Above The Sky

Chapter 314 Approaching Artillery Fire (13)

In the open waters of the South China Sea, around the unnamed islands and reefs around the Odell Reef Group.

A world completely surrounded by water.

This is a hidden ocean blue hole. In the center of the reefs, there is a suddenly deep dark sea area. It is full of sea water, but there is a hidden drainage pipe deep in the hole.

Every so often, the water in the blue hole is completely drained until the rising tide brought about by the rising tides fills it up again.

The entrance to the Sequoia Base is located at the top of a 'z'-shaped hole at the bottom of the blue hole. There is a strange air wall at the hole to isolate the sea water, and the drainage hole at the bottom of the blue hole may directly lead to the cooling area. Dissatisfied, but always blocked by the hidden entrance and exit of deep sea water.

Of course, for the pre-epoch civilization, this is probably just a unique landscape.

But now, it is so secretive that it is almost impossible to discover.

The survivors of the escort team of that year were probably thrown into this area by the big storm, and then just entered the hole when the blue hole was draining.

Everyone stood on the outermost edge of the island and reef, greedily breathing the fresh natural air-even if the sky and the earth were filled with clouds and rain curtains, it was better than the stuffy underground ruins full of insect smell.

"Finally, finally came out-the next thing is to contact Uncle Ayers..."

At this moment, Isengard finally breathed a sigh of relief. He has been tense all the time, trying his best not to make himself a burden to others, but to be able to help Master Gesai and Yin En.

He did a pretty good job.

Neither Master Gosser nor Yin En would have imagined that such a silly, white and sweet blond boy would still be able to fight in a decent manner at the beginning, and he had no stage fright even in the battle between the mother bug and the crystal dragon. A decisive blow to defeat Patrick.

If it wasn't for that shot, and there was no talk of victory or defeat, I'm afraid Yin Ende would have been entangled with the opponent for a long time.

In that case, the ether crystal dragon may not be able to defeat the female insect during the overload time.

However, when he thought of Viscount Grant, his expression became a little weird.

——After all, Viscount Grant and Patrick are real friends.

He has a good relationship with the other party entirely because he is Patrick's nephew, and the other party regards him as a 'friend's nephew'.

And now, the friend's nephew killed the friend, and he still expects Viscount Grant to have a good face towards him, so he can only rely on the sentiments of the nobles and the sentiments of Master Gosse.

People asked themselves, Isengard felt that it was a normal script for Viscount Grant and Uncle Patrick to join forces to kill him. Why didn’t these two bad friends from childhood choose to cooperate?

It's weird how you think about it...


Thinking of this, he couldn't help sighing again: "There are so many opportunities to kill me, but all of them are sent out abruptly."

"Do you want to kill me, or do you want to die..."

Forced to cheer up, Isengard thought about it and decided not to stimulate Viscount Grant.

It is the best choice for Bishop Baiwu, Master Gosey, and even Yin En to contact the Viscount.

He turned his head subconsciously and looked at the three figures that appeared in his mind.

Bishop Baiwu and Master Gesai were chatting in a low voice on the edge of the reef group, and even deployed the source material to isolate the sound, obviously not wanting to let the 'junior' hear.

And Yoon Eun...

Yi Sen was a little surprised to find that the young Bai Zhimin also showed an expression very similar to his previous distressed expression.

At this moment, Yoon Eun was indeed in doubt.

In his mind, the echoes of the past that he had spied through through the Predictive Horizon were reproduced in his mind, and he frowned, realizing that there was a very crucial problem hidden in these memories.


He pondered in his heart, and the feeling of uneasiness was getting bigger and bigger: "My father gave the blue key card to the Huaiguang believer named Maureen... If he died in a big storm, it might not be a big deal..."

"But that key card should have been in the hands of Viscount Grant?"

Yin En still remembered that there was a purple mist in the Viscount Mansion.

It was not the Viscount himself, nor the aether armed, that purple mist was the reason for the repeated attacks of the indigenous people.

Looking back now, that was the key to the Indigenous Holy Land.

Fourteen years ago, the great storm hit Harrison Harbor and Elephant Bone Mountain, the ancestral land of the indigenous people, at the same time. As a result, the indigenous people found the ancient records of their ancestors that had long been forgotten, and they knew the location of the holy place they left in the past.

Yes, the records left by the ancestors told them that there were terrible demons and many magical beasts in the Holy Land. It was these extremely dangerous existences that forced them to leave the Paradise.

But so what?

Compared with the current state of being suppressed by the imperial people, perhaps it is what they should do now to go to the Holy Land to find those ancient magical beasts and epidemic poisons that can be used as 'weapons'.

However, the natives lack the key.

They were missing a key that would open the main entrance.

"It's the key in Maureen's hand."

The riddle in Yin En's heart was gradually solved, but his heart sank straight like a stone in the sea: "In those days, Morin did send the key and the escort's request for help, but Viscount Grant was dressed in sheep's clothing. I don't know."

"He got the key to the main entrance of the ruins, and he also knows that there are ruins of pre-era civilizations on the bottom of the South China Sea - he understands that the indigenous holy places are the ruins."

"So...which possibility is it?"

"Did Viscount Grant kill Morin for the sake of secrecy; or was Morin seriously injured and died before he could tell the news?"

"Perhaps at that time, Harrison Harbor, which was hit by a major storm, had no way to rescue the survivors of the escort who were likely to die."

Even as a prophet, Yun En could not predict or spy on such details.

And, in the final analysis, whether or not Viscount Grant comes, the survivors of the escort who remain at the gate of the ruins are unlikely to survive.

Because of hunger, because of the revived brain-devouring psionic power, and because of the madness brought about by fear, the cannibalism began not long after Mo Lin left.

They all died by each other's swords, not by Viscount Grant's silence.


The Viscount did not come.

This is also true.

"Yoon Eun?"

The doubtful voices of his peers came from his ears, and the young man realized his gaffe.

He took a deep breath and then his expression returned to normal.

Yin En smiled and turned his head to look at Isengard: "It's nothing, it just feels like a lifetime, the world can be so vast, it's really amazing."

"Haha, I think so too - but if the tide is bigger, things will be troublesome."

Isengard also felt the same way. He even has a 'day stupor' now. This is an illusion caused by staying in the ground for a long time. It feels that the sky is an empty nothingness, and he may fall into it at any time. The tide slapped against the reef, making him feel unsteady on his feet.

Of course, this is impossible, and it is impossible for the ascender of the first energy level to be unstable in any case.


It is the earth and the ocean that are really shaking.

bang bang...

There seemed to be the sound of naval artillery in the distance.

"So, can I think that the Huaiguang Church is also dissatisfied with today's...?"

"Huaiguang is dissatisfied with all the suffering in this world, but as the 'Proverbs' said, only human beings oppress themselves, human beings harm themselves, and no one can untangle the rope, and we will not make any choice."

"Just like back then, no matter who?"

"Humanity will change, light will change, but Huaiguang will never change."

"Okay...Wait, the situation has changed."

Bishop Baiwu and Master Gosey, who were communicating on the side, also stopped their two older generation whispering.

Master Gosse frowned slightly, looked at the sea on the other side, and then stretched his brows: "Well, I didn't hear the engine sound of the full-armored battleship, and there was no second ether weapon, it seems that the fast fleet from the surrounding high seas came. The South China Sea will see the situation."

"As for now, it is estimated that they are communicating with each other."

The old man is well-informed, and is not surprised by the sound of artillery fire gradually rising from the sea: "It seems that we need to contact Ailes quickly and let him send someone to pick us up."

"Otherwise, the danger may not be dangerous, but things will definitely get in trouble."

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