Above The Sky

Chapter 303 The Source Of Disaster (23)

"What's the matter? Mr. Guide."

Noticing Ian's eyes, he also turned around and looked at Ian face to face. He smiled and said, "This time, the crisis in the South China Sea ruins group can be solved, thanks to your contribution, there is no doubt that without your power, The will in the hive cannot be destroyed."

He was clearly so confident in Ian's power that it seemed like he should have said it.

Bishop White Mist had never imagined that Ian would fail.


Ian said slowly, "You knew him from the beginning, didn't you?"

"Of course." Without the slightest hesitation and without the slightest pause, Bishop Bai Wu seemed to have already known what Ian was going to ask, and answered the question fluently: "He also knows that I recognize him, so he doesn't really want to meet me. ——The light of Huaiguang will not mistake anyone, everyone is a unique torch of the heart, and they all release their own different hearts."

"Just like you, after inheriting the ancient flames, the young flames are now burning. We will also not forget you."

This sentence, Shark can't understand, Isengard can't understand, Master Gosse can understand, Andor can vaguely understand that this is a very crucial dialogue, but force himself not to understand.

Ian and Bishop White Mist came to the other side of the corpse along the coast, which was closer to the corpse of the Crocodile Dragon. Ian and Bishop White Mist looked at each other, and they were both very calm.

"So, even if the teacher is a wanted criminal in the empire, you won't help the empire arrest him?"

Although he had already guessed it, Ian still had a sense of daze when he really got the confirmation from the other party's mouth.

——You can recognize Hilliard and Shakai apprentice just because of your feelings? So what is he disguising?

But this belongs to Ian looking down on himself,

"It was Mr. First Knight who took the initiative to find us back then."

Bishop Baiwu answered Ian's confusion in advance: "He had a premonition that his end was coming, so he entrusted us in advance. If the crisis in Harrison Port and the South China Sea breaks out in the future, and we do not solve it, we will take you there. Get out of here."

"But Mr. Guide, your performance in the past four years has been almost perfect, and you have indeed resolved all these crises. This commission did not come in handy."

Bishop Bai Wu's beard twitched, and his words were steady, but gentle: "Don't worry, Mr. Guide, you have a good disguise, if you didn't know in advance, with the trajectory of your life in the past four years, we can't tell at all. A little bit of a crack."

"And this time, to face the crisis, Huaiguang will keep silent on this matter."

Ian also understands why the teacher seldom took the initiative to contact Huaiguang Church back then - because the other party could indeed recognize him, although he didn't know why the other party didn't expose him, but as a pretender, and this kind of person who knew his identity' Strangers' meeting is also a bit uncomfortable.

"As for the empire."

Bishop Baiwu is still answering Ian's original question, and his words are still fluent: "The Huaiguang Church does not recognize every decision of the empire. We respect the laws of the empire, but it does not mean that we must abide by it."

"Capturing the first knight is obviously a wrong choice. Doing so will have a negative effect on the future of the empire and even Terra Continent. We will not assist. On the contrary, capturing Patrick is the obvious and correct choice."

Hearing this, Ian frowned.

His answer to Bishop White Mist was very subtle.

——This is probably what the teacher and Master Gosey said, 'weird good people'.

They have their own set of logic, but they cannot understand this logic without adding it to them, and if they understand it, I am afraid they will become them again... No wonder the Huaiguang Church will only rescue itself, and use the victims who are still alive as follow-up forces supplementary source.

In addition to their special psionic requirements, it is probably because only people who have died once can understand their logic.

The kind that regards all the morals, ethics, laws and regulations in the world as false, and only recognizes the 'truth' that they agree with...

'firmly believe'.

"Since that's the case, since you feel that chasing the teacher is a wrong choice."

Thinking of it, I asked, Ian had a hunch that the Lord White Mist would answer his question: "Then Inagar II...or the Black King was assassinated in the Dark Moon turmoil, why didn't you help yourselves?" Allies'."

Bishop Baiwu gave Ian a deep look, and a pure white light lit up in his eyes, which seemed to be a special kind of spiritual energy.

"Why don't you help Inaga? Hilliard asked us that too."

At this moment, he actually laughed. The originally serious old man showed an intriguing expression. While adding a touch of humanity, his tone was also full of emotion: "Because he made a wrong choice."

"At that moment, Inaga became the 'source of disaster' that endangered the entire world-if he continued to persevere, this land would fall into the abyss of eternal calamity."

"Even so, we did not join the Darkmoon Upheaval. We do not fully believe in the prophecy, we believe that Inaiga and Hilliard are not the source of the disaster, they have the hope of victory and victory over the prophecy - even in the end, we Those who believe in the wrong payment, they are really the source of the disaster, and the Light of Huaiguang also has the confidence to block the power and awareness of the disaster."

"It's like the worm's nest - if I die here, then about five hours later, Huaiguang's peace agent in Nanling Diocese, Archbishop 'Tianyan' will drive the aether armed to this place to carry out my unfinished business. ."

"If Inaga really turns into a source of disaster, the agents of the Light of Huaiguang will all be dispatched... to pay for our wrong choice."

Saying this, Bishop Baiwu closed his eyes, and his tone became solemn: "But if we help Inaga, then we may become part of the disaster."

"In this way, the prophecy will be completely invalid, or completely confirmed, we can't do that."

The words of Bishop White Mist silenced Ian.

In this way, if the Huaiguang Church maintains its neutrality, can it actually count as 'trust' in Inaga II?

Indeed... if the other party really made some extremely dangerous and dangerous decisions, it would be normal for the Huaiguang Church to join the crusade against him.

Ian looks at all this from a purely neutral perspective. He is not his teacher, not Hilliard. Naturally, he doesn't have much preconceived views about the former emperor... Whether it's a pioneer or a black tyrant, he doesn't think so.

There must be a lot of things that the other party didn't do well, or rushed, or had to compromise, or made wrong judgments.

But the other party must have done a lot, changed the world, made the empire a new look, and stood on the top of Terra again.

Inaika II was not a saint who made no mistakes, nor was he a tyrant in the true sense of the word.

But Ian never thought that the other party would actually become the "source of destruction of the world".

——Could it be that Inaga II also picked up a worm nest?

Thinking that he might also be the protagonist of the "source of disaster in the South China Sea", Ian couldn't help feeling a little complicated, and he actually believed the words of this Huaiguang priest.

Inaika II, I am afraid that he really made a wrong choice, otherwise, the teacher would never have such a complicated attitude towards Huaiguang Church - both rejection and belief.

But there is one more crucial issue in this matter.

"What is the wrong choice, can you tell me?"

He raised his head and looked at the calm Bishop of White Mist again.

"Of course, you have this qualification." The old man nodded and said, "He decided to become the master of the labyrinth."

Ian waited for a long time, but still did not wait for the follow-up words.

"Just this?" He wondered: "Just because of this, he will become the source of disaster? Isn't the master of the labyrinth everywhere? Isn't this etheric crystal dragon the master of the labyrinth of the South China Sea Great Labyrinth?"

"Of course not. But we don't know more." Bishop Bai Wu closed his eyes and sighed: "We only know this, only a 'beginning'."

Opening his eyes and noticing Ian's expression, Bishop Baiwu shook his head: "Mr. Guide, please think about it, if we know everything, maybe we can prevent all the disasters in this world - the Huaiguang prophecy was born for this reason. , because we want to know."

"But prophecies and prophets are not omnipotent. The predictive abilities of major sects are limited, and clues are needed to make further prophecies. We can only try our best."

The white light in the old man's eyes gradually faded, and his tone returned to calm and solemn: "So, Mr. Guide, if you have any information about disasters or unusual disasters, please tell us, let us know, we will be the responders. The power of these catastrophes."

"The Light of Huaiguang will be a helping hand for all those who face tragedies and disasters. Please believe us."

This is a relatively common church slogan. Ian can't say no, but it's really hard for him to do it.

If nothing else, he has a lot of things he can't say to the other party... Even if he knows that sharing a lot of information will lead to good progress for many things.

Humans are such creatures that can't fully trust other people, even the closest people can't be completely honest.

But Huaiguang Church... but through the selection of special people, this kind of estrangement within the clergy was erased.

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