bath when his family was waiting for him to eat - he turned on the water pipe to rinse his body.


The water poured down.

It has to be said that the Viscount's construction over the years has indeed yielded results. Although the hot water supplied by the waste heat from the alchemy furnace has not spread throughout Port Harrison, at least 80% of the residential area can use it.

From the perspective of a leader, Viscount Grant is a very good lord.

He does make his territory better and better. Although he can't take into account everyone, and his own enjoyment is a priority, he will indeed fight for the future of the people.

But people are not perfect. As Patrick said before his death, his friend was not very ambitious. If there were no accidents, perhaps the Viscount would try to build Harrison Harbor better in his life... But if he had If he has a greater ambition, then he will do his best to serve that ambition.

Whether targeting the relics or the natives, Ayers Grant has the means and perseverance to achieve his goals.

"This hand..."

Yin En washed very quickly, it would be better to say that his body was not much dirty at first - most of his blood was stained on his clothes, and the youth's body was protected by the source quality, and even swords could not be added to his body, not to mention Mere dirt? He washes his body and hair, not so much cleaning, but a sense of ritual, a habit.

At this time, he can think more clearly about some issues.

Drying his body with a bath towel, when Yoon Eun was about to change into clean clothes, he saw his left arm.

Left arm fused with Morion Steel and Tinder Heart.

This left arm now has a special crystalline jade texture, especially on the forearm, which is like a pure white jade with cyan metallic patterns etched on it. .

No, it's not cyan, but the translucent texture of Morin Steel - just because of the penetration of Yin En's Elementium, it appears light cyan.

This arm is very heavy, causing Yin En's center of gravity to shift slightly, but this is not a big problem. The sublimator has to adapt to the changes brought about by these special body structures. It can't be adapted, so don't fight in the future. .

As for the appearance, Yin En has a set of alchemy gloves, which can cover this part, but the blue lines on the upper arms and shoulders can't cover it... but generally no one cares too much.

In Terra, both inscriptions and warmarks are common, especially in this frontier area with an indigenous cultural atmosphere.

The only problem is...

"Does this count as my fourth first-level sublimation organ?"

Facing the mirror, Yin En frowned and pointed at several of his sublimation organs in the mirror: "Liver - Sand Armor Rock Core, Thymus - Heart of Fertile Earth, Crest Bone - Net Rock Crystal Bone."

"On the silver chip, the Wave Chanter's 'Tide Orb' and the 'Law of the Wave'—plus the 'Fairy Wing' that transfers the blood of the fairies, my six sublimation structures are the ones that I am more than ordinary. Sublimer's more powerful capital."

"But I can still be stronger - whether it's repairing the ancient dragon core left by my teacher, trying to convert it into a goblin bloodline, or the fourth sand armor apprentice's sublimation organ, I can become stronger."

Only the strength beyond the limit can forge the road to the sixth energy level step by step.

Of course, in the future, Yin En believes that he can definitely find a more convenient way to the sixth energy level... He believes that the sixth energy level is not as complicated and difficult as the teacher imagined, and he has to get through the five limits Organs can advance to the realm of extremes.

There must be a key trick that allows the fifth energy level to step on the sixth energy level smoothly, and also makes the road to the fifth energy level smoother.

But because they have no one before and no one in the foreseeable future, they can only try.

This is the meaning of inheritance, and the meaning of 'pioneering'.

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