Above The Sky

Chapter 280 Prelude To The Final Battle (33)

The monsters of the first and second energy levels are a common threat in this land, and they do not have any unique names.

But starting from the third energy level, even monsters will have the same wisdom as humans or even far beyond ordinary people-they will also begin to learn what cultivation is, understand how to temper their skills, and how to devour those who are beneficial to themselves. The magical beasts, absorb the power needed for their own advancement.

The monsters of this energy level are called big monsters, beast kings and ritual masters. They will have their own names, nests, and even their own legends.

And the fourth-level monsters are enough to be called 'Titans', which means those giants and beasts that ruled the world before distant history.

In a sense, these giant beasts have begun to approach the realm of demigods.

As a brain-devouring worm with a psychic network interconnected, whether it is Master Gosser, Isengard or Ian, it is clear that this parasitic monster has the potential of the third energy level, and it is very likely that it can advance to the fourth energy level. .

Especially Yisen, the Eclipse Light Refining Dragon is also a similar bloodline inheritance of the fourth energy level, and the Brain Devouring Worm can even bring supplements to the Eclipse Light Refining Dragon, which is enough to prove its potential.

If you don't stop it now, what kind of monsters the brain-devouring worm colony will turn into after entering the outer ecological circle, it is not clear.

After finishing Master Gosak with riddles, the alchemy pedestal was also modified. The young man hung his gun barrel and alchemy pedestal behind him, looking like a great swordsman who was going to hunt dragons.

It's just that the dragon-hunting swordsman is carrying a door-panel giant sword, and he is carrying an alchemy gun barrel - but it is not a big problem, the new era of dragon slaying should have changed the weapon mode long ago!

Ian noticed that Isengard's eyes had been locked on the top of his head, so he asked curiously: "What, is there anything on my head?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he remembered that there was indeed something on his head-the primitive fairy Frost Butterfly was still there.

Because it is a creature composed of ice crystals and psychic energy, it has no weight at all, and it is difficult to detect its existence.

"Is it going to follow you like this?"

Isengard's tone was a little subtle, as if he was talking about his experience back then: "But this kind of primitive goblin, once it leaves its familiar environment, will soon die out..."

"I'm not too sure, maybe I'm a big goblin."

Ian shook his head, and he didn't quite know why the other party would follow him.

Goblins are a very peculiar race. They are natural elves and have no relationship with their parents. The goblins will naturally follow the big goblins, just like the breeze blowing in the direction of the strong wind,

If I have to say it, the goblin is actually a reincarnation species that is constantly reborn and self-destructed. The spirit core after death is processed by the core of the goblin gathering place such as the "goblin town", and a new goblin is born.

However, primitive goblins have no spiritual core, and they die with life. They have neither self-will nor complete life. They can only be regarded as a living snowflake, a wisp of light breeze that can laugh.

However, the primitive goblin who chose to follow Ian has already had 'inclinations and preferences'. In a sense, it should be the kind that has already begun to evolve towards the true goblin. The water system source quality is enough for the opponent to survive.

——When I went out this time, I really picked up a lot of 'little' guys.

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but look at the shark who was turning his stomach and backstroke to promote digestion. If the shark didn't move, it would definitely make people think that he had eaten something bad.

His mood was as subtle as Isengard: "I know what the armored shark eats, but what do the goblins eat? It's okay to live, but the goblins should also eat, right?"

Since Master Gosse is going with Ian, Isengard has to follow too - Patrick's cloak still needs his blood.

In this regard, Qing Chaoben also said that he wanted to follow Ian's actions, but was rejected.

"You can not."

Looking at the sea-born swordsman who took the initiative to devote his allegiance to him, Ian nodded, but he refused: "Except for Master Gosey and me, you are the strongest in the team - so you have to lead them to survive. ."

"The map is here. I have marked the location and route. When the time is about, the gate will open."

The pirate captain who followed Ian wanted to show that his strength was not bad, and he could lead everyone to survive... But as a prisoner of the young man, and he knew too many secrets, he knew very well that it was almost impossible for him to have the opportunity to act alone. So he could only shake his head dejectedly.

As for the 'time' that Ian said, to put it bluntly, he remotely opened the door of the central control room of the base. Through the silver chip, he could observe the progress of the team at any time.

"……I see."

Although regrettable, Qingchao did not refute Ian's decision.

He nodded seriously: "After sending them out, if you haven't waited for you, sir, I will come back next time."

The teenager was a little helpless. If Shasha and Frostdie were the little guys who were picked up, then this is the big guy who was picked up.

He was actually a little worried about how to pay the other party's salary.

Qingchao is young and has potential. If he wants to earn two or three hundred talers, he can earn one or two tasks in about a month.

Just like this big task, the basic salary given by the Platinum Iridium Workshop is 380 thalers, and various bonus performance and subsidies are not counted.

Of course, this mission is not normal. The premium is twice as high, and the time period is relatively long. On average, a first-level high-level swordsman, as long as he is not seriously injured during the mission, will be out all year round. The task, how much can still earn more than 1,000 or 2,000 talers.

Just counting the consumption of weapons, the replenishment of source food, and the dangers that may be encountered, it is not particularly profitable.

Ian shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

So far, it's not always a bad thing.

Qingchao led the team and walked towards the 'exit of the labyrinth' according to the route map Ian planned for them.

Although this road is tortuous, there will be no beast dens, and there will be no waters where there may be parasites. In general, it is a fairly safe route.

And Ian, Isengard, Master Gosse, Andor, and Shark were the ones who stayed to clear the brain-devouring worm nest.

Ian led the crowd towards the upper reaches of the river, and the water vapor became heavier as it went up, to the point where there was a vast white mist all around.

But unlike the road that Isengard and the others found by themselves, the side of the river that Ian took had very obvious man-made traces. There were stone fences and blind roads. Thousands of years ago, it should have been a scenic road for the employees of the Sequoia Base.

"Let's not talk about the strength of the worm nest, but there are definitely a large number of parasitic monsters gathered there."

Master Gosse was very curious about the reason why these railings and roads have been immortal for thousands of years. After lowering his head and stroking, he found that there is a thin hard film on the surface of these man-made buildings, which isolates all external influences.

Straightening up, he continued to say to Ian: "Ordinary beasts, no matter how many we can handle, there will definitely be no chance to destroy the nest itself."

"Come on, you must have a plan."

"It's very simple, the people from the flying flames will take the lead for us." Ian said with certainty, he obviously had already thought about the next battle process: "The worm nest is located at the cooling interface, and draws the heat source there as energy for its own growth. The people of the flame land will soon be attacked by the beasts mobilized by the worm nest when they reach the surrounding area."

"Their strength is not weak, especially the leader and the nuns of the Spiritual Artifact Church give me an extremely dangerous feeling. They must have trump cards and will not be easily won by the worm nest."

"At least, it should be able to hold back most of the parasitic beasts and attract firepower for us."

at the same time.

A violent explosion sounded at the bottom of the ruins, causing everyone to raise their heads.

"It looks like the battle has already started." Ian smiled slightly, then walked forward first: "I hope they can hold out a little longer."

"Time to go, everyone."

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