Above The Sky

Chapter 316: Gang Jumping Is A Part Of Culture (33)

Inheriting the treasure is not a secret. In fact, the kings of the flame land are very happy to let his people and opponents know where their strength lies.

Or swords, weapons, or armor accessories... Different inheritances, the treasures are different, but they are all a complement and new interpretation of their inheritance.

The bloodline of the kings with the treasure of inheritance is the real complete body. The strength is far beyond the ordinary inheritance, and it is extremely stable, will not be distorted, and will not have the worry of the strong being broken, and the foundation is also the fourth energy level.

If there are only bloodlines and no treasures, the inheritance of the kings is actually not weak.

However, there are many abilities that cannot be used perfectly without the help of the treasure, with various flaws and deficiencies, as well as terrible sequelae.

Count Olbia is one of the many grandchildren of the contemporary Abbasalom Wild Sea King in terms of the origin of the blood of ordinary human beings, and even a very direct bloodline.

The bloodline of the 'Xiahai Emperor Kui' he holds is a genuine bloodline that may reach the fifth energy level.

In the empire or the royal court of heaven, this 'blood' alone is enough for him to be a royal blood descendant or a member of the heavenly family.

Even if you don't have the ability, you have to raise it.

But in the land of flying flames, because his strength is not enough, and his inheritance does not have the special bloodline changes and improvements that are worthy of being absorbed by the 'precious blood', he is not worthy of inheriting the treasure at all, so he can only be a vice admiral of a mobile fleet, or even not Father's last name is allowed.

But this time, Olbia sensed an opportunity for 'big credit' from the changes in the South China Sea Labyrinth.

A change in the psionic field is enough to shake the entire sea, and even the super-giant labyrinth in the outer sea?

In such a labyrinth, the resources, even the technologies and treasures of the pre-epoch civilization, must be very rich, even enough to make him, a 'forsaken' who was vaguely excluded from the center of power, a man who returned to the vision of his father and grandfather. Chance!

In particular, the alliance is currently pulling with the empire on the southeastern front. If he can put pressure on Nanling here, even if it does not succeed in the end, it can be regarded as a credit, and it can add some impression points.

But I didn't think about it, and before the plan was launched, there was a problem in the first step.

The previous artillery attack did not sink the enemy ship. How did it lose it when there was an armored stare?

[Sir, the enemy has an observation system psionicist who directly discovered my location! 】

A dull report came back from the lurking armor, and I could vaguely hear a hint of confusion: [Afterwards, I was forced to stop by the bishop of Huaiguang Church in Harrison Harbor, 'White Fog', and was warned that I could not continue to follow up! 】

"Bai Wu? Why is he there?"

The lieutenant was at a loss, but he didn't get the news: "What are the intelligence troops doing? The empire and the Huaiguang Church cooperated to explore the labyrinth, and such a big thing has appeared. Why haven't they sent back any information?"

It's not his fault either.

In fact, Viscount Grant, who is a native, doesn't know either.

Up to now, the lieutenant general has a look of embarrassment.

With the Huaiguang Church in the way, things would be difficult to handle.

Although the other party will not intervene in the disputes of various countries, the bombardment of 'theoretical private ships' on the high seas will definitely be blocked by the other party.

And as a result, they completely lost their 'name'.

You know, don't watch the Three Kingdoms Fleet aggressively confronting Viscount Grant and the South China Sea Fleet.

In fact, they are all here for 'disaster relief'.

Because of the astronomical changes caused by the initial opening of the labyrinth, people in a wide range were affected, their lives were affected, and even casualties were suffered.

Therefore, the fleets of various countries that are "just" right next to them, in the spirit of humanitarianism, came to try to rescue!

As for saving, saving, saving into the labyrinth, and then opening fire and fighting with others... Isn't that a normal thing? After all, it may happen that ordinary people who are affected by the natural disaster in the labyrinth enter the labyrinth, and it is also normal for labyrinth monsters to come to the outside world.

If someone dies, it is because of the accidental injury caused by defeating the monster in the labyrinth.

As long as it's not seen by a neutral third party, there's going to be bullshit about everything - even if the bullshit loses in the end, the matter is actually almost over. Find a temporary worker who takes the blame and bow and apologize. At most, you can get your head off. It's a trivial matter. That's it.

But the Huaiguang Church, or the Four Orthodox Churches, happens to be the 'third-party neutral force' that can control the nations.

With them, many means cannot be used.

That being the case, Lieutenant General Olbia had no other choice.

He had no choice but to lose face.


He called the messenger: "Let two high-speed ships change the flag of the privateer fleet. Send three more armors to entangle the white fog and hijack people."

"There's no way to let them die, then catch them alive."

Privateers are also a common method. Originally, it was a trick used by Far Shore Island to fight the Seven Cities Alliance. In recent years, it has become popular throughout the Terra Continent.

It may be relatively rare on the southern coast, but around the Northwest New World waterway, there are even more dogs than dogs.

After all, dogs don't go into the sea.

There, privateer fleets from various countries and real pirates became a pot of porridge, not to mention the endless sea monsters and overlord sea beasts.

After learning advanced experience, basically the navies of various countries will prepare some privateer flags, which are really easy to use when needed.

After giving this order, the lieutenant general began to wait for news.

Whether it was successful or not, he had at least worked hard—at least he could inspire Canaan Moore and Whalesong Cliff to make the same move, causing trouble for the Empire.

But sometimes, some things are indeed beyond people's expectations.

After some time, Lieutenant General Olbia received a report from the front-line fleet again.

And this report made him frown.


He stood up suspiciously, causing the other soldiers in the bridge to turn back - but Mr. Lieutenant General still said in an unbelievable tone: "Attack?"

"You were hit by an ironclad shark!?"

——Obviously, the really easy-to-use moves won’t get tired of using them a few times.

And for different enemies, every time is a surprise!

"It's enough to hit it, retreat quickly!"

On the other side of the sea, on the clipper, Yin En was happily instructing Shasha to retreat: "If you hit it again, the naval battle armor will surround it - let's go, it's enough!"


Although other people couldn't hear it, the shark did shout excitedly - it was obviously addicted, and it ran every time it hit it, it really made the shark want to stop!

However, after all, it is only an iron armored shark, not a steel armored shark, and it has not reached the level of roaming the sea, so it still obediently obeyed Yin En's instructions, escaped into the deep sea before the flaming armor closed, and disappeared.

On the other side of the sea, if you have the vision of the Ascendant, you can see that there are two high-speed ships in chaos.

Up to now, these navies with the flag of the privateers still can't believe that they were attacked by others before they launched the attack.

But this is the truth - just now, the 'White Pheasant' was attacked unexpectedly by the monsters in the water. If it wasn't for the place where the magical beast collided and not the ammunition depot, I am afraid that it would only take just one hit, and the White Pheasant would sink.

But even so, it was completely out of combat.

But the task must go on.

After a brief pause, the cooperating high-speed escort battleship 'White Oriole' chose to accelerate and hit the high-speed sailboat where Yin En and others were at an acute angle. It chose an excellent insertion angle and blocked Sai Nan Almost all circumvention is possible.

Without Yin En's reminder, Bishop Bai Wu also frowned and noticed the armor that was approaching from underwater.

"It's all right, Your Excellency."

Before Bishop Bai Wu spoke, Yin En said in advance: "You don't have to participate in the next battle, you just need to ensure the safety of the ship."

At this moment, the young man stared at the flying flames naval battleship that was approaching. He clenched the wind-moving long sword he had snatched from the captain, and even the goblin crawling on top of his head seemed to sense the tense atmosphere. He grabbed Yoon Eun's hair.

Next, is the field of the battle.

In other words, jump to help fight.

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