Above The Sky

Chapter 254 Preview Of The Starry Sky (33)

——Huh, the Han Dynasty is the otherworld version made by the Qin Dynasty.

At first, when Ian listened to Master Gosser's words, there were still some light thoughts in his heart.

But the more he heard the back, the heavier his heart became. Until the end, he couldn't help but sigh and said, "It's hard to change the world."

In fact, Ian has thought about related issues in the days and nights of the past four years.

In this world with extremely strong personal force, the basis of governance may not even be the people, but those 'sublimators'... This is in terms of productive forces and objective laws.

The foundation of the sublimators is derived from the natural ecology or the magical beast materials in the labyrinth. They do not need ordinary food. Even like Isengard, ordinary food is even regarded as impure by them that "increases the probability of distortion". thing.

Now that the labyrinth transformation has been achieved, a large number of basic monster materials and even some advanced monster materials can be produced in batches, and the sublimators can even completely break away from ordinary people and create an independent new ecology.

The reason why they didn't give up was just because the bloodline nobles couldn't guarantee that their descendants were all sublime ones, and the ability to inherit did not mean that they could cultivate, not to mention that the bloodline seeds were in danger of deterioration.

And the new sublime born among ordinary people is also an extremely important source of power supplement in a large organization, and giving up abruptly will only lead to the elimination of one's own organization by other organizations.

In the final analysis, the number of people is justice. Under the same strength, there are only two Ascendants who can defeat one Ascendant.

How to request, educate, or domesticate this group of sublimated people, so that they can be used by society, people and civilization, is the way to create a great cause and realize dreams in the Terra Continent.

After all, sublimators are not fools, and they are even smarter than ordinary people. They can also use tools, develop technologies, and seek scientific truth. They are not barbarians who only use mysterious power-their existence itself is the cohesion of seeking truth. .

Blindly focusing on ordinary people, but not turning them into sublime ones, cannot bring out the most productive side of Terra, and if nothing else, armor is difficult to drive.

But turning all of them into sublimators, not to mention the issue of resources, the collective will usher in the backlash of human selfish desires that are amplified by power... and this backlash is ten thousand times more ferocious than the earth!

On Earth, one's power cannot resist the system, but Terra is different...

This is fundamentally different, different worlds, different civilizations, many historical experiences cannot be learned from, and cannot be blindly followed, otherwise it will be dogmatism.

The real way needs to be found by himself.

Determined in his heart, Ian is not particularly worried about these issues - at least these issues are things that he needs to think about after he conquers the world, at least after he has captured the empire.

Thinking about it now, it's actually too early.

Inaika II is so unpopular, in fact, it is also easy to understand - who would want a saint to manage everyone with the standard of a saint? It's a very simple matter. Saints can eat chaff, but emperors, princes, ministers, and nobles and scholars from all walks of life cannot.


From Hilliard's remarks, Ian believes that Inaga II should not be such an impatient guy.

The lifespan of the sublime is not long, but it is not short. From the time he ascended the throne to the tyrant who oppressed the world, let’s count him fifty years, and there will be a hundred years after that, which is enough for Inagar II and Hilliard. The five-level powerhouse slowly and slowly cuts the flesh with soft knives. There is no need to press the entire empire's sublimator-nobility system into a hurry, and he has to work hard with him.

While he is alive, he will definitely achieve his dreams.


"not enough time."

A flash of light flashed in his heart, and Ian suddenly raised his head, staring at the ceiling of the cabin in the rather puzzled eyes of Master Gosse, his eyes seemed to penetrate the thick ice and rock layers, and reach the ocean and the starry sky above the sky.

In that empty and bleak sky, there is a situation that almost everyone on Terra Continent can't understand... Only stargazers and those who look up at the sky will pay attention.

"The stars are disappearing... the alien creatures that came through the fire, the many ecosystems that have migrated... The reason why the Terra people are developing interstellar technology..."

"If it's a time standard, or a forecast..."

Slowly withdrawing his gaze, Ian suppressed his sudden urgency, but shook his head lightly and said to himself, "Now, there is one more reason to go to the ruins database to check the star map of the former era."

"The abnormality of the starry sky should be the reason why Inaga II is so urgent."

As for the fact that his teacher is actually quite popular... Ian can actually see it.

In fact, Hilliard has not concealed his identity very much for more than 20 years. He has the title of the most wanted criminal in the empire, and there is no entire large knights ready to be ready to arrest and imprison him. There must be power behind this. .

The complete annihilation of the previous generation of patrol knights may be due to malice towards Hilliard, but it is more likely to eliminate the influence of the Black King and replace them with a group of 'Forbidden Knights' loyal to themselves.

But he still couldn't reveal it - Master Gosey didn't know about the 'Inaga's legacy', so he could be so optimistic.

As long as he is exposed, he will still attract the attention of many big people.

After thinking about this, Ian didn't say much, but turned around under the gaze of Master Gosse, opened the door, and left.

"I really didn't expect that the current emperor of the empire is also my senior brother?"

Getting rid of the heavy topics in his mind, Ian tried to amuse himself: "So, I am Yisen's little master? Ah, I played this generation terrier last time."

He's in a much better mood - Ian is always optimistic and has fun for himself.

It didn't take too long to communicate with Master Gosey. When the boy walked out of the cabin, the team was selecting useful supplies from the ships stranded on the ice abyss and preparing for the next action.

Alchemy cannons can be pushed away with wheels, and most of the cannons are abandoned.

"It doesn't feel like such a waste. Those gun barrels, with a little modification, should be able to be transformed into recoilless guns, or large supercharged guns."

Ian has been studying inscriptions and alchemy for so many years, plus the bonuses and design drawings brought by the silver chip, he can naturally see at a glance that those abandoned artillery are not worthless, and with the physical quality of the Terra people, a few sailors It is not difficult to carry a trot, and the logistical pressure is not the same as the earth.

However, when he was going to repurpose those weapons while everyone was stocking up.

An accident happened.

The accident came from the sky—the wind and snow in the ice abyss suddenly became bigger, so that everyone felt the omen of the frost moth and the deformed ape beast attacking again at that time, and nervously put down the work in their hands and began to prepare for the battle.

The noisy shouts staggered in the camp. Although orderly scheduling and regularity were gradually restored, it was enough to prove the tension of the crowd.

And Isengard, after dispatching scouts and observers to observe the situation, also came to the cabin as soon as possible, preparing to protect Master Gosser.

"Ian, this fight..."

He seems to want to ask Ian about the deployment of the next battle arrangement - unconsciously, Isengard has regarded this peer as a person who can really rely on, and can even be equal to Master Gosse.

But the blond boy saw that Ian raised his head in a daze, looking at the air.

On his delicate appearance, there is a rare mixed expression of 'unbelievable' and 'surprised'. Such an expression appears on the prophet who has always thought of everything... It can even be said that it is a bit cute.

The puzzled Isengard also raised his head and looked at the sky, but found nothing.

Ian, however, reached out to the sky.

The young Bai Zhimin, who was almost confused with Feng Xue, stretched out his hand towards Feng Xue, as if he wanted to touch something soft and fragile.

Immediately after...

A white, snow-like little 'fairy' appeared in the wind and snow.

Intimately 'sit' on the boy's fingers.

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