Above The Sky

Chapter 246 The Indescribable Inheritance (23)

"It's okay, it's just a simple synthetic sugar. It needs to be catalyzed to become a psychedelic anesthetic. We just stir it with water, it's pure nutrition."

Ian himself has a body of pure rock, and he is not afraid of common parasites and toxins, but he also has a silver chip. Of course, I know that there is no problem with the sugar water that I and others drink.

However, he actually sighed with emotion: "Giant golden mushrooms will not actively kill symbiotic beasts through symbiotic methods - they will make the symbiotic beast's body harder and stronger, and the host can get stronger power, The giant golden mushroom can also travel to more places to spread spores, and in general, it is an all-round win-win.”

"However, with the symbiosis for a long time, as the mycelium spreads in the body, the symbiotic beast will inevitably become a semi-fungal creature, become unhappy, and even bury itself in the end and regard itself as a A giant giant golden mushroom."

This is a transformation, not a pure parasitism, there is a big difference between the two.

This is obviously the case with the fortress giant tortoise. It no longer feels like a turtle, but a moving mushroom.

If you have to explain it from this perspective, the giant golden mushroom will indeed make people crazy.

However, it's a little strange.

Ian can probably guess that the reason why the cave where the giant golden fungus is located is cold, and all of them are thermophilic metal-based life, may be due to the problem of the heat dissipation system of the ruins group - when the ruins group is abnormally dissipated, the original ice cold here It will be converted into a high-temperature cave suitable for their activities and survival, and there is an endless source of water, which is a very precious settlement.

But why are all the giant golden mushrooms shrinking in this small cave and not spreading outward?

Soon Ian knew the answer.

——That is of course not strong enough, being suppressed by other monsters here!

As the giant golden mushrooms and the flying flame soldiers in the entire cave fought fiercely, the strange sweet fragrance began to spread, and there were rustling sounds from the distant caves and underground rivers. Over a dozen monster-level blue mist!

Among them, there are even some parasitic beasts parasitized by the brain-devouring worm!

Seeing this scene, Ian almost took a deep breath. He immediately signaled Yisen, who had no idea what to do, to speed up, and he immediately reversed his direction, running towards the direction that did not lead to the underground river and underground lake.

He has fully understood.

——When the ruins are abnormally dissipating heat, the giant golden mushroom will be activated, and the mellow sugar solution it produces will attract many surrounding monsters, even the parasitic infected beasts!

Although the brain-devouring worm is terrifying, in the face of the brainless giant mushroom and the symbiotic beast controlled by the brainless giant mushroom, it is defeated by Tianke.

During this process, the giant golden mushrooms will be eaten by the monsters, so that they can obtain the resources for reproduction and advancement. After all, it is a special nutrition for earth sublimators that even Ian wants to take for a long time. The value is indeed extremely high. high.

And some giant golden mushrooms will also obtain their own symbiotic beasts with the intoxication brought by the high concentration of sugar mist, and use the corpses left after the battle as nutrients for the development of the mushroom group.

While parasitic beasts are destroyed by symbiotic beasts and other beasts, they will also infect some beasts and beasts.

The resources of the three parties circulate in this way.

Every abnormal heat dissipation is a large-scale resource exchange and a nutrient cycle!

The anomaly of the ruins has been going on for many years, and it has even become the cycle of this underground ecological cycle... It constitutes a whole set of underground ecosystems.

And this time, the arrival of the soldiers from the flying flames activated the activation of the mushroom group in advance.

Although Yisen didn't know what was going on, he also keenly sensed that there was a lot of life around him - he was more or less an alchemy genius, and he quickly figured out the crux of the problem, and immediately said the same thing as Ian. Do not send, bury your head and run away.

But there are too many monsters and beasts rushing towards the giant mushroom cave, even Ian, who has a vision of precognition, can't avoid them all.

Just when he was about to turn to the upper cave, a sudden high-heat and fishy wind came from diagonally above!

That is a giant red claw cave bear that has been parasitized for a long time, a kind of cave builder that can heat its metal claw blades and can easily dig a cave in any rock wall.

Ian had expected it for a long time, and with a jump, he took Yisen a big step to the side and behind, avoiding the powerful claw that was enough to open the steel armor.

"Sure enough, sensing the more active thinking of Yi Sen and I, did you give up the giant mushroom to hunt us down?"

He has long known that there are cave bears in front of him whose trajectory overlaps with them, but because many beasts of beasts noticed the strength of the two and the two and avoided them, Ian wanted to see if the parasitic beast had any problems. the same mode of action.

Sure enough, the action mode of the parasitic beast was selected based on the degree of active thinking, or in other words, 'psionic energy' as the criterion.

At first, the cave bear only moved towards them and didn't really act, but when he noticed the fluctuations when Ian used the vision of vision, he immediately rushed towards him like crazy.

Not only that, but there was also the faint sound of making an appointment behind him, and it was astonishing that many parasitic beasts who had previously headed towards the giant mushroom cave began to track Ian and the others in turn.

"No wonder the previous parasitic beasts would take the initiative to attack me. It's a troublesome place, a troublesome bug."

Although he already knew it, it was impossible for Ian to not predict the horizon, and he could only break through at this moment.

The cave bear was fit and swooped again. This kind of bear was not tall compared to Tara, but it averaged about 2.5 meters. Its slamming force was strong enough to suppress Ian and Isengard together.

But to deal with it, Ian doesn't even have to do it.

Isengard pointed to the lower body of the giant bear.

Although after being parasitized, the parasitic beast basically can't use the following things, but it will have the necessary neurofeedback. The parasite just replaces the brain, and it is not completely able to control every inch of the body's movements.

Therefore, in an instant, under the corrosive poisonous fire created by Isengard, the cave bear fell to the ground with an indescribable cry, and the attack became weak and slow, and was easily relieved by the two. avoid.

"It's really useful!" After doing such an unspeakable cruel thing, Isengard was very excited, his face flushed, and even his eyes had a lot of expression: "Thank you, Ian, I didn't expect that attacking this place would be so useful... …”

"Learn from you in combat, sure enough!"

"follow me?"

Hearing this, Ian was a little puzzled. He didn't show a penchant for attacking the lower body. At most, he was attacking the weak point based on ergonomics... Well, it seems that this is the reason?

But in any case, Ian is really not suitable for fighting with Master Gosser on his back, and it is a good thing for the team that Isengard can learn the fighting skills.

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