Above The Sky

Chapter 259 Echoes Of Eternal Life (23)

But the content of the frescoes that follow is rather lackluster.

Through blood memory and an auxiliary memory organ located in the back of the brain, regardless of ordinary people, at least the leaders and professionals of the past dynasties can maintain their professional abilities and lead the clan to live.

The Sequoia Base originally had the function of a doomsday fortress, and the internal facilities were readily available. As long as you did not forget how to operate, there would be absolutely no problem in survival.

It is the alternation of life and death for several generations. Gradually, the employees and professional abilities of different functions led by the four leaders gradually transformed into the four major tribes within the base, and the four leaders became the four generations passed down from generation to generation. Great elder.

Although the social structure has degenerated into the elder tribe system over time, because of the number of people, this may be the most efficient and stable method of governance.

The four major tribes communicate with each other and compete for power and profits, but because the internal resources of the ruins are indeed rich, and each party needs the technology of each party to ensure the quality of life, there is no real contradiction between them.

When we got here, the colors of the murals suddenly became bright, and the content was also interesting.

Ian saw the image of a tall, resolute-looking man with grey hair and sky blue eyes, with a confident smile in the center of the mural.

The man looks ambitious, and four keys surround him.

Obviously, this man should be the Great Elder during the mural painting period - he gathered four keys, unified the four tribes, and gathered the rights of the Sequoia leaders in one person.

The frescoes come to an abrupt end here.

Ian closed his eyes, lost in thought.

After a long time, he exhaled: "It seems that the reason why the natives left the base is related to this great elder."

To enter and exit the gate of the Sequoia Base, you must collect all four keys. The Sequoia people in the past did not have this idea nor the right. Many dangerous and high-tech areas cannot be freely entered by Sequoia people.

No hunch, Ian can be 100% sure that all the changes are happening because of this guy.

Below the unfinished mural is a corpse.

The corpse's clothes and tools are still quite intact, and it sits peacefully to die under the frescoes he painted.

Ian didn't plan to disturb the ancient Sequoia man's long sleep at first. There are many reasons for the other party not completing the next mural, but the cause of death is very simple.

He could see from the silver chip that the other party committed suicide by taking poison, and there were a lot of highly toxic substances left on the bones.

However, it was precisely because Ian used the silver chip scan that he realized that something was wrong.

"Hey, behind this painter..."

With a light whimper, Ian frowned slightly. He stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and tilted the corpse slightly forward, revealing the wall that was blocked by the corpse.

There was a mass of handwriting on the wall that looked like rotten numbness. It could be seen that when writing it, the owner of the character was very emotional, and it could even be said that he was desperate. The trembling handwriting was so obvious.

If it is an ordinary person, there is definitely no way to distinguish these fonts.

But Ian could see it.

With the help of the silver chip, he read the words softly.

"Madala Qunsen, the Great Elder of the Four Keys. He went crazy, opened the forbidden door, and modified the blood echo of the ancestors..."

The more he looked at it, the more Ian frowned: "He replaces the head of the inheritance, and we will all become him... We will all die completely, and even our souls will not be at peace!"

"Monster, vicious madman, devil who wants immortality! I curse you..."

The handwriting was corroded by blood, and it is no longer clear to read, but it is just a curse behind it, so I don't need to care.

And Ian fell silent, staring at the place, mumbling to himself.

"Echo?" The young man frowned and said, "Eternal life?"

"Is it a coincidence?"

The white people Ian belonged to used to be the famous family of labyrinth scholars in the imperial capital, the 'Chehalorvo Family'.

They were originally prosperous because of the new pioneering movement initiated by the late emperor Inaga II and the 'labyrinth development discipline', and enjoyed a lot of glory, but because of a very secret mistake, their entire family was exiled, and their cultivation has the sublimation of the silver peak messenger inheritance. The person was even abolished by a single inheritance, and even all executed.

Outsiders don’t know and don’t care about this, because during the period of the black tyrant’s rule, it was not uncommon for families and organizations to have similar endings... Although the Cehalorvo family is indeed the larger of all the families that were dealt with That, but at best is just another footnote to the tyrant's bloody debt.

To outsiders, everything is like this.

But Ian knew that the reason why the Cehalorvo family was dealt with was a "mystery of immortality" related to the "echo".

As for the other families that Inaga II dealt with, either they were playing blood sacrifices, or they were trying to rebel, or they were really committing big mistakes in corruption-to be honest, when I knew about these things, Ian had no family honor. Some people who feel it want to complain about their own family.

——Compared with these insects, it really reduces his style!

And right here, at the end of the world, which is far from the imperial capital, in the Nanling Relics Group.

Ian saw the same words again.

"Echoes...and immortality."

Standing in the same place, Ian was a little incomprehensible: "Is it the same thing, or is it a coincidence?"

"Could it be that the family found the 'echo' in a large relic like the Sequoia Base back then?"

There is this possibility. As a relic, Sequoia Base can be said to have almost everything, not to mention other things. At the same time, it gathers space engineering, alien ecology, energy core and key facilities with bioengineering department... Even the pre-epoch civilization, I am afraid it is difficult to find. Several are bigger and more comprehensive than the Sequoia base.

And, just as Inaga II angrily scolded.

Also related to the echo, the ancient Sequoia elder, hated and feared by his people, called him the "devil who wants eternal life".

With such doubts, Ian returned to the crowd.

He didn't plan to tell Master Gosey and Yisen about this, not because he was outside, but he didn't know how to talk about it - if these two guys mistakenly thought that he wanted them to help restore Ciehalorvo What about family honor?

Restoration is definitely needed. The exiled people are not discriminated against in Nanling, just because Nanling is a large exile, and 80% of the ancestors of the residents are exiles.

However, the status of 'exile' has many inconveniences in other places.

If nothing else, there is no way to legally organize a chamber of commerce, purchase land, or set up a monster breeding business, which is a great inconvenience.

The Ellen family and Master Gosse are definitely capable of speaking in front of the emperor and helping the Cieharorvo family to restore their reputation.

But not now.

Now, Ian has to figure out the real body of the 'Echo' in order to predict the fate of the Cehalorvo family.

Otherwise, Inaga II can exile the family, just like Axel, the guardian of the soil - even if he doesn't know what the taboo is, how can he predict the good and bad in the future?

With such worries, Ian planned to go to Isengard to ask about the team's situation.

But in the middle of the past, it was found by Qingchao.

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