Above The Sky

Chapter 247 Bingyuan Longyin (33)

All the way to gallop, all the way to break through.

Ian found out that Yisen's fighting talent is actually quite good. Although he couldn't even attack the key points at the beginning, he quickly made inferences about other things by attacking the lower body and the biological alchemy knowledge he had learned in the past, which easily caused many beasts and parasitic beasts. Unable to chase a group of people.

In addition, Ian also took out a water gun from time to time, and turned his head to feed the beast behind him. The atmosphere became more enthusiastic, and the roaring and neighing became more real.

But there are quite a lot of parasitic beasts, Ian roughly estimated that there are about thirty or forty - only a few of them are beasts, but they are not afraid of the attack of Isengard, and they can even resist the corrosion and threats brought by the corrosive flames. Larger than all the other beasts combined.

Ian felt that without using the power of the sand armored apprentice, it would take about ten minutes to get rid of those monsters... If there are a lot of beasts entangled, it is quite normal to be dragged for half an hour.

But he can't be dragged like this. The longer the time, the greater the danger. Who knows if there are other monsters around?

By that time, even with the strength of the sand armor apprentice, it would be difficult to escape.

"No, the higher you go, the more monsters you will attract - a chain effect!"

Ian understands that at first, he acted alone, and no matter how much he struggles, it won't be too much, but the previous battle of the Flying Flames forces attracted too many monsters to gather, and he attracted a group of parasitic beasts. Now it has become a climate, naturally The more you act, the more monsters want to join in the fun.

If parasitic beasts want to eat themselves, naturally they are not afraid of brain-devouring worms. The beasts who want to eat parasitic beasts chase after a large amount of food... If this continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before they will be blocked and forced to Join the chaotic big fight.

So he immediately turned the angle again, and while observing Yisen, he flew towards the predicted cave.

The further down, the wetter, and the lower the temperature, almost freezing.

Because of the geothermal heat, it is actually difficult for the ground beneath the seabed to reach the level of 'icy cold', especially in those areas with a thin crust, where lava may overflow with a little digging, which is very hot.

But the underground of the ruins is different. Although it is located in a very deep place, it is extremely cold. Ian, who has lived in the tropics for a long time, now has a little bit of a real winter feeling.

"It's so cool - it's like my hometown!"

Isengard's emotion also proves this. His hometown, the territory of the Ellen family, is located in the northern part of the mainland. There are snowstorms every winter, so he is very adaptable to the current temperature.

The blood of the eclipsed dragon will become too active in a high temperature environment, and the low temperature can be stable. Although the blond boy majored in the fire element, his control was slightly better, but he also liked a slightly cooler place on weekdays.

But soon, as Ian continued to search for caves and fissures, the cold underground was no longer just cold, but the 'cold' that could really freeze running water!

"Where are we going?"

Yi Sen asked blankly, he would not question Ian's actions, but this downward movement still made him a little uneasy: "It's about minus ten degrees now... Hey, the parasitic beasts behind him Less!"

Aware of Ian's gestures, Yisen, who looked back, suddenly understood - as brain-devouring worms that rely on blood flow and water for transmission, they must not like cold environments. The temperature of the cave where the giant golden mushroom was located may It is the limit, no matter how cold it is, only those powerful parasitic beasts with the bodies of monsters can resist the current temperature.

As long as it's colder below, they can win without a fight and drag all the monsters chasing after them!

——But, why is it so cold under the cave?

Isengard's doubts were actually Ian's doubts, but the sensing of the vision horizon and the silver chip told him that the answer would be revealed soon.

Click! At this moment, Ian realized that he was not walking on a rock wall, but an almost equally solid layer of ice.

The ice here is so smooth that it looks like a mirror. Ordinary people may break their tailbone if they walk a little faster. But as soon as Ian stepped out, the ground cracked evenly, not only by himself. It was smooth, and even Yisen, who was behind him, benefited from it.

"right here."

Suddenly, Ian stopped, and Yisen has been paying attention to Ian's every move, otherwise it would definitely hit him.

"But, are there parasitic beasts chasing them?"

Slowly stopping on the ice, the blond boy looked around and said puzzled: "Could it be that we killed the remaining parasitic beasts here? But in that case, the other monsters that followed were still smelling it. The taste of battle will follow!"

If it is just a simple escape, these monsters may be thrown away one by one, but once the battle begins and the breath of blood is smelled, even the monsters that did not intend to continue chasing will catch up wildly.

"No, I'm not talking about solving it here."

Ian kicked the ice, nodded and said firmly: "I said, the road is here."


With a loud bang, Ian kicked out and smashed the thick layer of ice.

Then, with the dense spider web cracks spreading in all directions, and Isengard's gradually widening, gradually becoming panic expression.

Whoa! As the entire ice surface shattered, Ian laughed and fell into the deep hole under the thick ice with Isengard.

And from this hole, the cold wind below minus 30 degrees gushed out like the breath of a frost giant!

blah blah blah...

Soon, just as Ian, Isengard and Master Gosse fell into the mouth of the arctic cave.

Several parasitic beasts also chased here one after another.

They are an aberrant person, an insect-eating steel-nose beast, and a spine-piercing pangolin.

These three monsters parasitized by brain-devouring worms are different from ordinary parasitic monsters. They are obviously intelligent, their eyes are very smart, and even the eyes have a faint, exactly the same fluorescence.

These parasitic beasts arrived here chasing the psionic aura, staring at the hole with greedy eyes.

But they don't want to be near that too cold environment... or even say.

They dare not approach.

It seems that there is something more terrifying in the deep ice-cold hole, deterring these real monsters.

at the same time.


The two figures fell straight from the mouth of the ice hanging hole.

On the ground full of frost and snow, a large piece of snow dust immediately rose.

Both Ian and Isengard were sublimators, and neither of them affected their posture due to the fall, and quickly gained a firm foothold.


The blond boy let out a breath of white air, feeling the familiar temperature of his hometown in the north, which was different from the imperial capital and Nanling.

He looked around, and was surprised to find that this icy area below the cave layer was not just a cave.

Rather, it is a towering rift valley that is so huge that it is almost 'grand'!

Looking up, you can vaguely see the thick ice caps and rock formations on the top of the rift valley hundreds of meters above. It turned out that Ian was leading him on the ice cap of the Great Rift Valley just now, and Ian chose an area with the weakest ice layer and the closest to the ground to enter.

In the distance, the vast whiteness in the depths of the rift is extremely silent, sinking downwards, perhaps thousands of meters deep, only the sound of the wind and snow that is vaguely reserved in the distance is faint.

Isengard also discovered at this moment that the rift ice abyss, which is located in the deepest part of the ground, is actually lit—at the top of the rift in the extremely distant place, there are several bright light sources that flicker like small suns.

The sheer snow and ice refracted the distant light, making the edge of where he and Ian stood bright.


The blond boy wanted to ask what Ian was going to do next, but he realized that his mysterious and powerful peer raised a finger and 'shush' at him.

- keep quiet.

Yisen quieted down, just looking at Ian with lake-green eyes, waiting for his follow-up explanation.


Looking out into the distance of the rift, staring at the far end, Ian said softly in the slightest voice, as if he didn't want to disturb anything.

The fall of the wind and snow also made the blond boy a little enlightened... Yes, it is at least a few kilometers, even 10,000 meters underground, why is there still wind here? Even snow?

Where did these snowstorms and extreme cold come from?

With such doubts, Isengard was affected by the surrounding environment and atmosphere, and could not help but listen with bated breath.

Then he heard it.

I heard from a distance, subtle but clear, with anger...

Long Yin.

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