Above The Sky

Chapter 281 Against The Swarm (13)

at the same time.

-Interaction area at the bottom of the ruins-

"Are you sure this is the right way?"

Leading the team to the front, but suddenly stopped, the captain stared at the long corridor in front of him, and couldn't help but say in doubt: "It's too smooth, it's not quite right. Along the way, we didn't encounter beasts, parasitic beasts and strange aliens. ."

The footsteps of the Flying Flames team reverberated in the wide corridor, and as their steps stretched forward, the sound sounded layered and not noisy, but there were only their footsteps in the entire corridor, and this sound would also be heard. Consumed by the dark darkness ahead.

In the Giant Golden Fungus Cave, after seeing a large number of magical beasts and parasitic beasts gathering, the Flying Flames Special Forces realized that they and others might have committed a big taboo, so they decisively paid a certain price and used their trump cards to retreat - the gathered beasts and When the parasitic beast saw the 'competitor' leave, it didn't care too much, but continued its hundreds of years of fighting habits.

After all, the human team is far more united than the beasts of different races. Even the parasitic beasts don't want to waste their power to hunt down these new enemies who obviously don't have much flesh but are very tough.

After that, they have been looking for a way to the center of the ruins.

"Don't worry, this is the way."

Faced with the captain's question, the nun of Sleepless Eye was holding a crystal screen the size of her palm. She stretched out her finger and swiped on the screen, then nodded and said, "Our Spiritual Artifact Church is proficient in relics, and we are exploring the unknown. There is still a bit of experience with the ruins.”

"The road we are taking now is indeed the closest to 'through the center' of all paths."

"What's the basis?"

The brigade commander frowned, and he has always been quite uneasy, looking around from time to time.

He is the bloodline inheritor of the Wind Winged Serpent, and his perception is amazing, and it is precisely because of this that he can win the victory in the jungle battlefield.

Along the way, the team beheaded a lot of monsters living in the caves and the corners of the corridors. At that time, he didn't feel the danger, and he was happy when he took the lead to kill the enemy.

But now, he sensed a chilling crisis from the silence.

For him, this silence was the calm before the storm.

Seeing that the other party was indeed very suspicious, the nun simply squatted down, her metalized fingers turned into tweezers, and took out a little transparent substance from the ground: "Look, this road is very particular."

"Pre-Epoch civilizations used a transparent film that was almost weightless on special roads to ensure that the things they wanted to preserve were immortal - you look here again, winding and winding, making sure you can't get a glimpse from the beginning Seeing the end, there are still some out-of-control blocking doors in the middle, which is enough to prove that the end point behind this road is also a place that needs to be kept secret for the pre-epoch civilization."

"It's not necessarily for people to leave." The captain was still retorting, but his tone was much weaker.

"That's at least a key area," said the nun, and continued to explore.

After a while, the entire team suddenly stopped.

Because the nun's statement has been confirmed - there are indeed important facilities of the pre-epoch civilization ahead, and ... heritage.

"This is?!"

The scout who was exploring the road at the forefront suddenly exclaimed, and even the knight of the Spiritual Artifact Church who was investigating together made a sharp noise: "...hh... important discovery!"

They are all strictly trained people, and they can't help but never make a sound, especially the spirit knights. They have gotten rid of most of the instincts of flesh and blood, and it is difficult for anything to shock them.

Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of the voice. The captain and the nun took the first step forward, and then they were shocked.

At the corner of the corridor ahead, the darkness was gradually dispelled by the lights of the special forces, and in the moist water vapor, a steel creation in shadow was emerging.

The captain widened his red eyes, he couldn't describe what he saw, but the voice of the spirit tool nun was suddenly full of joy and excitement: "It's armor!"

"It's the armor of the pre-epoch civilization!"

As the light gradually brightened, a steel giant with a height of five meters appeared from the darkness and appeared in front of everyone.

The design idea of ​​the tall metal armor is completely different from the armor and aether armor of Terra today. It looks thicker, and the armor is not constructed with armor pieces, but a smooth metal layer formed from a whole piece, with a silver outer shell surface. There are light white fluorescent flashes, which is a special coating that can actually offset some of the effects of offensive psychic energy.

This armor has been damaged, lying on the ground with his back against the wall, the firearm in his hand has been rotten, and its cockpit and power source have been completely destroyed, and there are no bones inside.

But its existence alone is a huge gain for the special forces and the Spiritual Tool Church.

"Why is there armor here? Or is it damaged?!"

The captain looked at the armor, and the premonition of danger became more and more stimulating to his nerves, but it was impossible for him to retreat now.

Because this really proves that there is indeed an extremely important 'target' ahead.

Otherwise, no weapons of war would be destroyed here!

"It could be a civil war... or it could be a heterogeneous ecosystem..."

After encountering the target, it was the Spiritual Artifact Church that became cautious. The nun and the knight's eyes flickered, and they were transmitting data with the flickering infrared rays in their eyes.

Although the efficiency is not ideal, daily communication is sufficient.

On the surface, the spirit weapon nun who was silent for a while said in a cautious voice: "There are enough enemies ahead to destroy the armor of the previous era. Although they should have died long ago, we must continue to explore."

"What, continue to investigate?"

The captain didn't realize this, and he also believed that the more dangerous it is, the more it is necessary to move forward... As long as a complete model of the armor of the pre-epoch civilization can be obtained, for the current Flying Flame Land, they can continue to improve their armor. And the Knights of Construction, which is enough to ensure the suppression of the Setal Empire.

Of course, this is a bit big, but even for an individual, this is a big credit enough to make him a hereditary noble!

Even this group of brothers under his command is enough to go further, and it is not impossible to become a sublime.

"Do not."

But the Spiritual Artifact Church, which has always been more urgent than the team, rejected this proposal. She said: "We create traps and bait here, and then let out the movement to attract things that may be behind."

This is obviously the past experience of the Spirit Artifact Church exploring the ruins, and it is indeed convincing.

It didn't take much effort to create the traps. The special forces carried a lot of weapons and equipment. They were confident that even the second-level monsters would not be able to please them when faced with several alchemy cannonball-level charge traps.

After all, not every second-level magical beast is the totem master of the Sequoia natives.

Next, the Spiritual Artifact Church released two kinds of decoys - one is a highly poisonous pure essentia aggregate, which exudes a strange sweet fragrance, and any beast will be attracted to it if it smells.

The other is an ornament with abundant psychic energy fluctuations, which can be detonated at any time, creating a wide-area spiritual explosion with very strong lethality.

After doing this, they wait.


Not long after, there was indeed a movement in the distant corridor, which cheered up the people in Fei Yandi who were waiting in battle, ready to deal with the powerful enemy.

However, the humming sound became louder and louder, and even at the end, even thousands of troops were galloping, and it was like a tsunami and the wind was blowing.

Immediately afterwards, one after another shrill screams came, even with the stimulation of aggressive psionic energy, causing everyone who had been removed from the Spiritual Tool Church to feel a tingling in their brains.


Before everyone could react, billowing black mist rushed from afar, and the black miasma in the depths of the ruins flooded the entire corridor in an instant, swallowing the light, and the five fingers could not be seen!

"Oops! It's a swarm! Everyone turns on internal oxygen!"

The captain showed a horrified expression. He didn't need to use his eyes to observe the situation, so when facing the miasma, he was the first to respond: "This is a swarm of psionic insects. There are a lot of them, and there are some more powerful breaths behind them!"

"Start the trap, then fire!"

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