Above The Sky

Chapter 315 Shark, Save Me! (23)

Bishop Bai Wu is here, everyone can feel at ease.

With his combat power, as long as there are not several naval battle armors involved, or an etheric weapon comes over to face the enemy, otherwise, no one is likely to stop him.

But what is more disturbing is that, judging from the current situation of the forces gathered in Harrison Harbor, it is really not difficult to send a few armors to entangle the Bishop of White Mist.

"I'll inform the Viscount."

Bishop Bai Wu took out a silver metal pillar about the thickness of two fingers from his arms. He twisted it, and after confirming the frequency, he closed his eyes.

The halo of psionic energy lit up from behind his closed eyes, and silver-white arcs of light also lit up on the silver metal column.

"it is good."

After a while, the arc of light on the silver metal column dissipated, and Bishop Baiwu opened his eyes, and he calmly said: "The Viscount said that someone will come to pick us up soon, he, Canaan Moore and the fleet over the land of flames. There was a conflict, and now they are discussing with each other.”

Looking at the fireworks churning in the distance, Yin En understood.

Obviously, the parties involved in the exchange have fully exchanged views, but no consensus has been reached.

The next thing to do is to wait.

About an hour later, a sailboat surrounded by white fog appeared in everyone's eyes.

Yin En raised his head, he could be sure that this was the boat that came to pick them up, the white mist surrounding the sailboat was a hidden means made by Viscount Grant with his own abilities, and there was a familiar aura on the boat.

"Yin En! And all the adults!"

Sure enough, the next moment, a loud acquaintance's voice sounded in the storm: "Come up, the surrounding sea area is not peaceful!"

"It's Uncle Sai Nan."

Looking beyond the misty fog and the pouring rain, and locked on the white-haired captain, Yin En was taken aback for a moment, and then he laughed.

He could see that the captain of the clipper was Sai Nan, and the black-skinned uncle also had a little blue aura.

It seems that Elder Pude did indeed hand over the Wave Chanter potion he made to this 'acquaintance' and sent him as a response.

Sai Nan is not distorted, and there is no problem with the source of his body, which proves that his potion making skills are indeed quite mature. Next, he can try further experiments.

No extra bullshit, everyone boarded the boat.

Surrounded by water mist, the fast ship set sail again, and the two wave chants exerted their power to make it faster, so that even an ironclad ship could not catch up with it and headed back towards the port.

However, in the distant sea.

A naval battle armor has been lurking, watching.

[Coordinate u area 1285, 245, first-level status, the target has been determined]

[Start to guide the artillery fire]

Obviously, everyone who just left the ruins is still in excitement and emotion. Although they know that the ruins have been surrounded by multinational fleets, they want to predict the typical values ​​of the Flying Flame Fleet's 'destruction if you don't get it'. The enemy's actions are still somewhat difficult.

Except for Yoon Eun.

The first time after boarding the fast sailboat driven by Uncle Sai Nan, Yin En noticed something was wrong.

——How come all the people in the boat are scarlet except for a few sublimators around him?

Even the frost butterfly on the top of his head appeared scarlet... This is a primitive goblin protected by his power, how could it be so fragile?

Thinking of the surrounding artillery fire, he immediately thought of several possibilities.

Coupled with the special teams of Flying Flames that he had encountered in the ruins, the boy felt that he already understood the fighting culture of Flying Flames.

"Uncle Sai Nan, turn around!"

There was a cyan halo in Yin En's eyes, without any hesitation, before he could accept the warm-up tea offered by several crew members, he directly shouted: "Left - no, right! Full speed towards the right sea area, no, no, Rotate and maneuver forward!"

In just one sentence, the boy changed several orders through the mist on the surrounding crew.

If it were another normal captain, let alone obeying Yin En's orders, even if he did, how could he understand what Yin En meant for a while?

But Sai Nan is an old acquaintance who has been with Yoon Eun for so many years.

He didn't think at all, and accepted the boy's instructions with an empty mind, and repeated loudly: "Okay! The sea on the right is maneuvering forward!"

At the time, under Sai Nan's instruction, the sails creaked and spun in the rotation of the inscription machine, and the entire high-speed sailboat began to rotate and maneuver with an extremely difficult attitude, leaving a long white line on the sea. The waves, the turn deviates from the original route.

No one could react, how could these two white people suddenly start such a strange encrypted call.

A rather unlikely guess even popped up in the hearts of the crew members who were not very familiar with Yin En and Sai Nan.

——Yin En and Sai Nan are both spies. What they are doing now is to abduct Master Gosser and Isengard and others to the fleets of other forces and capture them!

This was indeed a very imaginative guess, but soon, the facts told them that they were indeed thinking too much.

Because artillery fire fell from the sky.

Rumble rumble--! !

Accompanied by the tearing sound of the rain curtain and the waves being penetrated, there was a loud noise like the sky and the earth cracking. I saw a trail of scarlet artillery shells falling like a meteor, falling in the direction the ship was originally going to travel, one after another huge waves and shock waves. The speed came, causing the sailboat to shake violently, as if it were about to fall apart.

This is not the end, because the artillery is a covering blow, and the denser artillery fire falls one after another with a piercing scream, making all the crew's faces turn pale.

"What's next!"

In the thunderous explosion, Sai Nan's black face was as white as his own hair, and he roared bitterly: "Someone must be reporting to the fleet!"

He had to roar, otherwise his voice would be overwhelmed by the roar of the thick shells, not to mention the shock waves that were still beating the side of the ship like a wave, making it difficult for him to control the direction.

Not only that, some crew members with poor physical fitness have even been lying on the deck and foaming at the mouth. Their internal organs have been impacted, and even their vision has been blurred by the violent vibration, and the whole person feels like the world is spinning.

The navy's artillery firepower is still a little too powerful for ordinary fishermen and sailors like them.

On the sea, the flames radiated radiance and radiance to each other, as if a bouquet of flames had been ignited on the sea, and under the rain curtain, a circular explosion circle had taken shape.

"What else can I do? Accelerate in a straight line!"

In response, Yin En also responded loudly, his voice was obviously not as exhausted as Sai Nan's, but it seemed to be poured directly into everyone's brains, like a church bell: "Don't worry about that armor, I'll find a way to solve it. it!"

After he finished speaking, he took a deep breath, raised his left hand, and called out, "Shark!"

"Save me!"

Buzzing, the feeling of current flowing flashed by.


The authority of the master of the labyrinth was passed back to the inside of the ruins, and the shark, who was swimming in the crystal lake at the moment, suddenly felt a sense.

If someone else gave it this kind of feeling, it would definitely think it was an illusion.

Of course, because of Yin En's reason, Shasha immediately dispatched without hesitation!

Outside, there were turbulent waves, violent storms, and the entire South China Sea was gloomy and gloomy. Even the sea and the sky were glued together by continuous clouds, with only a few flashes of lightning piercing the air.

But at this moment, one after another man-made lightning is being created one after another in a fleet.

On the huge high-speed battleship, the triple-mounted giant heavy artillery is spewing lightning flames that are dozens of meters long.

In the roar of Haitian's roaring filial piety, King Fei Yandi belongs to the second legion, on the flagship of the Storm Ocean Fleet 'Nanguang'.

The Vice Admiral Count Olbia, who received the report from the front line, frowned.

"No wreck? Are they actually wary of turning?"

"What, you lost it?! How is it possible!"

The lieutenant general seemed unable to accept this possibility, and seemed very anxious: "What's going on?"

No wonder he couldn't hold his breath.

After all, it is said that it is an earl, but in fact, Olbia's identity is not so honorable.

The aristocracy of the kingdoms of the flames is very different from that of the empire or other countries.

Whether it is Abbasalom or Nemathas, only the direct bloodlines of the kings are recognized as 'noble blood' and are truly nobles.

While other ascendants can hold power and hold titles, they cannot be hereditary. The so-called titles are just social classes tied to official positions.

The Earl of Olbia sounded very noble, but in fact, he was just a senior worker.

This system sounds very strange, and it seems to be very unfriendly to the sublime, but within the kingdoms of flying flames, the society is very stable.

After all, as long as they have enough strength and ability, anyone can have the title of title, and even have the opportunity to marry with the 'precious blood', strengthen the bloodline of their descendants, and even get the right to inherit the throne!

Simply put, the upward channel is very smooth.

In addition to being difficult to reach the top, an ordinary person can theoretically be below one person and above ten thousand people through struggle.

If you are lucky, maybe your descendants will become one of the kings?

After all, in the true sense of the noble blood, after all, only the kings themselves and the first generation of children who inherited their bloodline power.

In the second generation and beyond, if they have sufficient strength and merit, they may still be recognized as the 'offspring' of the contemporary 'king' and have the right to inherit the throne.

But if there is not enough bloodline purity and ability, even noble blood will be demoted to civilians, become ordinary sublimators, or even ordinary people.

This peculiar aristocratic system, in essence, originated from the special inheritance of the kings of the Flying Flame Land.

Their special bloodline inheritance requires not only bloodlines, but also a kind of 'inheritance treasure' that is passed down from generation to generation.

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