Above The Sky

Chapter 245 Don't Eat Raw Food (13)

The South China Sea Relic Group is indeed worthy of the name of the 'South China Sea'. Although the underground caves extend in all directions, as long as you explore downwards, you will definitely encounter turbulent underground rivers and even vast salt water lakes, among which there are many strange primitive marine monsters. , There are also fluorescent algae swarms, fog thunderclouds, floating jellyfish and other wonders and exotic species, and the weather is endless.

However, except for the scouts and spiritual artifact church monks who professionally recorded the situation of the ruins, everyone in the group of Feiyandi had no intention of admiring the beauty of these scenery. They were just looking for the possible existence of the main body of the pre-era civilization ruins, and wanted to hunt them down. The imperial bastards who killed their comrades.

However, even though his heart was filled with anger, the captain still keenly observed many things that were amiss when he pursued along the way.

——Why are those huge underground lakes, seas and rivers so hot that they are almost boiling, emitting countless heat? And some lakes are as cold as ice, and the creatures wandering in them are not very active, and it is even unclear why they are alive?

The most important thing is that the hot spring and the cold pool are not even 100 meters apart. Why are they so different?

With the keen intuition of the former scout ace, the captain can determine that the reason for the difference is inextricably linked to the current situation of the Great Relics Group.

But soon, he pressed these thoughts to the bottom of his heart.

Because after hours of tracking, they eventually caught up with Ian and Ethan.

The Ice Lake cave, deep underground, was wet and cold, and it was a bit difficult for the soldiers from the Land of Flames, especially when they turned on the searchlights and realized that the sources of fluorescence in front of them were all giant brown-red monsters. , a creepy feeling suddenly arises.

Kacha, Kacha, I saw that among the giant mushrooms, many beasts with giant golden mushrooms symbiotically raised their heads. They were very sensitive to light, and the largest of them was a scaleless iron snake. It was extremely huge. It is more than 20 meters long, and the parasitic metal mushrooms on its body are not huge, but they are all shining with silver light, like the sharp spines on the back of a giant dragon, which is obviously a special species.

Or according to the habit of Terra Continent, it is the 'labyrinth species'!

The scaleless iron snake with black body and silver fins hovered its head high and looked at the group of outsiders. Although it was slow to move because of the low temperature, it also felt that the group of visitors was not good, so it spit out snake letters and issued a hissing warning sound.

"This strange mushroom seems to be a parasitic species too... Don't approach it, burn it with fire!"

The captain's judgment is not wrong. In the face of this fungus-type parasitic species, it is indeed best to use fire - plus they have seen the horror of the parasites here, of course they dare not take it lightly.

However, when the flamethrower of the flames began to prepare to use their flamethrower to deal with these giant golden mushrooms and symbiotic beasts, an unexpected situation happened.

When the blue-white fire column that was enough to melt the metal rolled towards the scaleless iron snake, the silver metal mushroom of the giant snake released a large amount of dust spores with a 'bang' sound, which blocked the flame tongue from the body surface at the same time. , and instantly spread the heat of the fire column, heating the surrounding temperature.


Feeling the transfer of heat, the black snake seemed to shake its head comfortably, and then, the lazy golden vertical pupils transformed into the ferocity of predators in an instant, and their actions became several times faster than before.

Snapped! With a flick of its tail, the giant snake suddenly blew up a piece of silver spore mist, and rushed towards the team of flying flames. The huge and smooth body covered with silver mushrooms was so hard that it would scrape the ground it passed through just by moving. Rub into large flakes of rock powder.

The giant snake wrapped the waves on the ground and rushed with a fierce momentum.

However, a guard knight raised his shield and stepped forward, and he slammed into the big snake head-on. Its strength was so strong that it even knocked the snake's head out of the way - but the tail of the giant snake was also wrapped around the knight's head in an instant. On his legs, he dragged the knight at an extremely fast speed and sunk into a pool of water beside him.

"Don't worry about him, a maze-type iron snake can't be a watch knight."

The female monk was not worried, and even looked around the entire cave in a leisurely manner.

She didn't know what was going on here, but the tracking showed that Ian and others had indeed arrived here, and the brigade commander immediately ordered to start attacking: "Burn a way!".

At this moment, the Soldiers of Flying Flames have already started a full-scale battle with these giant mushrooms and monsters.

For a time, the caves were full of gunshots, bullets swept and bounced in all directions, and several blade-wielding soldiers from the vanguard also formed a formation, stepped forward and slashed, killing and smashing many monsters and giant mushrooms that were still slowly recovering. , so that the air is filled with Yingying shimmer, which is the result of the volatilization of the fluorescent liquid.

As the sublime knight, he holds a long-handled broad sword. The broad sword is engraved with inscriptions of increasing strength and sharpness. When waving it, there is a faint khaki track, and the strength is even more heavy. , Every sword cut can cut off the head of a symbiotic beast, or even cut it off!

After the battalion commander ordered the team to form, he also drew his sword.

"Follow me!" Saying so, he swung forward with a sword and slashed towards the giant mushroom crocodile dragon that had already been activated and was looking fierce.

The captain deliberately didn't cut the crocodile dragon's metalized scales that looked extremely hard, but cut at the giant golden mushroom that looked more like a 'main body'.

After the giant golden mushroom sensed the temperature rise, the brown-red skin began to gradually stretch and become smooth, and the sunken fluorescent liquid exuded a strange sweet fragrance, which made those who smelled it a little smoky.


The captain slashed at the giant mushroom with a sword, but he felt that it was not as smooth as the hot knife cutting butter at all, but it was like chopping wood with a dull knife. Smashed depression.

After the giant mushroom was sunken, a translucent mushroom liquid flowed out from the broken hard shell. The mushroom liquid did not have any fishy smell, but the sweet fragrance in the air suddenly became much richer.

With the flamethrower on both sides burning a lot of giant golden mushrooms and those small monsters, the fragrance in the air has become unpleasant, and the excessive fragrance stimulation has begun to make many soldiers with less tight gas masks start to feel dizzy .

"Wait, stop fire!"

At this moment, the captain also felt something was wrong. With their battles and the use of firearms and flamethrower, the temperature of the cave increased, and the cave that was originally cold and gloomy suddenly became brighter-all the giant golden mushrooms around began to emit fluorescent light. , and the air is also filled with the smell of choking spores and secretions.

Although I don't understand biology and I don't know what this scene means, as long as it is a normal person, it will feel the danger: "Retreat! This place is very dangerous!"

This was another correct decision, unfortunately too late.

Ian, who originally wanted to sneak a sneak attack among the mushrooms with a supercharged water gun, also noticed something. He put away his weapon, and then quietly retreated with Isengard and Master Gosse.

And just after the three left.


A mound surrounded by a large number of giant golden mushrooms shook violently, and the huge shock wave even shook the entire cave.

Several soldiers stood firm and wanted to look up to see what was shaking the earth, but they all retreated in shock, and even subconsciously turned around and ran away.

I saw that in the shock, a mound suddenly swelled, bringing up a series of corpses of wild beasts and beasts buried in the soil. There were even human corpses. It was amazing that they had absorbed all the nutrients after being symbiotic with the giant golden mushrooms for many years. corpse of the symbiote.

They were all covered with mycelium, and their bodies were stiff and corroded a lot, but now they are all active, silently rushing towards the soldiers of the flying flames.

At the same time, there was another violent shock, and the mound completely collapsed, revealing the true body of the underground giant.

It was an extremely huge fortress giant tortoise. The ten-meter-long tortoise shell was full of giant golden mushrooms!

This giant tortoise is not a corpse, it is still alive, but it was in a dormant state before and was awakened by the heat of the open flame.

A large number of hyphae flowed from the gaps in its carapace, and wrapped around the surrounding corpses. It could be vaguely seen that the giant tortoise's eyes were actually blind, and a stack of fungus-shaped mushrooms proliferated in its pupils.

In the face of the team of flying flames that were continuously attacking it, the giant tortoise roared angrily, and the icy water in the pool immediately surged and rolled towards the soldiers - if it wasn't for the female cultivator's shot, out of thin air would use an invisible spirit. If the waves that were rolled like seaweed could be defeated, I am afraid that many soldiers would be swept into the pool by the waves controlled by this giant tortoise.

"I, Ian...Is there really no problem with the mushroom liquid we drank before?"

Isengard, who had followed Ian to an exit long ago, watched the battle between the monsters and the corpse group controlled by the giant golden mushroom and the team of Flying Flames.

While he was relieved and gloating, he suddenly thought that he and others had also drank these fungal secretions that also had parasitic characteristics, and he couldn't help but feel a little frightened: "I'm okay, the blood of the eclipsed dragon can digest almost all parasites and toxins. , but you and Mr. Gosse..."

He didn't want to have that kind of giant golden mushrooms growing inside and outside his stomach because he ate the relic creatures indiscriminately!

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