Above The Sky

Chapter 318 Kill People, Create Ships! (23)

For the 'private ship' of the Flying Flame Land, in less than ten seconds, things went out of control.

Without the sublime's obstruction, even the regular navy would be like a sheep in the mouth when facing Ian.

After all, they are facing a special case where they can face the second energy level head-on, and the combat power is beyond common sense.

If you want to stop him, you can. But at the very least, a team of eight who cooperated tacitly.

But where did the eight come from?

Even the number of ascendants in the army cannot be everywhere. The brilliance of the five thousand patrolling swordsmen in Whale Song Cliff is to fight against the once-in-a-hundred-year-old Kuroshio. Song Ya was completely disarmed, and only the regular establishment of 700 patrollers was maintained.

Of course, this does not mean that the entire navy has only 700 sublimators. In fact, the number is more than several times. However, the calculation methods of the main battle elite and auxiliary troops are different, and half a producer and a full-time professional sublimation soldier cannot be generalized.

It is naturally impossible for Feiyandi to be stronger than Whale Song Cliff in the navy. There are two battle sublimators and three naval battle armors on the two high-speed warships. This is already quite a powerful force. From the commander's point of view, the two A frigate, three armors, and two sublimators are enough to suppress the White Mist Bishop, the seriously wounded Master Gosse, and the two young men Isengard and Ian.

In the end, I never thought that a frigate was almost sunk in the middle. It was hard to say whether the three armors could entangle Bishop Baiwu. At least the remaining frigate seemed to be unable to stop Ian alone.

However, after this riot, the Ascender of the Flying Flame Land finally understood the situation and dispatched to prevent the situation from getting worse.

"Captain, left!" Someone called out loudly, not only to the captain, but also to Ian.

The teenager raised his head, and he saw an explosion suddenly occurred at the bridge on his right, and then a huge figure flew out from the explosion.

This 'captain' is incomparably tall, almost like a muscle tank, and his body is flashing with a light blue wind attribute, and the gust of wind is supercharged, providing him with a huge strength that exceeds this burly physique.

The weapon he was holding was a long stick full of rivets inscribed with inscriptions. Ian couldn't see the specific inscription structure for a short time, but he could see some inscriptions related to fire and heating.

Knock this stick down and it should explode.

"A special weapon?"

Ian didn't plan to resist at all, even though he was a sand armor apprentice, and it seemed that everyone could see this, but he didn't plan to expose it here.

The young man stomped his feet suddenly, and the whole body turned to the side and rose into the sky, avoiding the condescending surprise of the other party.


The metal long stick in the captain's hand slammed heavily on the deck, and a violent high-heat air expansion heated the surrounding water mist, creating a huge explosion - the deck of the ship was directly smashed by this stick, and a large hole appeared. on the surface of the ship.

Ian was also secretly startled by this power. It was not that he couldn't stop it, but he never thought that the "strengthening" of the wind attribute could actually make a first energy level burst with the power of an alchemy cannonball.

Coupled with the explosion inscription, being hit by this stick, even he can only reveal his true strength.

——Don't underestimate other sublimators.

With such thoughts in mind, Ian, who was turning in mid-air and dodging the enemy's firearms, shouted, "Isen!"

On the sailboat, the blond boy held the 'water gun' delivered to him before Ian jumped.

With his ingenuity, he quickly learned how to use this simple inscription weapon, and has been waiting for the opportunity since then.

Now, with a call from Ian, he raised his water gun and aimed at Captain Blaze not far away.

- Zi - collapse!

With a bang, a dark flame spewed out from the water gun in Isengard's hand, and the blood-colored dim fire column extended forward with high pressure, crossed the rain curtain, penetrated the water vapor, and streaked in the air with a slight arc. the line of fire.

The line of fire hit the captain's right arm, which was protected by layers of wind shields. At first, the flaming sublimator didn't care, but he soon realized that something was wrong.

——This flame will erode the source substance? !

Because it wasn't Ian himself who tried the power boosting excitation of the Wanderer and the Fairy Wings himself, but Yisen used the essentia to stimulate the supercharging inscription, so the impact of the fire column was quickly blocked, but the lethality of the fire was Ian's current The most sinister one I've ever seen.

Even the flesh and blood of the mother's nest will be corroded by the blood of Isengard, let alone an ordinary sublimator in the land of flames?

With just one breath, the right arm that was hit by the black flames was burned through the flesh, pierced from the side, and splashed toward the chest.

The captain's movements were interrupted, and Ian, who landed on the ship's board, struck again with two swords, beheading the surrounding navy.

At this moment, he noticed that the strength of his left arm, which was hosted by the tinder, had greatly increased, and the Morion steel fused with flesh and blood made the transmission and power of this hand grow by leaps and bounds.

Ian swung the sword with his left hand. The speed of the sword light was so fast that it was almost invisible. Even the bullets shot at him were cut open. In the flash of lightning, all the Flaming Soldiers who blocked between Ian and the captain had been killed. Beheading or cutting off limbs, causing the blood to fill the fog.

The white-haired boy shrouded in the blood mist slashed the ground with his long sword, and cut the ship's board up.

With a flick of the wrist, the water mist, carrying the shards of sturdy wood, sprayed away at the commanding captain, who was in awe, like the ammunition of a shotgun.

Bang bang bang! The captain, who lost an arm, lost his balance, and had difficulty moving quickly, could only raise his hand holding the long stick in front of his face, and then charged towards Ian.

The impact of the water flow, which is comparable to the power of a shotgun, bombarded the back of the opponent's hand. Most of the force was removed by the strong wind of the protective body, and there were not many wounds. The 'Lanjia Honey Badger' is such an extremely tough and powerful monster. The attack could not break his defense at all.

But it does have an effect, which can be seen from the fact that after the captain put down his hand covering his face, his face with a nosebleed was exposed.

He knew that he had made a mistake in not waiting for another high-speed frigate to coordinate the attack. The opponent's strength was far beyond everyone's imagination. Although the boy of the white people did not show strength beyond the first energy level, his swordsmanship was exquisite and cautious. , it is as if it has been honed for more than ten years.

That's why he had to attack with all his strength, because if he continued to fight, he who had lost an arm would only be drained of blood by the cautious opponent, and then he would be defeated without a fight.

But at this moment, he was surprised to see that Ian did not raise the wind-moving sword, but raised his empty left arm.

A dark blue source material condensed on his left arm, and the roaring sound of ocean waves sounded, making the cyan metal lines wrapped around the boy's left arm brighter one by one.

If Master Gosse was here, he would have noticed that the charging prelude of the Aether Crystal Dragon's breath was very similar to the light and dark rhythm of the light pattern on Ian's left arm today.

But all of this only happened in an instant, and the next thing was to throw a fist.

Just a left hook, wrapped in a mighty Origin Essence like a tidal wave, Ian's fist blasted away the captain's defense, and then the long sword clenched by his right palm was lifted from the bottom up to the ground.

The icy long sword cut through the flesh and blood, and the captain's charge was stopped. He staggered backwards, blood quietly overflowing under his feet.

In the end, he was thrown into a pool of blood on his back by the giant body that was divided in two, and the force of the corpse hitting the deck made everyone clearly feel a shock.

Ian also stared blankly at the corpse in front of him, then looked down at his left hand in disbelief.

--so smart?

But Ian didn't really stay in a daze, but jumped backwards and jumped into the sea in the shock of his own captain being beheaded in just ten seconds.

With the support of Fairy Wings, he flew back to the high-speed sailboat from the sea in less than five seconds.

Then, it's Shark's turn.


With the joyful shout of Shasha, the huge shock spread throughout the frigate's hull, and Sai Nan has set sail again.

And this time, there will be no more ships to catch up with them.

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