Above The Sky

Chapter 302 The Center Of The Labyrinth (13)

The group of ruins began to function normally.

Ian can sense through the silver chip that the master AI of the Sequoia Base that has been stuck for a long time is running smoothly.

The immeasurable seawater that had been swallowed before was purified and prepared into cooling liquid, and then sent to the periphery of the furnace cores that were on the verge of dissolution for rapid cooling.

In my mind, the blood-red blazing warning lantern finally turned bright yellow. Although it was still at the dangerous threshold, the temperature data visible to the naked eye was declining, and it was expected to gradually return to normal within ten days.

Big storms are a thing of the past.

As long as there is no second Great Elder or the swarm, Hearth will no longer get out of control.

"I don't know what will happen to those primitive fairies... I didn't see much danger at that time. Thinking about it, fairies also have a subspecies like Volcano Fairy Lava Fairy Furnace Fairy, so I don't need to worry too much."

Ian looked in the direction of the cooling pool, and he could even imagine that it would soon become a huge reservoir of scalding hot water as the endless stream of heat poured into the formerly icy glacier.

Frost fairies are definitely unable to adapt to that kind of environment.

But hot spring goblins, steam goblins certainly can.

You don't need to worry about the survival of fairies. If the world destroys them, they may not die. You must know why the Goblin Expedition Team discovered the Obera Tinder spaceship on the moon? Isn't that because those fairies don't need the survival conditions required by almost all living things at all, and can use their own bodies to explore freely in the universe?

After that, the goblins even built a massive base on the lunar surface as a major hub for research on alien craft.

"Wait, in that case, the Overlooked Moon shattered and turned into a new moon..."

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but froze for a moment, and he couldn't help but recall the situation in the previous mural where the moon crumbled and the fragments fell into the realms of Terra.

The largest gathering place for fairies is a city-state around the Furious Sea...and the name of that city-state...

It's Starfall City!

"Don't tell me... Forget it, for the future fairy material, I will definitely go to Starfall City once."

Shaking his head, withdrawing his thoughts, Ian turned his head and looked forward.

The ether crystal dragon and the white mist bishop are walking along the river towards the end.

This is where the tributaries of the cooling pipes were located. To be precise, it was the normal interactive pipes when 'emergency cooling' was not needed.

Generally speaking, the cooling circuit of the power set has its own circulation, and it does not need to replace the internal coolant frequently. However, due to the complicated underground conditions, the overall system will be slowly replaced to ensure that the coolant inside the power set is always can maintain the effect.

Only in times of extreme crisis will the entire area become a huge interactive channel like just now, and the surging waves originating from the sea will be poured into the interior.

The end of the cooling passage is naturally located in the original relic Ice Abyss, around the current cooling warehouse.

To be precise, it is located directly above the cooling pool - a huge backup reservoir.

"This...is more like the center of the labyrinth?"

When everyone arrived here with the ether crystal dragon, Master Gosser couldn't help but be a little surprised, he looked around at the bright and bright environment: "In other words, only a part of the South China Sea Relics Group is actually a labyrinth, and the core of the labyrinth is in Here—this crystal dragon's lair!"

"And this crystal dragon is the so-called 'Guardian of the Labyrinth'... Yes, of course, this is much more reasonable."

"Fuck." Andor said with emotion, "It's so bright!"

Not only them, but even Ian was stunned for a moment.

What appeared in front of him was an unusually wonderful underground cavity area.

This huge underground cavity can't be seen at a glance, but it can be seen that it is an underground lake. The lake water is very clear, and you can clearly see the angular rocks on the bottom of the water.

These rocks are in the shape of hexagonal pillars, stacked on top of each other, some are flat, some are uneven, and the most towering ones form a small island in the center of the lake, and the small island is the lair of the ether crystal dragon. Network coral, but with a crystal material.

The crystal coral island emits strong fluorescence visible to the naked eye. This fluorescence is also a kind of radiation, but it is not the high heat radiation of a nuclear furnace, but a psychic radiation similar to the formation of a natural psychic field...

Facts have proved that this is indeed the case. In the silver chip, Ian determined that the crystal island that illuminates the entire amber is the crystal vein of natural elements formed by the condensation of the ultra-high concentration psionic field.

"The underground cavity where the entire Sequoia base is located should be the site of a prehistoric volcano, a huge underground wonder left after the lava in the lava reservoir returned to the mantle - and this underground lake is one of them. These hexagonal shapes The columns should all be coral rocks formed by the cooling of volcanic lava."

With certainty in his heart, Ian noticed that on the basalt stone shore at the edge of the underground lake, there were many huge monster skeletons, which should be the remains of the ether crystal dragon's collection and eating.

And right there, there is a huge crocodile dragon corpse... It is the corpse of the Sequoia Shaman and the wetland crocodile dragon!

It seems that sharks and giant eels also came to this lake along the river, and then followed the water to the river of parasites... No wonder they were parasitized.

The giant eels and sharks were probably attacked by the parasitic beasts that came here to steal eggs, so they were parasitized by the brain-devouring worms!

And this lake extends in all directions, and there must be one that leads to the ruins of the ice abyss.

No wonder it's the center of the maze.

Thinking of this, Ian turned his head and looked in the direction of the Ether Crystal Dragon.

This behemoth, which used to be brilliant before, is now completely dimmed, and only the core in the center of the heart is still emitting a pale light, and the dense lens pupils on the head are mostly closed.

It glanced at Ian.

"It's dying."

A white figure landed next to the shark, and Bishop White Mist stared at the crystal coral rock island in the center of the lake, and said calmly: "Because it helped me when I was fighting the female worm, so before it actively attacked me , I'm not going to fight it."

"Remember to respect life, Mr. Guide," he reminded Ian.

"Yes, Bishop Baiwu."

Ian nodded slightly, he signaled that Essengard and Master Gosse don't need to worry, then patted Shark's head under him, took the dragon egg, and flew towards the ether crystal dragon.

The exhausted and dying etheric crystal dragon watched Ian land softly in front of it, and then sent three dragon eggs about the size of a watermelon, wrapped in the flesh and blood of the worm's nest, back to it. It was some kind of tremor of crystal iron.

The huge monster stood up, stuck out his tongue, and put these tiny eggs in his mouth, then nodded slightly to Ian and groaned softly.

Ian nodded as well, then turned his head and motioned for them to go ashore.

"Dragon eggs are polluted by the source material of the worm nest, and they encounter subsequent battles. I am afraid it will be difficult to hatch. The crystal dragon wants to use its last strength to warm up."

On the way to the shore, Ian sighed with emotion: "I hope it will succeed, after all, as a labyrinth alien, its descendants will definitely inherit some of its evolutionary signs."

"However, it would be interesting to turn into a swarm crystal dragon in the end."

Of course, there can be no such thing as a swarm crystal dragon... No, if the will of the worm nest really raises the dragon eggs by hand, maybe it can really raise the swarm crystal dragon?

And Isengard stared at Ian, who was lost in thought, with dazed eyes, and he whispered: "It's just a shark, why can even the dragon understand?"

"Is spiritual energy so powerful?"

Ian also heard the whisper, but didn't take it seriously - of course he didn't understand, but he wasn't stupid, just guess if he didn't understand.

He can clearly see the other party's emotional fluctuations through the vision horizon and silver chip. In this way, with the other party's actions and the tone of some voices, he can probably know what the other party means.

Up to now, all the dangerous monsters and enemies in the South China Sea Ruins Group have been eliminated, and even the soldiers of the flying flames have almost been wiped out in the previous restart of the cooling pipeline - there may be some survivors, but after Ian There is time to annihilate.

If you can seize the "living mouth" of the Spiritual Tool Church, it will be even more valuable.

Thinking of this, Ian turned his head and looked at another Orthodox member in his team.

He looked at Bishop Baiwu.

He looked at this old man with a peaceful and peaceful demeanor. Even if it was his target, the will of the brain-devouring mother worm and the swarm had been destroyed, and there was no sense of 'happy', 'invigorated' or 'comfortable'.

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