Above The Sky

Chapter 243 Insect Nest Psionic Ne2rk (23)

Isengard has been taking care of his teacher's situation. He found the omen of the old man's awakening earlier than Ian, who was concentrating on detecting alien giant mushrooms, so he prepared the potion in advance, and was ready to let the master inject himself after the other party recovered his thinking, and cooperate with him. The source seed absorbs and restores physical strength as soon as possible.

——This is the content of the 'Sequoia Base Maintenance Worker's Code' and the 'Sequoia Base Occupation Manual'!

and many more.

And Ian looked at the details of the pupils of Master Gosse - of course not the prosthetic eye - after scanning with the vision of vision, he nodded and said: "Using the perception potion will cause big problems, the current situation of Master Gosse is the same as my previous situation. Presumably the same."

"The second-generation ladder transportation system is..."

After waking up, Master Gosse began to repeat these 'abnormal' sentences in his mouth with a dazed expression. These sentences are incomprehensible to Isengard. He can understand every word, but these words Put it together, you can't understand it at all.

Because at this moment, what Master Gosey said was almost exactly the same as the contents of the "Engineer's Code" and "Occupational Manual" that he used to work as a "ship maintenance engineer"!

——It seems that I have to drink some metal solution from time to time like Shark, otherwise, if I rely solely on the meat of Warcraft, it will delay the rapid development brought about by my adolescence.

Even, Ian felt that if he lived here for a long time and ate these giant golden mushroom liquid every day, I am afraid that his progress would be faster than that of eating monster meat every day!

"The micro-magnetic field maintenance toolkit covers solutions to a variety of engineering problems. Its positioning is to provide maintenance engineers with diversified, complex and low-latency high-quality maintenance tools through multi-module and multi-component magnetic field connection. Provide strong maintenance support with the daily maintenance of Ascension..."

Not to mention, it is even more intriguing to say that after networking with the brain-devouring insect, it is the content of various maintenance manuals.

"Master, this is... what happened?"

The pillar of the second energy level, which was originally hoped for, has now become a disease that is difficult to fight.

Ian shook his head slightly, he felt that the training that Isengard had encountered since he was a child was not normal at all... Where is the cultivation of sublime people, it is simply to cultivate a human-shaped eclipsed dragon!

When Ian checked the situation of Master Gosey, he walked back and forth a few times, then stopped and said decisively: "I have a bottle of perception enhancement potion here, although it is not the right number, but it can also strengthen the will, and it should be able to wake up. The reason of some teachers!"

Such traces would have been quickly dispelled by the body's self-circulating source material, but the old man was weak and even passed out, so the traces of psychic energy were accepted by the body's source material, causing Ian to not take a serious look at it. It's not clear, and it's also hard to banish it.

At the very least, the power of the first energy level can still be restored.

But Ian just listened to two sentences, his eyes widened, and he immediately knelt down in front of the old man on one knee, listening carefully to every word the other said.

Ian suddenly raised his brows: "Mixed with the blood of the royal family, a human-shaped eclipsed dragon?"

Yes, it's not as powerful as Weggs, and can be accepted across the entire redwood forest, but the parasite's psionic network is everywhere, and it can input and output information anytime, anywhere.

Ian, who was thinking about his future recipes, suddenly heard Isengard's surprised voice: "This tastes very similar to the sugar my uncle bought me before, it's delicious!"

"No, I also have the perception potion, I think it's useless."

The situation of Master Gosse is not very good, and now he can't inject medicine on his own.

This is not nonsense, but an observation.

"Take it, drink a little for yourself, and give it to Master Gesai. Although the metal content is relatively high, the sublimator should not care about this."

But something went wrong.

"Ian, Mr. Gosey has become like this, what should we do?"

"Hey, so sweet?"

In the beginning, Ian had guessed that the Brain Eater was a psionic creature, and the gibberish caused by the network of wills that happened to Master Gosse did prove it, but it was actually a great bad news.

In the vision of precognition, there is a faint trace of blue psionic energy left in Master Gosey's brain.

"...Have you ever eaten sugar?"

The Ellen family's regeneration potions and essentia supplements can slowly restore their strength. Even individuals like Master Gosey who are severely injured and overworked with essentia can slowly adjust their essentia. come over.

In fact, if it's just simple amnesia, it's not a big deal. What makes Ian and Ethan feel uneasy are all the weird words and sentences spit out from his mouth.

The answer is simple.

"It is also the eclipsed dragon bloodline of the parasitic symbiosis system... What do the Ellen family and the royal family want to do?"

Ian looked at the blond boy with some incomprehension, and the other party nodded ignorantly: "If sugar is to be injected, it is directly injected - the blood of the eclipsed dragon needs to be used to eating with 'blood' since childhood, and this caused Distortion may also be reduced…”

Just like the psionic traces left by Weggs back then, this psychic trace will attach to an individual and continuously release signals - Weggs can use this signal to listen to the voices of hundreds of people, across the entire distance. The redwoods locked Ian's location.

"He was possessed by the ghost of the brain-devouring worm... In other words, he merged some residual psionic energy fluctuations from the adult brain-devouring worm, and was forced to contact the brain-devouring worm's 'collective psychic network'."

"When filing a xenogeneic creature, if the main body of the filing organism and its derivatives have been in contact with Terra Ecology, the xenogeneic creature needs to be managed in a pure ecological garden for isolation treatment. At the same time, it needs to be placed in the Sequoia A new collection operation will be carried out in the mainnet filing system.”

——And you think this stuff tastes good too?

Not the injury, but the memory.

What's more, many of these words are brand new, or are exclusively used in the 'Gutairan'.

This light blue psychic trace can not only output coordinate information, but also input network information, making Master Gosser confused.

Passing these slightly blue stirring liquid to the blond boy, Ian himself drank a bowl with his head up - although the taste is just ordinary sweet water, the calories contained in it are not low, especially the large amount of metal contained in it, It is suitable for a sublime like him who is essentially a sand armor apprentice.

After a short period of panic, Yisen quickly calmed down at this moment: "Teacher, this situation is obviously affected by parasites on the brain, resulting in memory disorder."

Without much to say, Ian and Ethan took Master Gosey to a dry corner behind the giant golden mushroom group. He manipulated the water flow with his bare hands, and after grinding out a few stone bowls, he went to collect some sugary sugars separated from the giant golden mushrooms. Fluorescent liquid, took some water from the pool and stirred it.


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