Above The Sky

Chapter 251 The Rotting World (44)

Adventurer... Adventurer is not a compliment. That refers to people who are separated from their hometowns, unable to live in peace, and who need to "risk" to survive - they are dangerous elements that the lords fear, and they are the elements of instability that make officials frown.

Opening his eyes, the swordsman saw that a bluish-white streamer flashed through the air, a white figure, holding a sword of black iron, slashed forward, and the azure-blue wave phantom followed the surging of the source material. Draw an arc forward.

"I can't do it anymore, I'll give you this sword... If you can go back alive, remember to ask the Ellen family to give me more pensions..."

A bottle of medicine.

He waved his sword again, and saw two snow-white sword lights burst out of the sky, spanning more than ten meters, and the eight ape beasts that wanted to pass the swordsman were simply cut into two pieces, and the two moths that emitted ice picks It was also cut off, and the blasting pulp fell. The cruiser can cut out such a long-distance killing sword energy without being in the sea. This is no longer the strength that the first energy level high-level should have, but the strength that is close to the peak!

Qingchao didn't hear the words behind Ian.

The sound of the artillery has begun to whistle again. Because of the induction of the green tide, a large number of moths gathered together and attacked him, so they became the target of subsequent artillery fire - more than 20 adult frost moths were blasted by the artillery and turned into pieces. Make slurries and crumbs all over the sky.

They live by brute force and courage, and seek money and excitement. They are the freaks who clearly have better choices to be soldiers and guards, but choose such a path that is feared and discriminated against.

His father taught him to wield the sword, taught him to walk, taught him to sense the breath of the sea, taught him the skills of fighting beasts and people, and excitedly picked him up after every progress he made, shaving him with a hard beard s face.

——Why don't you sell the sword, obviously I don't deserve such a good sword at all!

Introduction to bolus:

Qingchao is an adventurer and is proud of it.

When Qingchao was a child, he always heard his father talk about the war, and heard his retired father proudly point to the scars and badges on his chest, saying that he was one of the five thousand patrollers who wielded swords at that time.

At this moment, the sea-born sword in his hand shook the ice and snow in the atmosphere, because ice was just a change in the quality of the water source.

"There's always a way," they could only repeat.

The young man retracted his sword, turned around, and walked towards the position - the surviving crew of the exploration ship cheered, the pirates looked complicated, but a small number of people applauded and celebrated.

Qingchao's sword was swung even faster. Those apes and beasts with only brute force were as ridiculous as children in front of him. He just swung the sword casually, and the head of the ape was already rolling.

As long as he can reach the second energy level and become a 'tidal swordsman', it is not only the physical wind and snow, but even the blurred fog and cold air will become his sword light.

Wherever the sword light passed, the flesh and blood of apes and beasts splattered, and the slurries of demon insects splattered everywhere.


But that father died.

The background is huge and the story is unique.

Because of the deterioration of the injuries after the war, because there was not enough good medicine, because the soldiers were not paid in full, because there were too many wounded soldiers retired after the Battle of the Three Seas, so Whale Song Cliff has not been able to send enough Mara to let those Soldiers who should be paid their wages, get what they deserve.

------off topic-----

The number of apes and beasts is calculated in thousands. This is a large army enough to start a war, and the moths also sensed the extra conspicuous target of the green tide, and began to attack with ice cones and hail—for a time, the swordsman had to retreat. The swordsmanship of killing ape beasts turned to confront those flying ice arrows.

Both the pirates and the crew of the exploration ship can only be silent... Qingchao can see it, why can't they see it? It's just that this reality is too desperate, and they don't know what to do after leaving the position.

Qingchao saw that Ian slashed out with a sword, and the power of the fairy wings stirred up the frost and cold wind, turning it into a big wave in the frozen ground.

"This is……"

Because of the gradual improvement of the wound, the swordsman felt a much more severe pain than before. He took a deep breath, and he could clearly sense the passing of his life.

The person who spoke was an elf pirate whose hometown was in Naian, and his accent was a little bit of that of the Heavenly King's Court—these pirates had been completely convinced by Qingchao in several attacks and defenses.

When the young man said this, he stood up and praised from the bottom of his heart: "The sword qi just now is very powerful, I can't cut it out - don't see that the power of my sword just now is so powerful, it depends on inheritance and weapons."

Today's word w is to finish writing this story! Ask for a monthly ticket~

Recommend a book by a new author, "After All, Become a God"

It was also Qingchao's own plan to use himself as bait to catch all those really dangerous moths.

The horde of monsters retreated.

But not enough.

Everyone can see this, but they can only reload the ammunition that is not much in desperation, and send people to send the severely damaged Qingchao back to the position.

He took out a regeneration potion with a needle from his pocket and stuffed it into the hands of the stunned sea-born swordsman: "After the injection, take good care of your injuries, the newly regenerated internal organs will be a little fragile, but it is enough for you to exert the strength of the first energy level. "

The writing style is dark and gloomy, fierce and chilling, and creates a sense of animation with an animation atmosphere, bringing readers a rare reading experience visually. Hope this book can meet people who like it!

There was a gap in the team of the distorted apes immediately, and the moths in the sky took the initiative to turn their heads and retreat-they gave up this wave of offensive directly, and were ready to accumulate another wave of strength.

Not a small victory - but everyone knows that they only use the power of the fleet to accumulate strength. These monsters originally came to die, and then used the dead like food as food for transformation.

Until he heard a roar that ripped through the air, but was not a cannonball from the sky.

Even, because Ian's speed is too fast, sometimes it looks as if he has crossed the herd for a long time before the blood and serum burst out.

"Leave me here, I can fight for a while and hold back a little monster... If I can survive, just send some money to my family."

"You don't need to look down on yourself, you are really strong, and you won't die here."

He pursues the arduous journey, the exciting battle, the wealth and satisfaction after the adventure - it is these that support him and other companions who are also adventurers to walk on this continent, which makes the adventurers emerge one after another.

Immediately, he opened his eyes wide, staring incredulously at Ian, who came from nowhere, one sword at a time, and smashed into the swarm with a wave-like sword light.

Taking a breath, after a while, Qingchao whispered: "Now that the number of frost moths has decreased, hurry up... The position here can no longer be held... The people who went to find the exit before have not returned, and they don't know. Run away or not found, can't wait now..."

"Just for myself."

Therefore, it was not negligence, but an ice pick that could not be stopped, pierced into his thigh and waist, causing the swordsman to snort and have to stop in place.

The cruiser, or the 'cruiser' is the true form of the navy used by the Whalesong Cliff army. Although it has begun to spread throughout the continent in recent decades, its strength has not been eliminated, and it has been used by many navy sailors. and adventurers adopt.

With a mediocre slash, the neck and left shoulder of the ape and beast were torn apart like fluffy sackcloth, and the green tide did not stop. Atmospheric, the three still running apes didn't have time to raise their sharp claws to pounce, and their body and blood that had been cut in half were blown away by the remaining force of the sword.

Because of such an ironic fate, the man cried and laughed, but he couldn't help it.

As long as there is half a bottle, he won't die, and he can even heal all the dark wounds... He doesn't have to retire at all, and he doesn't have to become an adventurer in order to repay those medicine expenses, go to life and death, and earn those Dangerous blood money.

Just three hundred Mara, just ninety thalers, just...

Among all the people present, there is no one whose strength can be compared with Qingchao.

"This is, the sword of destroying waves?!"

"Explain the future so early?"

It's just... just that...

He stretched out his hand and pressed it on the opponent's frozen wound. The water element was infused, and Qingchao's injury gradually improved - but because the ice pick penetrated the internal organs, the swordsman still did not get rid of the endangered state.

"Thanks to you, otherwise, these people present may not survive."

Boom boom boom!

Centered on the Qing Tide, the aberration of the ape beasts not only slowed down, but even regressed—starting with his forward pressure, many ape beasts retreated one after another, because if they did not retreat, they would be swift and merciless waiting for them. die.

And now, in the ice abyss of the ancient ruins, fighting against a group of never-before-seen aberration monsters and monster beasts... Wouldn't it be a grand adventure?

This book is an alternation of East and West fantasy, the fusion of myth and technology.

When a truly sufficient number of moths are transformed, no matter how violent the artillery is, it will end up being overwhelmed by these monsters.

——Why do I want to become a sublime and use up all the savings in my family?

And Ian just glanced at the swordsman with the eyes of caring fools, and then shook his head: "Forget that I am an alchemist, and the Ellen family sells potions?"

On the way back to the resettlement, Qingchao vomited blood, still a little dissatisfied: "If only we could kill a few more."

——Why... why do you have such high expectations for me?

My father always said that he hoped that he could also become a respected swordsman of whalesong cliffs, a person who could not stop the waves and surf even the sea.

A patroller who has the dual ability to control water current and wind, and is best at using a long sword to cut the air-breaking water blade that can break steel and iron. In the battle of the Three Seas in the past, facing the sea monsters that swept like a flood The army, it was the five thousand patrollers who swung their swords in unison under the leadership of the leader, cut out the sea-opening sword light that caused the tsunami to retreat, and helped the surrounded vanguard fleet to break the containment, bringing Key information for the sea devil's nest owner.

"Pip... the number is not enough, there were more than fifty frost moths before, and only two-fifths of them were eliminated..."

"You can live, don't talk nonsense, if you want money, just go home and give it yourself."

A glorious battle of the Three Seas cannot allow veterans to shed their blood to get their family's pay, but an adventure stemming from despicable murder among noble relatives can easily obtain such a bottle of potion.

A bottle of elite level, worth two or three hundred talers, can regenerate internal organs.

But how can one person stop everything? What's more, the speed of the moths this time is much faster than the last time, other fronts are also fighting, and the team members who went to find other exits have not yet returned. Today's Qingchao is really just fighting alone.

"Swordsman, you are too strong. If you hadn't taken the risk to gather those big fluttering moths together, we would have been frozen by the blizzard they set off!"

Adventurers are, after all, just a bunch of barely legal robbers, madmen who do things that other people who yearn for a peaceful life don't want to do or dare to do.

It's like a sword light that separates the sea in the ice abyss, but the sea here is not a real tide, but a community of monsters and aberrant beasts. With that blue-blue sword light as the center, monsters They all backed away - not out of fear, but Ian's power to force them down.

The strength of the first energy level high-level is indeed not worth mentioning in front of the real powerhouse, but in front of these aberrant beasts, it is already an insurmountable wall.

The ape and beast had already rushed in front of him, and Qingchao could already smell the stench and a strange sweet fragrance in the opponent's mouth.

Holding this regeneration potion, Qingchao wanted to cry, but couldn't because of the cold wind.

As long as my father had such a bottle of regeneration potion back then... no, half a bottle.

Qing Chao closed his eyes and slowly regained his strength.

Because he just stared blankly at the medicine in his hand.

It didn't take long for Ian to come to Qingchao.

He is very skilled. The patrolmen in the army do not need these skills, but the patrolmen who act alone, not in the army, but adventure alone, have given up the skills that can work together to cut out the waves and swords, and focus on one person. A variety of fighting skills for adventure.

Qingchao raised his head and looked at Ian. He raised his hand with a wry smile, and raised his clenched long sword: "The sword just now...is really powerful."

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