Above The Sky

Chapter 282 Relic Giants (23)

The insect swarms are attracted by the highly toxic source substances and psychic energy. The sound of their wings flapping is extremely piercing, directly into the heart, making people unable to think with peace of mind. Makes the skin fester.

If it wasn't for the Special Forces and the Spiritual Tool Church wearing gas masks and smearing their skin, 90% of the team would have died in just one impact.

"What bug?"

The captain stretched out his hand and grabbed a bug, which was a strange insect that resembled a combination of a moth and a dragonfly. Its surface was covered with uneven gray-black metal scales. With the sound of its wings, except for the scales, its head is bluish-red, with a greasy luster, and its tail has highly poisonous tail needles that can be reused like a killer bee.

Crushing the monster into pieces, the team leader was shocked to find that it was not dead - the inside of the monster was a strange corrosive colloid, with the internal organs of the insect floating in it, and crushing the body was not the first time To kill this monster, you have to use fire or alkali or salt to deal with it.


The swarms of insects kept coming, shaking the corridors, with unstoppable momentum, their scales were shining, their tails were sharp and piercing, and their voices were harsh and shocking. They were simply a perfect tool of war. , like a flood swept through, making everyone just want to retreat.

The Flaming Soldiers who were in contact with them at the beginning had already opened fire, and the flames were shining.



But the effect was not great. The sound and flash of the fire attracted the swarm. The two soldiers who shot at the beginning were drowned by the gathered swarm. It's densely packed with eggs and worms.

- Swarms build nests inside the creatures they kill to feed their young!

As a last resort, the captain could only use cold weapons to fight. He drew out his saber, activated the wind pressure, and slashed at the swarm with a clanging sound.

Several swirls of wind blades swept forward like cutting blades, smashing and crushing a large number of monsters - the scale dragon moth is not tough, with the power of the Terra people, it can be slashed with a single sword. destroyed a lot.

This instructed the other soldiers. Immediately, they could see the sound of swords slashing and slashing in the black fog, and various martial arts were used to hit the swarm. The air waves surged, causing the corpses to fall one after another.

At the same time, the trap was detonated.


The violent explosion sounded, and the thunder generally reverberated in the corridor. The gravel and shock waves rushed back and forth in a relatively narrow area. The directional blasting explosives formed a high-heat air wave, which directly cut off the rushing poisonous black fog. Even rolled back.

And the psychic blast also played a role, even if the soldiers of the flying flames who were not the main attack were flashing blue light, they immediately felt that their brain was being punched, the five senses disappeared for a moment, and the ears were full of buzzing and vibrating, what? Can't hear either.

If it is on the vast surface, the swarm can spread out to avoid shock waves and psionic explosions, but in the underground ruins, they are unavoidable and can only be burned to ashes, or fall like raindrops - only In an instant, most of the originally dense swarms of insects died out, and the darkness that could not reach five fingers was therefore much weaker.


But before everyone in Feiyan could breathe a sigh of relief, there was another ear-piercing flapping of wings in the distant corridor, and the black mist was thick again, causing everyone's expressions to change suddenly.

"What exactly is in front of you, can't you finish killing it?"

In this regard, the Spiritual Tool Church had to take out her trump card - the nun took out a box from the center of her chest, opened it, and a red light lased on the ground, and then quickly condensed into a giant machine gun the size of one person.

Easily lift this giant machine gun with one hand, the nun's weight is heavier than this machine gun.

——The body modification degree of the steel nuns of the Spiritual Tool Church is more than 80%... They are not so much human as they are armored with human brains!


The huge machine gun began to rotate and warm up, and the nun also began to show her inheritance ability - the high-temperature fiery red dust merged into the machine gun and condensed into half-empty bullets.

The Spiritual Tool Church's unique true form inheritance 'Reloaded Tough Hand' can condense high-explosive bullets anytime, anywhere, and even if there is no logistics, one person can take down the enemy's position.

And the small box she took out before is the technology 'Ether Matter Converter' that has been unearthed from the relics of life in the previous era by the Spiritual Tool Church in the past ten years. , stored in the corresponding storage box.

It is said that this technology is the core of the 'ascension plan' carried out by the pre-epoch civilization... In other words, it can also convert the human body into ether, thereby reducing the pressure of ascension and ascension of more people at one time. .

The giant machine gun was preheated, and then instantly spewed out a firestorm that swept the entire corridor—the breath of flames blew, burning almost all the scaled dragon moths in an instant.

Although some swarms turned to besiege the nuns, these worms only discovered after the stings and bites that under the loose clergy robes of the nuns was not a soft body, but a sturdy steel... The nun of the sleepless eye , or in other words, all the core members of the Spiritual Tool Religion need to use special techniques for body modification. Except for the flesh and blood tissues that carry the Originium structure, almost all of their bodies will be replaced with steel.

Acupuncture can't penetrate the nun's outer armor at all, and it can only be burned to ashes by the heat dissipation flow from the opponent's body.


At this moment, entering the battle state, the nun's real voice sounded, it was a flat electronic voice without any emotion: [There should be a nest of these monsters in front of you. If you want to continue exploring, you must destroy the nest! 】

The giant machine gun continued to rotate and shoot until the crimson flames engulfed everything before it stopped slowly.


Almost all the worms were eliminated, and after a brief preparation, everyone immediately moved forward under the command of the captain.

As the corridor goes further, it gradually loses traces of human beings... There is a rift in front of it, and the water flowing from the top of the rift turns into small waterfalls making noise here. There are indeed a large number of black metal nests like honeycombs, and many scale dragon moths whose lower bodies have not yet fully hardened are still crawling out of the nests, and the water mist caused by the waterfall is also hatched into black mist by the poisonous water flowing out of the nest.

The monks began sampling, and after sampling, the nests were quickly destroyed, and the black mist was burned by flames.

"Is this really the Ruins Center?"

The captain became more and more uneasy, because the swarm was wiped out, and the entire cave was very quiet except for the sound of their team. He heard the sound of gurgling water in the distance. There should be a stream of water that seeped from the top of the rift. .

This should have been a humid and icy environment, but the thermal vision told him that the environment in front of him would be getting hotter and hotter, and the small river seemed to be boiling, emitting a reddish spectrum.

"Indeed, you see, there are many remains of the fighting weapons of the pre-epoch civilization."

The nun stood up. She had been investigating the soil on the ground that was soaked with insect secretions and various poisonous waters. At this moment, she reached out her hand without hesitation and pulled out a piece of silver-gray armor that had not decayed so far. In an almost obsessive tone: "Look, the material of this alloy... can maintain perfect stability even in a highly corrosive environment, but it is not pure gold - although the hardness is slightly inferior, it is An alloy comparable in stability to fine gold!"

"The materials are probably Chongyuan Iron, Henggang and Mingguang Iridium...Unfortunately, the equipment is not enough to detect more accurate data."

- Tech madman.

The captain showed a moment of disgust. He knew very well that the Spiritual Tool Church was a group of madmen who didn't care about their lives for the sake of technology. They were a little sensible before, but now that they saw the target, the opponent's actions would definitely turn into extreme radicalism immediately.

However, at this moment, suddenly.

The earth shook.

boom! boom! boom!

It was as if some behemoth was stumbling closer.

Because of the previous giant golden mushroom fortress tortoise, everyone was not panicked because of it, but the leaders of the brigade and the nun even showed expressions of fear.

"This breath is the second energy level—"

The scout in front exclaimed, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly saw a dark shadow passing by, and the scout disappeared, leaving only the stubble legs left in place, and the blood in the rift valley. Drops from the sky.

"Fast back, back to the corridor!"

The captain drew his sword to meet him, and he exclaimed: "Establish an alchemy cannon!"

And in the shadow of the rift, a sharp neigh broke out, and a giant that was darker than the shadow was moving at high speed in midair.

The team leader's Adam's apple rolled, and he who wanted to draw his sword to meet him was speechless, and he couldn't move his footsteps, because with the chaotic voice of the special forces and the fire of the firearms, the Pang, who was hanging at the upper end of the rift valley, could not move. Then the giant showed its stature.

What kind of weird and majestic beast is that?

The huge body of more than 100 meters is like a sharp carapace composed of steel blades, and the thousands of pairs of constantly wriggling blade feet are firmly inserted on the rocky wall of the rift, hanging its huge body in the air.

This is a super-giant metal centipede. The whole body is dark and non-reflective, but it is not a real creature-the front end of its body has two huge drill forelimbs, and the back has three huge turbine-like power devices that are constantly spewing out The high-heat steam that screamed, and even faintly seen a kind of pale particles were continuously released from the turbine, providing terrifying destructive power to this metal behemoth.

The giant golden centipede's 'head' has a scarlet one-eyed eye, which is locked in front of the Soldier of Flying Flames, and the drill bit in its hand still has the bloodstains and pieces of flesh and blood of the soldiers that were smashed before.

It is clearly extremely hostile and has no intention of negotiating.

"Guji... Guji..."

The disgusting squirming sound of mucus sounded, and the nun of the spirit tool immediately looked in the direction of the sound, which originated from a hemispherical raised point in the center of the waist of the giant golden centipede, where there were many strange hyperplasia of flesh and blood.

If Ian was here, he would definitely be able to tell at first glance that these flesh and blood growths were very similar to the fusion of the great shaman on the head of the crocodile dragon! And it's also very similar to the hyperplastic polyps that parasites conquer when they invade the brain!

"Is this a monster or a relic giant?!"

Before the sound of this sound, the giant golden centipede had already launched an attack. It charged directly, and its thousands of blades kept moving back and forth, moving regularly, driving its huge body to charge forward at a high speed. These extremely sharp feet touched it. Everything that arrives is crushed mercilessly.

"It's the Ruins Giant Soldier!"

The nun, who was extremely nervous and looked at the giant ruins in front of her with frenzied and fascinated eyes, replied loudly, her voice was trembling, and she couldn't tell whether it was fear or joy: "The complete ruins giant, and, there's a ' The driver' is manoeuvring!"


Just as the nun answered loudly, the two-meter-long electric flame tongue spit out, and the alchemy artillery fired.

The thunderous roar echoed in the empty cave, layer upon layer, mixed with the whistling of the gust of wind, and the explosion wave carried the gravel and the high hot water mist to impact in all directions, and its momentum was enough to make the largest behemoth temporarily also temporarily. back off.

However, the combined blow of Flying Flame's latest anti-armor gun and deflagration warhead did not shake its target at all, but caused a slight depression in the opponent's outer armor, and was covered with a layer of harmless flames. cover.

The dark shadow is still approaching.

At the same time, Ian and his party have arrived near the river of parasites.

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