Above The Sky

Chapter 253 The Black Tyrant And The 1 Knight (23)

"Ah this..."

Ian didn't expect that Master Gosey was stunned by his identity.

But when you think about it, it's not surprising - Master Gosey originally just brought his little apprentice over for a royal mission, and protected the apprentice from the limelight. It turned out that someone had already planned to assassinate Yisen, but he himself The former student, the apprentice's uncle, was the mastermind of this assassination. He was severely injured by him, and then saw the local Bai Zhimin young appraiser kill the indigenous great shaman with the power of the first energy level...

After that, he fell into the ruins and guessed the true identity of the young appraiser.

These farts are linked together, and the old man's mood is agitated, plus he was indeed weak at that time, and it is not surprising that he fainted.

Perhaps I would also like to thank the old man for his mental toughness and good health, otherwise it would be normal to pass out on the spot.

As for the flaws that Master Gosey said about himself, Ian was relieved.

These flaws are not real flaws. It can only be said that Master Gosey is also a person from the Inaiga era. He also had exchanges with Teacher Hilliard and the others, and even cast alchemy long swords for the patrol knights. Therefore, it is possible to perceive his identity through a series of doubts and clues.


"If you really will report me, why say it?"

Ian stared at the green light emanating from the other party's body and shook his head: "And, if I really knew that you had murderous hostility towards me, I would definitely see it right away."

"Can your psychic power even see through your emotions? No wonder the first knight chose you as the last heir. Otherwise, it would be too easy to be deceived and too easy to see through your identity."

Gosey was still scrutinizing the Chongyuan Iron Sword, his brows were slightly wrinkled, he was thinking about key technical issues, and he didn't pay much attention to Ian's words.

After thinking about it, he raised his head and said solemnly: "If you want to hide your identity, you should use a lesser swordsmanship. A fourteen-year-old country swordsman, where can such a good swordsmanship come from? This will arouse suspicion. Then gradually increase the observation of you."

"You are so talented, so it's hard to understand how a normal genius can reach, right? But you don't need to worry now, except for me, no one in Port Harrison can see so finely, a little in front of Ailes. Just a little restraint, his father's sword skills are also taught to the first knight, and you will say that the sword skills you learned from Ayers in the future, no one will doubt those similarities."

Returning the sword to Ian, Master Gosse pointed to the edge of the sword and said: "This sword is made of Chongyuan iron as the main material, which is a strong material enough to be used as the outer armor of the Aether Armor. The adaptability is also quite good, now it is not so much a formed sword as it is a sword embryo, as long as it is slightly modified, this sword will have a third-level transformation."

"The first knight's fighting method does not require a blade. He uses a sword embryo like an iron rod, but you can't."

"No matter what inheritance you are practicing, your current power cannot exert the power of this sword, so if you want to disguise it, it is better to use a layer of Thorium as a blade and cover the key parts, that is a very powerful sword. The common fine iron Thorium long sword, and swordsmen who are good at dealing with monsters like to use this weapon that can break the source shield."

Saying so, the old man even took out a small bag of Thorium from his arms, handed it to Ian, and raised his eyebrows to indicate, "You are an alchemist yourself, find a chance to silver it yourself, I don't have the strength to do it right now."

Ian nodded and took the sachet of Thorium.

It’s not a question of whether it’s expensive or not, but as a high-grade material that can increase the toughness of weapons and armor. This kind of thing can’t be bought in the normal market. At least, there is only one Viscount Grant who has channels in Harrison Port. He can’t refuse.

"That's about it." Staring at Ian, then closing his eyes, Gosey said tiredly, "Let me rest for a while... The sound of these bugs is really annoying, and I can't get rid of it for a while."


Ian also planned to turn his head and leave, so that Master Gosse could rest and recover earlier.

But when he was about to leave, he thought of another question.

The young man turned his head, looked at the old man who was barely rousing himself, and asked a question that was not very crucial, but could satisfy his curiosity.

"Why do you call the late emperor the 'Black King'...but you seem to have respect for the teacher?"

This is a question that Ian is more curious about - the kind of Viscount Grant who has always called Inaga II the first emperor is rare, and most nobles and businessmen call him the black king, not to mention the common people who follow his words.

It is not surprising that Master Gosse said that Inaga II was the black king. After all, as a member of the bachelor group, it is normal for them not to see the spread of knowledge. Ian would not think there was anything 'wrong' with such behavior, but he Will indeed try to 'improve' in the future.

"...The popularity of the first knight is much better than that of Hei...the late emperor."

After being silent for a while, Master Gosey smiled wryly and shook his head: "How can I say, the late emperor is indeed very capable, this can be seen from the fact that although the current His Majesty opposes the late emperor's policies on the surface, he has been secretly implementing his policies. Come out. Of course, in a gentler and more compromising way.”

"As for the attitude... how should I put it, it's not surprising that the late emperor is called the black king..."

"In order to implement his policy and his will, he never hesitated to use any means, including national labor and the recruitment of middle-aged men - if you say that your will is above others, it is a 'tyrant', Then he is indeed the biggest tyrant in Terra's seven hundred years, and no one can surpass him."

"Of course, his ideas, policies and methods were later proven to be correct, good, and of long-term value... Yes, he was all right! But what's the use of being right? We're not him, If we can’t even experience the beautiful world we created through hard work, and we can’t have a little personal enjoyment, then why do we have to work hard and dedicate?!”

Speaking of this, the old man's tone suddenly became excited, but he was quickly suppressed.

After taking a few deep breaths, Master Gosse closed his eyes and laughed at himself: "Of course. Judging from the current level of corruption and depravity of the imperial nobles, he is right again - we are actually a group of people without shackles. Crazy Horse running sideways, or even running backwards, haha, he is really right, but what use is it?"

"He can't accomplish his dream alone, and he can't manage the madness and selfish desires of nobles and scholars, but just blindly suppresses and restrains... Then such a result and fate are also 'right'."

It seems that he wants to confide in Ian, the successor of Hilliard, and the stand-in for "those two", the depression, emotion and doubts that have been accumulated in his heart for many years.

Master Gosse doesn't look like a wise old man now, but like the angry young man from decades ago.

But in the end, Ian is not Hilliard, let alone the Black King...not Inaega II.

The silent white-haired boy couldn't respond to the other's blankness.

"For so many years, I have been teaching and educating people, and I am too lazy to participate in any political struggle, because only educating children is something that can't be wrong."

Raising his head, the old man and the silent young man looked at each other, and he said solemnly: "Ian, you ask me why I call Inaga II the 'Black King', then I will tell you that our late emperor... Maybe he really wanted to create A country where everyone is happy."

"However, he can only see the glorious world a hundred years later, but not all the complaining ministers... and the people."

"I can't see clearly, the evil in human nature."

"He is well-deserved to be called the black king, and so is the tyrant. In comparison, the first knight is a well-deserved saint-you are his disciple, so you know that I am not exaggerating. After studying and teaching at the True Knowledge Academy for a period of time, it was the first knight who taught us to regain our humanity and return to the right path."

"Don't worry." Having said that, Master Gosse shook his head, as if denying Ian's doubts: "I won't tell anyone who you are, there are few people who sympathize with the Black King, and there are a lot of people who sympathize with the First Knight. , after all, the current His Majesty is not a member of the dark moon turmoil at that time, the late emperor is his father in the final analysis, and the first knight is in the final analysis his teacher."

"It's true that your identity cannot be revealed, but if you become a strong person like your teacher in the future, the empire will not regard you as an enemy."

"Even, it will be respected."

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