Above The Sky

Chapter 252 The Identity That Was Seen (13)

Watching Qingchao suddenly lose control of his emotions, Ian was puzzled at first, then seemed to understand something.

He was thoughtful, didn't say much, just quietly backed away, as if he didn't see the other party's gaffe.

After retreating, he summoned the other talkers in the current position again to ask about the current situation.

Because of Ian's strength, as well as Yisen, Iron Hand and Lanfan, they also rushed back one after another, and the boy quickly gained control of the entire position.

"It turns out that three sublimators have died in battle before, or are they missing?"

Ian frowned, he didn't expect the situation to be so dire.

There were originally four sublimators on the pirate side, and the fifth and strongest captain disappeared together with Shark, and their whereabouts are currently unknown.

On the exploration ship side, there are five people, two of them are Essengard's guards, two of them are blue sails and Qingchao who were called by the platinum-iridium workshop, and there is a wave-chanter from the platinum-iridium workshop.

In terms of sublimators, exploration ships have the advantage, but the number of pirates is still the majority.

The two sides are indeed hostile to each other, but both sides are fighting.

The captain, the boss, and even the pirate's goal were not there, so naturally there was no fierce competition-not to mention that the aberrant ape and the frost moth arrived shortly after. After a hard fight, the pirate killed a sublime. , the wave chant on the exploration team's side was also killed by the Frost Moth because he couldn't call the tide.

However, it was also because of this tough battle that the army of aberrant beasts, which was far larger than now, was directly scattered, so the intensity of the next attack was not as great as the first one at the beginning, and it was not difficult to defend.

However, there is no way to keep it like this. Another guard of Isengard, Yehuo, volunteered to explore the way, but he never returned. There is a high chance that he was either lost in the ice leak or killed by a monster.

The remaining few sublimators gathered to discuss, and felt that there was no way, so the pirates and the exploration ship each sent two sublimators to go outside to see the situation, and it was best to find a way.

The pirate side encountered the remnants of the monster and had to retreat to help Qingchao defend the position, while the exploration ship encountered Ian and solved the siege.

As for Ian's power...

Everyone is secretly observing this appraiser who claims to be the 'Wave Chanter'... The opponent's strength is really unusually strong!

The previous wave chant was useless in a frosty environment, and Ian's power can even be activated by frost, this is obviously not an ordinary wave chant... even not a chong chong at all!

"There really aren't many shells left."

Not paying attention to the strange eyes other people looked at him, Ian compiled the shell data and found that the remaining two boxes of shells might not even be able to cope with the next attack.

"It's time to retreat."

He raised his head, his eyes flashed with psychic brilliance, looked around at everyone present and said: "It is most dangerous to stay where you are and continue to fight head-on with a steady stream of monsters. Now let's gather resources and prepare to leave in the northwest direction, over there. There should be an exit or a connecting flight."

Although Ian did not give any reason, everyone present decided to follow his decision - not only his strength, but Ian's natural tone and confidence, which can indeed lead people forward at this critical juncture.

"Isen, come and discuss the details with them. I'll go see if there is any equipment on the exploration ship that can be used."

Turning his head, Ian wanted Yisen to dispatch the material and manpower. His ability in this regard is actually quite good, but the blond boy motioned Ian to approach, and then mysteriously whispered a message to him.


Ian raised his brows, then followed Ethan out of the center of the position.

Master Gosse is awake, and he is awake, and he has something very confidential that he wants to tell him.

"The teacher said that I only want to see you alone, and I don't know what it is."

Although a little aggrieved and incomprehensible, Isengard obediently obeyed the teacher to leave. Before leaving, he was instructed by Ian to prepare the team, which was quite a tool.

At this moment, there were only Master Gosse and Ian in the cabin.

"You can be considered awake, Master." The boy walked into the cabin and immediately closed the door to prevent the cold wind from leaking in.

He turned his head, looked at the white-haired old man, and said with a slight smile: "Without your old man, our journey would be really hard."

"If you don't wake up, I'm afraid you will freeze to death."

In the cabin converted from an exploration ship, the old man was on fire and looked around weakly.

Then he smiled at Ian: "You did a really good job, little guy, even the real heirs of the great nobles, or the apprentices of the famous knights, may not have the ability of yours, this is definitely not a genius. Or if the Chosen One can explain it, you must have a good teacher."

"I saw your sword when you dealt with those people in the Flying Flame Land...let me guess..."

Saying so, the old man closed his mouth and just stared at Ian silently.

It seemed that he wanted to see some shadow of the past from the boy who was just smiling calmly.

The shadow of the glorious age that he was once proud of and dedicated to.

Ian wasn't surprised at all. He nodded and said softly, "Really? Your old man doesn't dare to say their names."

"Even in the remote Nanling, which is far from the imperial capital, even in the ancient ruins that are isolated from the world."

"... Hilliard Lexi. That guy is your teacher."

Not being provoked, but simply determined on this point, Master Gosser said the name, followed by a long silence.

His expression was extremely complicated, but in the end he smiled relievedly: "I didn't feel sorry for the Black King and him back then, and it wasn't my turn to have a troubled conscience - I couldn't do anything."

Raising his head, Master Gosser stared at the person in front of him: "Ian, aren't you going to kill me?"

Ian was noncommittal, he just hummed, then came to the old man and raised his sword.

This sword is not aimed at the neck or the heart of the old man, it just allows the other party to see the material of the sword more clearly.

"How to hide the material of this sword?"

He asked: "This is the weapon that the teacher left me. It's okay for ordinary people, but it might be a little conspicuous for an old man like you... How can I hide this? I don't have other weapons that are good enough, but I also I don't want to reveal my identity so easily."

Not at all afraid, Master Gosey stretched out his hand and took the iron sword of heavy abyss from Ian's hand.

He pondered for a while, then said slowly: "...Sure enough, the saber of the previous generation of patrol knights. Because the first knight has his own weapon, this ceremonial saber has not been specially treated, it is just a sword. Ordinary great knight's sword."

"A whole batch of long swords were made by me and my teacher under orders. Others may not be sure. Of course I can recognize them."

Raising his head, the old man looked at Ian seriously again, his expression was a little gloomy: "It seems that the legend is still over, but you are left behind."

Ian didn't ask Master Gosser how to see that the teacher had passed away. These older generation may have worked together for a long time, and even had a chat in private, he would not understand which details were exposed.

So he just said: "Tell me how to hide the swordsmanship. I feel that my swordsmanship is already unique, and I shouldn't see the trace of my teacher."

"It's really good."

Master Gosser also pointed out without hesitation: "However, it is your detail that is very good, the swordsmanship is flawless but not lacking in thickness, the attack is quite fierce, but the defense is too simple and direct. Take care of the vitals - is this possible? At least not for a wave chant, that's why I'm skeptical."

"In addition, when you were driving the armor before, Yisen couldn't connect the data cable with you... The first energy level, this kind of physical strength, there are few inheritances that can have it."

Speaking of which, the old man's expression was a little complicated, and he seemed a little embarrassed.

But after a while, he knew that the situation was urgent, so he sighed and continued: "And that sword—to be honest, it wasn't because of the shock of the battle or the parasite that I fainted."

"I was simply shocked by your identity, and I fainted under the agitated mood."

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