Above The Sky

Chapter 260 I'm Just An Ordinary Appraiser (33)

Qingchao's real name is 'Ai Lei Onassis', which means the Onassis clan, his father's name is Lei, and his own name is Ai.

This is a tall swordsman with short blue-blue hair, narrow eyes, and very sharp eyes.

It is a bit of a coincidence that his sea-born tendencies are also 'sharks' - Qingchao swims faster in the sea than the average sea-born, has rough and hard skin, and can constantly replace and regenerate teeth.

He is usually outspoken, but he likes to hide in a corner when he is not talking to others. He is obviously five or three rough, but usually gives people the feeling of a melancholy literary youth.

Haiji is a kind of people who accompany the spirits of Asians. Qingchao has a mouth full of sharp teeth like sharks. It is said that his father's beastization is even more serious, and there are even bone shark fins on his arms.

At this time, Qingchao had already injected the regeneration medicine, and most of his injuries had healed.

This time he came to thank him, or to say, he came to 'depart'.

"You saved my life, Mr. Guide."

The sea-born swordsman knelt down on one knee to Ian, and the subordinates of the Whale Song Cliff gave the Lord a great gift, and said calmly in a low voice: "I will not lie - I am extremely optimistic about your future."

"You are strong enough and young enough, but now you are not worthy of your potential identity - I am willing to be loyal to you, become your swordsman, and become your strength."

It can be regarded as a wise man who does not speak secretly.

Qingchao owes favor to Ian, and also believes that Ian has great ability and potential, and the future is limitless, so he simply defected.

"It's true that I saved your life, but it's just to protect the front line. The medicine belongs to the Ellen family. I'll just turn my hand."

Ian did not let the tide rise, nor did he refuse or acknowledge the other's 'allegiance'.

He also knew very well that the reason why the other party didn't defect to the Ellen family was because the Ellen family was too strong, and if he wanted to defect, he might not be able to pass the political trial.

On the contrary, on his own side, the real private team under his command had to say that Scott was the only one who really needed some good hands to move easily.

Moreover, he can be considered to know the past of Qingchao.

Back then, after the battle of the Three Seas between Whale Song Cliff and Sea Demon Worm across the Surging Ocean, the Wandering Sea, and the Ocean of Storms, a large number of injured veterans retired, and they could not even get enough retirement remuneration.

But from this batch of veterans, a new batch of military nobles also emerged.

Although most of the new nobles are the 'vassals' chosen by the major marine ethnic groups and mermaid tribes in Jingsongya, the right to be a vassal is also snatched by countless people.

Qingchao's father is one of the qualified competitors.

It's just that this veteran is qualified but has no background, and has been secretly suppressed by a lot to prevent him from really competing for the seat.

In addition, there are too many retired soldiers, and he still has a secret injury, which makes it difficult to find a job. Therefore, due to the attack of the secret injury, the circulation of the source seed in the body is disordered and the heart failure died.

Although the first-level sublimator has a higher status than ordinary people, it is not up to the threshold of the nobility, and it is not difficult to cultivate.

Although it is said that it takes more than 4,000 thalers to cultivate a first-level sublimator, but this is a combination of 'potion materials', 'potion formula', 'employment of alchemists', 'teacher's salary' and adaptability The cost of training' and 'additional nutritional supplements'.

For the military, whether it is potion formula, refining or teacher, and subsequent adaptive training, there is almost no cost. Only potion materials and additional nutritional supplements cost money.

But for a large organization, the flesh and materials of low-level monsters are mass-produced products that can rely on the labyrinth for large-scale farming.

Only starting from scratch, a family that has never had an inheritor before, needs to spend thousands of thalers to cultivate the first sublime in their family.

After that, it is much easier to train the second one.

This is also the importance of the so-called 'background'. The simplest effect is to reduce the cost of training and restore glory faster.

For example, the people of White in Harrison Harbor, if they are not exiles, just the inheritance of Silver Peak messengers, alchemy and inscriptions mastered by Elder Pude can help the family recover as quickly as possible.

And large organizations can produce a considerable number of first-level sublimators in batches at any time.

But the follow-up maintenance is a problem instead.

Every sublimator is a high-precision source quality machine, and the source quality food it consumes is a large amount of money every month.

The most terrifying thing is not even the funds, but the lack of resources - the output of the flesh and blood of Warcraft is limited, and the planning of resources has always been a big problem.

For the war, a large number of first-level sublimators have been cultivated as a consumption of combat power, but after the war, there is no need for so many individuals with individual force... Compared with the overall resources of the entire force to support a group of veterans , it is better to disarm, train a group of young ordinary soldiers, and then upgrade them to consume when needed.

This is why there are so many ascendant mercenaries and adventurers in the world of Terra - most of their predecessors were veterans or lost nobles.

Just like Qingchao - he received his father's education since he was a child, and used the last money in the family to become a sublimator, constantly sharpening his skills, until the previous battle with moths, and even broke through the first ability. level peak.

High-level and peak are the same threshold.

Such a young first-level peak swordsman, even a great noble like the Ellen family, even if he does not accept allegiance, he is still willing to give him the identity of a diners to eat and drink.

In fact, Qingchao was originally a long-term partner of Platinum Iridium Workshop, so it was able to arrive at Harrison Port as soon as possible.

"I don't want to work for Whalesong Cliff, so I've been looking for a place to settle down... Have you chosen Port Harrison now?"

Ian admired Qingchao's subjective initiative of grasping the current affairs and grasping the opportunity to act, but he couldn't agree so directly.

After pondering for a while, Ian said slowly: "Let's wait until we come out of the ruins alive, and give you time to think - Qingchao, I'm just an ordinary Harrison Harbor appraiser, but I can't give you much salary, if If you really want to follow me, the days after that will be very hard, you have to think about it."

The corners of Qingchao's eyes moved slightly, apparently unable to hold back.

Ordinary Port Harrison Appraiser?

What a joke, he's not blind!

Ian's swordsmanship is so superb that he thinks it is powerful. Obviously, it is not the high-level inheritance of the Wave Chanters, and the decisiveness that can withstand the situation and make decisions at critical moments... is enough to prove that his future is limitless!

Not to mention, he has already made good friends with the Ellen family, and is also an official appraiser valued by Viscount Grant. In the process of communicating with other Harrison Harbor sailors, he even knew that Ian was the future elder of the white people of Harrison Harbor.


If Qing Chao had not clearly sensed that he had already entered the peak of the first energy level, and his strength could be improved after the injury, he would not even be embarrassed to come to Ian for allegiance!

"Don't take yourself too seriously."

As if he could sense the inner activity of the swordsman, the young man shook his head slightly and said, "The first peak of your swordsmanship level, even the Ellen family is willing to invite you to be a swordsmanship coach."

"It's my honor to be willing to find me...get up."

"That's why my participation now has value, isn't it?" Following Ian's voice, Qingchao smiled and stood up.

——To applaud when the crowd cheers, how can there be a great harvest from fighting together at the end of the day?

The swordsmen stared into Ian's eyes, some of which could not be 'blind loyalty'.

It wasn't for that kind of thing that he made up his mind to swear allegiance to a boy who was probably half his age.

Even if he really thought so, with Ian's intelligence, how could he possibly believe it?

However, the feelings in the swordsman's heart... were deeper and heavier than loyalty.

- That is hope.

Qingchao saw the hope in Ian's heart.

Although it is unclear, the way is unclear, and even the swordsman himself does not know why.

Maybe that sword. It ripped apart the array of ape beasts and moths, and with a single blow, the siege was destroyed by a sword.

Such an amazing and refined sword definitely requires talent and thousands of days and nights of hard work to achieve a small achievement... At Ian's age, he must have never stopped practicing since he was able to hold a wooden sword.

A genius who can persist in practicing swordsmanship at the age of fourteen without interruption.

With just this bit of perseverance and talent, the swordsman knows that the future of the other party is definitely not just an appraiser in a frontier town, nor is it just a mere elder of Bai Zhimin!

This comes from the intuition of the swordsman.

In contrast, the regeneration potion, although it was a life-saving grace, was only an introduction.

Qingchao has made up his mind.

——He, he doesn’t want to be a 'mercenary swordsman' who can only bring pain to his relatives when he dies, and who can only sell his own strength in his life, to be a 'ronin'.

At least, this young man, his goal is definitely bigger than his own and has value.

It's more worth it than... the battle my father was involved in.

You can also make money, so why don’t you choose a more future path? More so that you will not regret the way.

wizard. Chewing on Ian's synonym, he can't help but feel so apt.


The guide is indeed his future guide.

Qingchao's allegiance is a small episode.

When Ian finds Master Gosse and Isengard in the cabin, the two seem to be discussing some questions about what to do next.

The boy's voice was full of doubts: "Teacher, if we move forward, we will go deep into the heart of the ruins. Don't we need to leave this ruins now?"

The old man's voice was filled with hatred: "You, are you confused if you don't use alchemy? Like this kind of super-large ruins, even if there is no labyrinth, it is already a labyrinth, and you don't need to go deep into the ruins to understand the specific interior. Map path, we can't go out at all!"

"What's more, the core facilities of this kind of pre-epoch relics are generally accessible in all directions. You can go to any area and find the entrance and exit there, but it is faster than going out with one mind now!"

A very classic topic - when you accidentally enter the ruins labyrinth, is it better to go towards the center of the labyrinth, or is it better to leave directly?

Ian thinks it's fine, anyway, he has a vision of precognition, and no maze can stop him.

But this time, he definitely supports Master Gosse.

So he knocked on the door, got permission, and after entering the room said: "We must go to the ruins center, there are too many strange things here, and there are countless strange parasites, if you don't understand the secrets. , you may die unexpectedly when you walk halfway.

When the master and apprentice heard the knock on the door and turned back together, Ian calmly interjected.

He looked at the two of them curiously and asked, "What's the matter, two, why are you suddenly talking about this?"

The master and the apprentice looked at each other, and naturally it was Master Gosey who spoke first.

"It's not a big deal."

The old man shook his head and said: "Someone found a map recorded on the crystal paper of the former era from the bones on the ground."

"There are many places marked on the map, including the signs of 'sacrificial place', 'sacred place' and 'exit'."

------off topic-----

More notice tomorrow! Absolutely super big! Just wait!

Recommend a friend's novel, "I Rewrote Family History"

The author overlooks the past

(There is already a million-character masterpiece "The Heavens Beginning from Bailuyuan")

The one-hundred and twenty-year-old old man, transmigrated into a white fox in the second year of Xuantong, pointing out the young self. Republic of China, double-cross text.

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