Above The Sky

Chapter 258 Ancestors Of The Sequoia Indigenous (13)

"Turn on visual recording."

The people in the Sequoia Base seem to be quarreling. Because of the shading of the earth's crust and seawater, the electromagnetic waves that seem to interfere with the entire Terra world or other psychic field effects have not interfered with them, and the interior of the base is still colored.

Because, after a certain water purification irrigation facility was destroyed by meat and animals, the leader who was wearing 'green' clothes, representing the 'circulation', showed no worries, and everyone else was silent.

To change this, the man in blue and white, the leader of the future and sustainment, thought of many solutions.

After the natural disaster, the Sequoia Base chose to self-appoint the ground to avoid the natural disaster and be isolated from the world. They established a complete ecological system and used the energy of the base to breed animals and cultivate food, which solved the problem of survival.

These are methods that the pre-epoch civilization has been developing for a long time, and already have considerable proficiency.

They made four keys, representing 'energy', 'maintenance', 'cycle' and 'future', locked many dangerously damaged areas in the base, and modified the interior of the base.

After the fragments of the moon fell to the earth, all beings on the earth were surrounded by flames. The originally towering cities and buildings collapsed in the meteorite rain, and those flying vehicles and airships also fell with black smoke— This should not be caused by a meteorite, but a large-scale mechanical failure. A strong electromagnetic shock or a change in the psionic field swept the entire city, and the residents wearing robes and various costumes scattered on the streets in fear.

- Now, Ian has almost understood the origin of the Sequoia natives.

With such doubts, Ian gradually looked towards the back of the mural.

Except for the spaceship and space exploration department that bring as few people as possible, there is basically no need for professionals to master multiple skills.

Ian watched this mural silently. He was very clear that in a highly differentiated modern society, many functions are replaced by extremely professional maintenance machinery or professional workers are specialized in maintenance. A mechanical engineer may only know what he is proficient in the field. Machinery is familiar, and it is impossible for maintenance workers to master the technology of repairing all siege equipment.

It is no wonder that most of the Sequoia natives are the people of gold, because among the former staff, the people who are most suitable for the environment have the greatest genetic advantage, and most of the newborns born after intermarriage are also people of gold... Other races are not suitable because of their incompatibility, so Self-suppression of dominant genes ensures the continuity of the race.

It seems that in the previous era, many races have appeared now, but there is no difference between the races. Some people have cyber-modified parts on them. They walk on the streets equally, but suddenly catastrophic disaster.

The natural disasters outside are still continuing, but the interior of the Sequoia Base has stabilized. The four leaders have joined forces to manage it. They have successfully built an internal circulation within the base, borrowing the ubiquitous light for farming, raising meat and animals, and maintaining enough. number of people.

Time flies, the leaders who were older before the moon shattered, and the other leaders who took over were also very good, leading the internal staff of Sequoia Base to maintain the ecosystem and maintain many facilities inside the base.

Ian held his breath and carefully observed the scenes in the mural.

Not to mention, there may be no professionals who can repair water purification facilities in this group of people.

The impact of the meteorite was just a prelude. With the collapse of the moon, the light on the earth disappeared, and everything on the murals turned black and white. Ian speculated that it might be an artistic expression that all electronic instruments were temporarily unavailable.

Their descendants do not have the conditions to receive a complete higher education like them. Even if they have mastered a lot of technology, they will never be able to cover everything and draw inferences from each other.

The rest of the technology is the same.

According to Ian's own personal experience, this kind of thing is generally outsourced - cheap, efficient and professional, and it really has to be staffed to recruit people.

——For example, using a huge machine to let people learn knowledge.

- Another example is to directly engrave knowledge in the bloodline. As people grow up, humans can gradually understand the knowledge in their bloodline.

But they were still in a panic, a group of people around a glowing thing were beating each other and civil war, and many people died in the base, until the four leaders came forward and came to an agreement.

However, deep underground, a base originally designed to resist natural and man-made disasters is still in operation.

Only when the four keys are gathered together, can those dangerous areas that are blocked, as well as the gate of the base be opened.

Even more terrifying things seem to have happened in the ocean... Although there are no descriptions of meteorites falling, huge tsunamis, earthquakes and geological changes are taking place, and it is these natural disasters that have destroyed all coastal cities, and the Babel Tower is also not immune. Sink into the sea with the prosperous city.

In this way, within three generations, the Sequoias will turn from the remnants of the previous era to complete technical savages - they have mastered some high-end technologies, but they are unable to carry out further analysis and development.

At the very least, the indigenous ancestors living in the base have never been worried about food, nor have the entire clan "adaptively" become that dwarf due to lack of nutrition.

The frescoes in front have been destroyed and can only be seen from the Broken Moon.

——Or artificially cultivate an external memory organ, record key knowledge in it, and perform surgical transplantation from generation to generation to pass on memory and technology.

Their appearance and characteristics are not the same. Ian also found common human races such as humans, elves and dwarves. There are also many demi-humans with various animal ears and animal characteristics, and there are also sea people.

This section of the mural is skipped very quickly. Just a few paintings tell the replacement of several generations of leaders. Obviously, the painter is not very clear about this history, or does not think it is necessary to describe in detail - in short, several generations Leaders have changed, and the interior of Sequoia Base has always remained stable.

The larger the civilization and the more sophisticated the department, the stricter the division of its employees, and the more the population is needed to maintain the 'knowledge' needed for its own existence.

The Sequoia natives are undoubtedly the descendants of the Sequoia base staff!

But time is always the biggest killer.

Ian doesn't play anything fake, and now is not the time to be shocked and emotional, he directly asked Chip to record all the murals he saw with his eyes on video!

They put newborns and even fertilized eggs in jars similar to cultivation tanks, and then modulate them to write a lot of knowledge into their instincts... There are a lot of genetically engineered equipment in the Sequoia Base, which is similar to many Ian has seen. Alien ecosystems match.

But as all first-generation Sequoia base workers age, or even die, the loss of technology is inevitable.

Of course, there are only a few that cannot be repaired. Most of the key facilities are the focus of the focus. Those first-generation Sequoia base people have long anticipated this problem. Of course, their descendants cannot be compared with their most elite parents. , but the level has not fallen too much. In the pre-epoch civilization, it can be regarded as an intellectual who has completed higher education.

The frescoes are simple, but they are very clear and charming. Obviously, the painters are professionals who have studied in this area.

To put it simply - although everyone will point to basic mathematics or advanced mathematics, except for mathematicians who specialize in mathematics, few people know what they are usually studying.


So, the recession begins.

Maybe not forgetting.

Bloodline inheritance is not difficult for them.

In the end, because the huge learning machine was too extravagant, easily damaged, and could not manufacture some key parts, they chose to modify their own blood and an external memory organ as a way to help future Sequoia people maintain their technical level. method.

They have forgotten how to maintain this facility.

In addition to the water purification equipment, many other equipment began to have problems one after another.

Soon, Ian understood why the murals were specially painted during this period of leader replacement.

"Why did they go out? Give up their status as members of the base to become 'indigenous'?"

The Sequoia Base, or the South China Sea Relics Group, has sufficient energy, abundant resources, and a complete ecosystem—the days here are definitely more comfortable than living outside.

That's Sequoia Base.

But here comes the problem...

However, what about the heirs of their heirs?

Then, the picture returns to the coast - a sky-high tower is collapsing and overturning.

And if you look closely, you can also distinguish the differences between the people of white, the people of iron, the people of red and the people of gold from the pigments that have not faded.

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