Above The Sky

Chapter 244 Relic Creatures Hospitality (33)

The white-haired boy turned his head and looked at each other——Esengard felt much better because he ate something sweet. Although he was still worried about the teacher's situation, he still tried his best to cheer himself up and sing with all his heart. Master Sai feeds sugar water.

His enemies... are the most powerful kings and rulers in this world.

This naive young master... Only Patrick, the uncle who wants to kill him now, bought him candy.

There are many conjectures in Ian's mind, but most of them are nonsense and require evidence to be formal.

The right to reject a certain "possibility"!

The boy showed a mocking smile. He quietly watched the 'correct' choice of the flaming battalion in the distance trying to set fire to burn a path in the mushroom forest. Then he got up and carried Master Gosey, who was also asleep, on his back. Then he nodded to Isengard, ready to leave.

Isengard stared at Ian's unguarded, self-confident sleeping face, thinking a lot, a lot...but in the end he just sighed.

At this moment, he also began to crave... craving for power.

"It's the special strike team from Blaze - they're chasing us, but they haven't found us yet."

In other words, at least all the deepest conspiracies and plans that happened in the Setal Empire are very likely to be related to him.

"Want to burn a road with fire? I don't know what the daily living temperature of metal-based life is, and I don't know that these guys are now in a low-power hibernation state in a low-temperature environment, right?"

Thinking of this, Ian felt a little tired.

All the blond boy wanted was the right to say no.

How hospitable is the local heritage life!

Taking a deep look at the current Isengard, Ian felt a trace of unease in his heart: "What exactly does Earth Keeper Axel want to do?"

But this time, Ian can be said to have slept for three hours before he felt the 'crisis'.

Earth Keeper Axel deliberately created a "descendant" like Isengard, and it is absolutely impossible to just annex and conquer the Ellen family.

Ian slept soundly, or as long as he needed to sleep, he could fall asleep, and it must be the best quality sleep.

Especially this, even if he really becomes the head of the family, I am afraid that he will see his uncle as a very important Isengard?

- Use fire against creatures that can draw heat next to lava?

It's not to dominate other people's lives, just like his own brothers and sisters, parents and uncles.

I am afraid that my own son will not be so good!

"Ian, you rest first, I'm still in good spirits."

The boy stretched out his hand and pressed it on his chest.

Both have the power to control their own vital signs, and even sheltering one more Master Gosse is more than enough.

The greatest secret treasure in the world is on him. All the conspiracies and far-reaching schemes of the empire exist essentially because of his teacher and the master of his allegiance.

boom. A blue-white fire lit up.

——Fighting the monsters in the sea, driving the armor, fighting with the big shaman, and then fighting with the parasitic creatures, and fighting with the flying flames team...

After all, he was Hilliard's disciple, the heir to Inaga's legacy.

The things that happened to the Ellen family and Isengard, which seemed to have nothing to do with him, but were deeply intertwined with the boy, really made him have to pay attention.

Would he really use his own life for the life of this nephew who was really not competitive?

The lowered, nervous voice directly informed Ian of the identity of the enemy. Isengard pointed to a hidden hole on the other side of the cave, where there was a shadowy figure of a soldier, which made the boy understand: "Well, thank you."

The azure psionic brilliance in the boy's eyes dimmed, and the entire cave was silent, except for the gentle and long breathing of the white-haired boy, and the low voice of Master Gosser.

"The strength is still too weak, and the plans for the 'fourth sublimation organ' and the 'second energy level' must be accelerated."

I defeated the ruins from the sea all the way, activated the precognitive horizon for a long time, and learned all kinds of big news about the alien creatures and the Sequoia Base...

"Thank you." Ian noticed the other party's small gestures, but he didn't return the kindness of absolute Fang: "Thank you for your hard work, Yisen."

But for an army, difficulty is never a reason to stop.

Aware of Ian's fatigue at the moment, Isengard secretly injected himself with a refreshing potion, and he said seriously: "I know... my strength is not enough, the next battle must be dominated by you."

He closed his eyes and sensed the process of self-repairing from the core of the ancient dragon in his body to the 'amber crystal core' of the swamp crocodile dragon: "It won't be too long..."

So, when he woke up, Isengard just got up, ready to go to his peers to wake him up.

Ian raised his head and looked towards the direction of the fire in front of him - the hot wind was surging, illuminating most of the cave, and the rapid fluctuation of the source of fire seemed to be a signal, instantly making all the giant golden mushrooms present at the scene. All suddenly glowed, and the entire cave was flooded with reddish fluorescence.


This is the result of the silver chip adjusting neural perception and self-discipline, and it can also wake it up in times of crisis.

Teenagers have to think about it.

Shaking his head slightly, Ian's expression was a little gloomy: "But don't be in a hurry, everything is done step by step, and you can't eat fat in one go."

Just woke up, happened to encounter an accident.

Looking down at his hand, there was something rolling in his clear lake green eyes.

"After the teacher and the late emperor were betrayed... what happened to the imperial family?"

Even if it is the same as what I guessed before, I am afraid that Patrick has a 'child' who has the inheritance rights of the Ellen family... Patrick is a knife-hearted man who says he looks down on Viscount Grant, but he has been helping for decades.' Good man' character...

Next, he doesn't even need to take action at all. These big moving mushrooms and their symbiotic beasts will naturally educate these ignorant outsiders.

Soon, with the use of breathing guidance, Ian bowed his head and fell asleep.

Leaving aside alien biology, Terra's biology must not have been learned well, and the Marsh Crocodile alone could not be afraid of such a boring attack.

Although Ian still has a lot of source material reserves, and even replenished a lot through the reserves of the Swamp Crocodile Dragon, mental and physical exhaustion is inevitable.

"You rest first, so that our next safety can be guaranteed."

In other words, to achieve a clear goal and dream, there is never any hesitation and confusion in taking action, just like this peer beside him.

They are located in the depths of the giant golden mushroom area and are blocked by all kinds of raised mushrooms and metal rocks. It is extremely difficult to find them, and it is absolutely impossible for all kinds of reconnaissance instruments to be in such a place where life is fluctuating everywhere. find them.

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