Above The Sky

Chapter 317 Rebound Gang (13)

The fiery country after the sand sea, the land of kings who respect blood, hospitality, and clear enmity, this is the Terra people's impression of the land of flames.

The kingdoms of flying flames are one of the oldest kingdoms and human gathering places on Terra. When the ancestors of Yuanyan built underground gathering places around water sources under the sandy soil and established the first kingdom, the predecessor of the empire, Se. The city-state of Taal has yet to start a war of conquest against the other human city-states on the plains of Quinor.

Today, the Flaming Land is no longer the residents who settled in the wilderness to avoid the heat, and even developed an extremely powerful navy, but their city still has many solid underground structures.

In addition, their main ethnic groups are the people of iron and the people of red, so the custom of fighting for water and arable land by force has disappeared for a long time, but the spirit has continued to this day, cultivating their tradition of advocating close combat.

Even this tradition is reflected at sea.

After the shelling, it didn't take long for two high-speed warships to appear on the other side of the rain screen. The moment the watcher found these warships, he was in a panic, because they were flying the flags of privateers that were close to pirates, and the ferocious blades. Whispering in the wind with skull flags.

Obviously, Fei Yandi is completely shameless, but the contradiction between the two countries is shameless, so this should be considered decisive.

"They're going to capture us!"

I don't know who said, this is indeed a correct judgment. The two high-speed warships came in a hurry, and it can be seen that they have given up their plans to sink them, but plan to rely on their advantages in speed and tonnage to stop them and capture them.

This situation makes most sailors look frustrated, and they don't think they can resist the professional navy.

This decadent state of mind, until a high-speed warship suddenly stopped in place after a melodious "bang" sound, and immediately began to tilt in the waves.

——I have to say, what else can boost morale more than a sudden fall and a mouthful of mud when an aggressive enemy rushes to chop him?

——Perhaps only when the aggressive enemy is rushing towards, and it is almost sunk by the passing big shark, can it be surpassed.

"Prepare to fight!"

Taking advantage of Shasha's success in stopping a battleship, Ian commanded loudly, and even the sailors who had not intended to resist took up arms.

'Fuck the fiery bastards of those sons of a bitch! ' 'After so many days of sealing the sea, I will blow you away! ’—As soon as the momentum arrived, this rough country slogan emerged immediately.

Just like the people of Flying Flames look down on the Empire, the people of the Empire also look down on Flying Flames, especially when the other party closed the sea during a good fishing season, and everyone had no money to earn or eat. This is really the revenge of killing father and mother. .

But the battle ended sooner than anyone thought.

Before the start of the battle, the high-speed warship in the blazing land released a large area of ​​gray-red fog. In this fog, there were groups of 'Kwai spiders', a kind of symbiotic relationship with the highly poisonous sea anemone. Marine arthropods, which can float in mid-air along the rain screen, will attack their targets in swarms.

Fireland's army is used to harassing the enemy before the jumping gang starts. The sunflower spider, which can create chaos and release toxins, is the perfect biological weapon. These small, colorful arthropods are only the size of a human fist and are clustered together, like It was a cloud of rosy red, and they swept toward the sailboat, like a sea wave rising in mid-air.

For a time, the sailors who had just summoned their courage almost surrendered again-the moment they saw these poisonous things with their teeth and claws all over the sky, they almost couldn't breathe, and their fingers clenching firearms and fishing guns turned white.

In an instant, the spider waves rushed down, and even a few sailors were so frightened that they slumped to the ground, almost not urinating.

"The use of high-risk biological weapons is strictly prohibited."

But at this moment, Bishop Bai Wu's steady voice sounded behind everyone: "Retreat."

He took a step forward, blue fluorescence lit up in his eyes, the old man raised his right hand, and pushed open the non-existent door and window smoothly, an invisible force twisted the wind and rain, forming a transparent wall in mid-air, Make the raindrops splash on the wall.

The group of sunflower spiders still wanted to get closer and hunt for fresh flesh, but the next moment they were pushed away by the huge invisible wall, and they rolled backwards and fell onto the Flaming Warship, causing bursts of exclamations from the opponent's ship.

Bishop Bai Wu didn't kill rashly, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't deal with those with malicious intentions.

But then, he did not continue to shoot, but his body flashed, and the whole person was submerged in the water. According to the information coordinates given by Ian before, he went to find those armored troubles that were lurking and intended to sink the ship.

And Ian immediately seized the opportunity, he held the long sword, a vertical leap, the fairy wings activated.

The teenager walked on the water in midair, almost like a white lightning bolt, and almost followed the rewinding Kwai spider colony to the enemy warship.

- Jump gang? Who will dance who will help!

Although he said that he was ready to fight, Ian never thought about fighting with people on the ship he was on. Let's not talk about how brave a group of sailors are, and it is impossible to compare the combat effectiveness with the navy. What if he could? When the ship is destroyed, as long as they can't force this group of flying flames to sail, they are destined to be captured by the main fleet that arrives later.

In that case, it is better to go to the opposite boat to catch a living, or kill a few more people.

"Someone is on board!"

An incredible voice came from the side of the warship: "It's a water attribute sublimator, goblin blood—"

Before he could finish speaking, Ian was already charging in his direction.

After the captain's wind-moving long sword activates the inscription, it can be combined with the holder's wind-type essentia to create wind-pressure saw teeth like a chainsaw cutter, which can easily smash the knight's armor, but Ian has no wind-type essentia. Just use it as a strong enough first-level iron sword.

But totally enough.

The sword light flickered, and an arc-shaped water wave lit up in the rain curtain. Ian ignored the neurotoxins released by the surrounding sunflower spiders.

No, not just lining up.

Instead, lasing in the direction of the blade!

The navy who released Kwai Spider had no power to resist Ian's sword. When the three of them touched the water, they flew backwards like being hit by a sledgehammer, and those who blocked the shock wave of the water The end was even more tragic-their heads were chopped off by Ian's sword, attracting the sky-flowering spiders to scream in excitement, gathering and gnawing in the direction of the blood and flesh.

From an outsider's point of view, it was like Ian swung out a sword, and Rain Mist and Kwai Spider obeyed his orders and ran along the direction of his sword.

Immediately after, Ian continued to charge.

Although his assault just now killed a few Flying Flames navy who didn't respond, he was also surrounded by others. The navy who had already prepared to jump into the gang had already drawn their weapons and surrounded them, and there were shooters in the rear. The starter was aimed at Ian.

But before they launched, Ian had disappeared from their sights.

And when they found Ian again, they found that he was actually leaning down and 'gliding' against the deck - it was too late.

The blind spot made the white-haired boy cross the line of defense and appear behind the shooter.

With a flash of sword light, the three shooters were chopped into two pieces, even with their guns.

Chunks of meat, blood, and fiery metal flew through the rain.

Only two cyan halos flickered indifferently on the dim deck.

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