Above The Sky

Chapter 189 Totem Master Trade In (34)

"...If only my colleagues on Earth were as serious as this guy."

After muttering in his heart, Ian said helplessly: "In short, after you crush the wooden box, throw the contents into the sea, wait for ten minutes, and an armored shark will come."

"This ironclad shark can understand people's words. You tell it to let it go around the cliff. At that time, it will definitely be able to sense the signal I released and let it converge with me."

Saying this, Ian watched Scott's expression change, and then found with a bit of dejection that the iron people in front of him were not surprised, stunned, and inconceivable - as if Ian said the iron armored shark who could understand human words and Plans such as the follow-up confluence are not worth the slightest surprise and curiosity at all.

"That's about it, what else do you want to ask?" Ian said, handing the wooden box in his arms to the other party.

As if he had obtained permission, Scott's expression suddenly shocked, and then he showed a surprised expression, and asked curiously: "Can the Iron Shark also understand human speech? It's amazing... What if it doesn't understand? Do you need me to guide it all the way to Twasang Cliff with the bait?"

"...No, even if you point to the sea casually, it will understand what it means."

Ian is really not good at dealing with people who are too rigid. Scott was not shocked and curious because he didn't get permission - this kind of person is definitely the most reassuring when he is a subordinate, and it is no wonder that he is so rigid and can be promoted. , but usually communicating as friends is really too choking.

After that, Ian asked about Scott's recent aboriginal movements.

In the recent period of time, the natives are still dormant. Even at the junction of forces on the edge of the field, most of the native hunters are very forbearing, and they take the initiative to avoid the guards and never conflict.

"It's not normal."

Scott concluded that his expression was quite serious: "If it was the Shanchao Department, it could be explained, but the Tenglan Department would have taken the initiative to greet us, and the Tenglan Department also began to take the initiative to avoid us... Maybe it was Shanchao and Tenglan. The omen of the reunification of the Ministry!"

"When I reported this to the Yam team, he didn't care."

"Yeah. Sure enough." Ian was not surprised, because according to the information he got, the current Tenglan Department, or all the aborigines, are probably also fighting for the brand new powerful beast 'Zhanhai Crystal Dragon'. Prepare in secret.

If the Zhanhai Crystal Dragon can be turned into their 'Totem Spirit'... that potential is many times stronger than that of the Moray Crocodile Dragon Shadow Spider.

I am afraid that only the true foundation of the indigenous people, the sea of ​​​​great redwood trees, can be compared with it.

In that case, Port Harrison may also be quite a headache.

Besides, Knight Yam doesn't care...

Ian didn't think it was possible. As Yam, who has been dealing with the indigenous people for decades, it is absolutely impossible to ignore the information related to the indigenous people.

But what if it was intentional?

Yam is the right and left arm of Viscount Grant, and his will is the will of Viscount Grant... If it is said that Viscount Grant allowed the actions of the natives, it was to highlight his importance in this reconnaissance and capture plan. The Ellen family, and if they get more credit from the imperial capital...

It's not impossible either.

At least Ian felt that Viscount Grant was indeed the one who would do it.

The movements of the natives and the back-hand to summon the sharks have been guaranteed, and what Scott promised will definitely be achieved with all his heart.


Thinking of this, Ian spoke again - this time a water-colored halo lit up in the boy's eyes: "After the storm starts, when you ask the Iron Shark to send me the sword, you can go to the indigenous side to check the situation."

"If you were given a choice, where would you go to detect local movements?"

"If there is a change..." Speaking of which, Scott was a little distressed, and he had difficulty choosing, so he liked others to give him tasks.

After thinking for a long time, he tentatively said: "Around the fog forest? There is the junction of the two major departments. If you want to investigate the situation, it must be very important there."

In the Predictive Horizon, Scott's fog is very smooth, with no red and black signs.

"There's more." Ian was noncommittal: "A few more."

"Fluorescent Sea?" Scott said again.

"Well, next one."

"South Sequoia Beach..."

"Oh, this one is fine, what else? Around here?"

"In that case, there will be only the mouth of the Klodor River on the north side of Tutan Cliff."

After being denied several possibilities by Ian, Scott also pondered for a while before coming to the answer: "That place is the core of the Tenglan Department, where they build ships and go to sea. I usually look at it from a distance. , but dare not approach..."

Having said this, he looked resolute: "It's just that if you need me to go, I'm willing to take the risk..."

"No need." Ian shook his head quickly: "This place is definitely not easy for you to approach. After letting the ironclad shark set off, you can just come back and stay in Port Harrison."

"Ah, okay, no problem."

In the eyes of the teenager, the mist on Scott's body changed from a rich red to an original green halo, and then he nodded with satisfaction, thinking in his heart: "It seems that the Tenglan Department will also try to capture Zhan Hai during the storm. Crystal dragon larvae."

"Sure enough, the precognition horizon needs an observation intermediary to exert this ability to obtain information."

Ordinary people are useless. Only a person like Scott who will faithfully fulfill his requirements and is usually very single-minded in his life can have such a good effect.


And Ian thought of one more thing: "There is an alchemy long sword in my warehouse, which is located in the second layer of plywood. When there is a storm, you go to my house and take out the sword, give it to the iron shark, and let it give me the sword. ."

This time Ian could vaguely see that Scott's eyes flickered. He is also quite curious why Ian has an alchemy long sword, and why the Iron Shark can even do such a thing as a sword.

Under the seriousness and old-fashioned appearance, the captain of the Iron People's Guard is actually a young man in his early twenties with strong curiosity and desire for help.

But this time Ian didn't ask him to ask - when the teenager said goodbye, he could even see Scott's expression drooping down, like a big dog with a little downcast.

It wasn't to tease Scott on purpose, but the origin of the alchemy sword really couldn't be told to the other party.

After saying goodbye to Scott, who was a little dejected, after leaving the Wei Rong House, Ian estimated the time, and then decided to go to the Elder Hall and talk to Elder Pude about indigenous matters.

Although Viscount Grant may indeed have a draft, but what needs to be said is still to be said.

However, something unexpected happened.

"Ian? Just in time, come and check how the tea tastes!"

In the office on the second floor of the Elder Hall, Ian actually saw Viscount Grant drinking tea with Elder Pude. The two sat on the animal skin sofa and chatted with a relaxed expression, apparently having been chatting for a long time.

"I don't dare to say that, my lord."

Ian glanced at the tea leaves on the table. This is a treasure from the oasis of Jiuhan Mountain. It is fragrant and pleasant. One tea brick costs more than one hundred talers. I also know that I prefer to drink tasteless distilled water."

"Haha, it is true that young people should drink purer water - the noble children of the imperial capital, but they have eaten the purest potions and water since they were young to ensure that the road to ascension will not be affected."

Another gu-dong, Viscount Grant drank a big glass when he was talking to Ian for a few words... Seeing the expression of Elder Pude, it was like watching a cow chewing peony, and couldn't bear to look straight at it!

"Unexpectedly, Pude, I thought you liked drinking, but I didn't expect you to have the leisure and elegance of those elves."

After drinking, the Viscount also took the initiative to pour tea for himself, forcing Elder Pude to grab the teapot and pour tea for him.

Ian could see that this was the two old men teasing each other - it was designated that Elder Pude drank the Viscount's treasures a while ago, so the Viscount came to take revenge today.

Since Port Harrison became rich, the big guys have had a lot more time for leisure and elegance. Not to mention, even a few white people who couldn't eat enough back then can think about whether to eat whole wheat bread or bake a rebellion. Bread too.

"Lord Viscount, Elder Pude, since both of them are here, then I will report directly."

Although Ian himself didn't want to disturb this rare and happy atmosphere, he still had to say what he had to say.

The boy's tone made the two people on the sofa stunned for a moment. They looked at each other, then sat up straight and listened carefully to Ian's report.

But his first sentence made them stunned: "I had a premonition of Isengard's death."

"When he goes to sea this time, he will definitely encounter unexpected dangers... And whether it is an indigenous person, an accident in the sea, or an assassination by a killer, I don't know."

Having said that, he remembered something again, and added another sentence: "By the way, there is more."

"I went out today, and Isengard and his guards seized the firearms they used from the natives' attack."

"According to them, this style is a weapon of the flying flames, which is a bit weird."

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