Above The Sky

Chapter 304 The Authority Of The Lord Of The Labyrinth (33)

"Thank you."

Ian ended the exchange with Bishop Baiwu, and the other party nodded slightly: "No need to thank you, what should be done. On the other hand, I would also like to thank you, Isengard and Master Gosse for helping us Huaguang."

Bishop Baiwu just left, and he still needs to collect the data of the 'core field of the labyrinth' here.

And Ian stayed where he was, thinking for a while.

"The key to the Eternal Labyrinth..."

He was silent.

The boy knew very well that the true function of the silver chip in his body was the 'key to the Eternal Labyrinth'.

The Huaiguang Church did not know this, and could only know the term 'Lord of the Labyrinth' through prophecy or other means.

But Ian understands that at the time of Inaga II, maybe he wanted to become the 'master of the eternal labyrinth'.

Is this something weird? It is normal to have the key and want to control it.

Why is being its master a source of disaster?

Unless... there is a similar worm nest in the Eternal Labyrinth, or something far more terrifying than the worm nest...

This question cannot be explained without intelligence.

"No wonder the teacher said that this is both a blessing and a curse."

With a chuckle, Ian recorded the information in the chip, and the boy lowered his eyes: "What kind of choice...haha, it's really interesting."

Although he does not have the strength to explore now, there are opportunities in the future.

Now, he returned to the team and looked in the direction of the crystal dragon.

The wound on the crystal dragon is no longer bleeding, but it is estimated that the blood has dried up, and the surface of its blue crystal body is still flowing with a pale sheen, which is probably the color of pure ether.

But even so, the imposing manner of the ether crystal dragon is very terrifying, not like a creature of the first energy level at all.

"This guy is very powerful and is a titan creature larva of the fifth energy level 'Top Seat'."

Master Gosser is sorting out the small alchemy furnace in his waist and abdomen, but even so, he still raises his head from time to time, looking at the dying beast in front of him with complicated eyes: "Even if it is only the first energy level, if you want to capture it, I am afraid you have to Call Ailes."

"When you reach the second energy level, there is no way to subdue it. I am afraid you can only kill it... I never expected that there would be such a terrible alien beast in the South China Sea Great Relics Group. Could it be said that it is a biological weapon made by the civilization of the previous era. ?"

This guess is not wrong, but Ian thinks that even the pre-epoch civilization will not get the tinder engine on the crystal dragon.

This is obviously an accident... or rather, an experimental product.

"Beyond the species, do you mean beyond the design of the predecessors, or beyond the limits of the self?"

Ian stared at the ether crystal dragon, thinking in his heart: "The 'tinder' in its body should not be the real Tinder engine, the real Tinder engine should not be kept in this alien experiment center, but it must be from the pre-epoch civilization. imitations."

"The Frost Frost Crystal Dragon in the Ice Abyss of the ruins had the aura of this fire in my body, which caused the core of the ancient dragon in me to vibrate... But the Frost Frost Crystal Dragon's strength at the same level was obviously not as strong as this etheric crystal dragon. Those are special individuals who are fully adapted to the power of fire."

It seems to have noticed Ian's eyes, the dragon and Ian looked at each other, their eyes crossed, and the dragon let out a dragon roar.

And Ian was a little surprised.

"What's the matter, Ian?"

Isengard has been staring at the mithril rapier in his hand, and his expression is a bit complicated.

But after noticing Ian's momentary surprise, he asked with some concern, "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

He saw Ian's tired state before. The blond boy wanted to give Ian a few bottles of stamina medicine, but the other party declined.

"Well...it's calling me over."

Ian pondered for a while, then made up his mind: "I'll go check the situation, it shouldn't be a problem."

The dragon roar just now was issued by the etheric dragon, and the other party was calling him to the past.

Calling 'similar'.

When Ian came to the crystal island in the center of the lake, the crystal dragon had already coiled up his body and watched Ian quietly.

"You sensed the ancient dragon core in my body, but I must say that I am not an ancient dragon."

The boy looked up at this majestic but not hostile beast, and he reminded: "I'm a human - although I don't know if you can't understand it, I still have to tell you."

The Ether Crystal Dragon just whispered, it really couldn't understand the strange tone of this little creature in front of it, but it was very clear that it had not much time to waste.


It lowered its head, stuck out its tongue, and placed three dragon eggs, which had begun to emit a faint glow, in front of Ian.

Crystal dragons are modified organisms that can reproduce asexually. They can produce offspring with different physical signs through the genes of others recorded in the gene bank. The offspring will also change themselves according to the environment during the dragon egg period. Therefore, this is an absolute possibility. A hyper-adapted life that adapts to any kind of environment.

But even so, without the guidance of the elders, it is impossible for the young dragon to grow up in the extremely dangerous environment of the maze.

What's more... there are such a group of humans in their own lair.

The crystal dragon has long felt that the target of this group of people may be themselves, and they are only joining forces to fight the enemy because of the threat of the worm nest.

But that might be a good thing.

At least, this group of people are interested in it and its offspring, which means that their lives can continue.

For life, as long as it can continue, there will always be freedom one day... Besides, compared with survival and continuation, freedom is not an important thing.

At least, for man-made crystalline dragons, they do not exclude such a life.

"...Do you want us to take care of the dragon eggs. Well, it is indeed the right choice."

Ian looked at these dragon eggs and found that the level of these dragon eggs was increased by one level in the silver chip. Obviously, the crystal dragon used its last pure source to strengthen the vitality of these eggs.

This should have been the result of long-term warm cultivation in the lair, but at the end of its life, the crystal dragon 'blessed' its offspring at the expense of its own life.

In this regard, Ian does not think that this is a bad thing for the crystal dragon of the ether - no matter what the goal of the empire is, they definitely need to raise the crystal dragon. The bloodline of the ether crystal dragon will continue in earnest.

As for the future...

The Aether Crystal Dragon didn't care, and neither did Ian.

And in the next moment, the ether crystal dragon uttered another dragon roar, and the meaning contained in it made the young man stunned for a moment: "Ah? It's true or false..."

Then, it opened its mouth.

A translucent tongue rolled and swallowed Ian.


Isengard, who had been standing on the shore and watched the communication between one person and one dragon, stood up suddenly. He watched this scene in astonishment - but when Isengard was about to attack the crystal dragon to help Ian, Bishop White Mist approached , pressed it on the opponent's shoulder.

"Don't worry."

The Huaiguang priest carefully observed the current situation of the crystal dragon: "Ian is not in danger, and the crystal dragon is not hostile... Well, this process..."

He couldn't help frowning slightly: "The contract of dragon blood? No, it doesn't look like... But isn't this crystal dragon dying, what is it doing?"

"Wait." Bishop Bai Wu suddenly frowned, and he thought of a possibility: "Master of the labyrinth?"

"This is the transfer of authority from the Lord of the Labyrinth?!"

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