Above The Sky

Chapter 186 Titan Warcraft (Add More Tomorrow)

The Long Gull Tavern is an evolution of the Long Gull Tavern.

As a comrade-in-arms and cook when the current Viscount and Knight Yam were apprentices under the old Viscount Grant, the owner of the Longgull Wine House, Old Uncle Deli, was an easy-going mute.

He was originally a child of a fisherman. He joined the pioneering team with his parents and came to Nanling. During the war with the natives, his parents died. Deli himself could only join the guards for training and join the battle with the natives.

Because of malnutrition, his physical quality is really uncomplimentable. He can't be a spearman and can't lift a shield. Wearing armor can make him exhausted. Even if he is finally assigned to be a cook, he will only stew fish soup with one hand. ...

It is true that all kinds of stewed fish soup taste good, but once they recall the boring taste after eating for five years, every member of the team will show a painful and distorted expression.

Only, Deli has an advantage.

That is, he is really serious and very reliable.

What happened decades ago, not many people know now, and Deli himself can't boast about it, but Ian learned from Elder Pude that Viscount Grant was ambushed by the native elite hunters, and his shoulders were newly developed at that time. The 'Bauhinia Colvulsion' poisoned arrow stings out, and the anti-venom that you carry with you has no effect at all.

Seeing that the arm at the top of the team is about to be corroded and a large piece of flesh is about to be corroded, and the team is on the verge of extinction. It was Deli who rushed up and sucked the venom... As a result, his mouth and teeth were corroded in a mess. In this life, I can't speak, and I can only drink soup and porridge.

It is impossible to repay the kindness of life-saving, so even the poor cooking skills of Old Deli can still be found not far from the Viscount Mansion, on the most elite street of Central Avenue, there is a store of his own, open The tavern he had always dreamed of opening.

And now, four years after the development of Port Harrison, the Long Gull Tavern has successfully evolved into the Long Gull Winery... and it also has many additional functions.

For example, the business meeting place designated by the Lord of Port Harrison.

The box on the second floor is dim, but it looks quite bright when the fluorescent lights are turned on, and the light yellow halo fills the soundproof private room. Many business cooperation and confidential agreements in Port Harrison are concluded here.

Viscount Grant himself endorsed the reliability of this place, and the propaganda slogan was "Even the patrol knights can't find even the slightest loopholes and traces from here"... Although this is true, Ian, who knows the truth, is a little complicated.

"I've eaten breakfast, so I don't need to order food. What I did just now can only be said to be exercise after dinner."

The first time he entered the box on the second floor, Ian informed him in advance: "Uncle Deli's fish soup can be tried. It tastes alright, but after all, it is a side dish in the countryside, so be careful not to adapt to the soil and water."

And Isengard's honest answer couldn't help him look sideways: "Ah, don't worry, I have taken anti-virus medicine before, and I usually eat very simple, usually the physical strength medicine refined for me by the teacher."

"You take the stamina potion as a meal? Is that the stamina potion that contains all the nutrients needed by humans, but tastes the same as water and protein powder?"

Looking at the young master of the Ellen family with a very strange look, Ian has a hard time explaining his emotions: "Only eat the necessary protein, fat, carbohydrates, salt, vitamins... and pure sources?"

- Are you artificial?

"Huh?" But Isengard was a little confused: "In order to avoid the disorder of the Elemental Attributes caused by the usual eating, and the increased probability of distortion caused by accidentally eating the alien beasts... Everyone is not like this before the end of puberty. Anything to eat?"

"This is the healthiest and safest recipe that has been researched by the Royal Alchemy Society!"

"It's outrageous." In response, Ian just sighed with emotion: "The nobles of this world..."

At this time, there were only Ian and Isengard in the box, and the two tall guards stayed at the door.

In such a confidential environment, the young master of the Ellen family revealed his real purpose for looking for Ian.

"Excuse me, can you sense the source quality aura on this dragon scale through the box?"

Isengard put the silver-blue metal box in front of Ian. There is a window made of transparent crystal in the middle.

What was placed in the box was a blue translucent crystal scale.

At the moment, the scales are still releasing a halo that is indeterminate, like breathing. Although it is not powerful, it reveals a special charm, like a tide.

"Dragon scale? Too fast?"

Ian glanced at the box, then looked up at the expectant blond boy.

He pondered for a moment, and then slowly said: "Has the Ellen family always been so outspoken? I thought you would first ask about the distribution of magical beasts around Port Harrison, the indigenous situation and the anomalies in recent months, and then wait until After we have finished drinking tea, we will get to the point..."

"Mom... My mother once told me that for smart people, if you can directly state your purpose, you can directly state your purpose."

Isengard almost strayed the words again, but his last words were still smooth: "I was a little hesitant at first, but after seeing your strength just now... I completely believed the teacher's words!"

"Ian, you are indeed a real genius. In the face of a genius like you, you don't need to go around like that!"

The blond boy, who was still immersed in the scene of Ian standing in a pool of blood before, nodded solemnly, then stretched out his hand and pushed the box towards Ian.

He said cautiously: "Last night, the teacher and uncle have already decided to invite you to become a member of our exploration team... It is the real exploration team, not the surface element Jingbei's exploration team."

"Ian, you must have known after the appraisal the day before yesterday that even my belongings were secretly cursed, and the mission cannot be cancelled because of this accident, so I must complete the mission as quickly as possible, and then return to the imperial capital. Report to His Majesty."

"Now, what we need is speed, not the inefficiency caused by secrecy. People are suspicious of each other and don't know what they are going to do."

He was outspoken and didn't mind Ian knowing about it.

I didn't need to mind, the blond boy knew very well that it was a certainty for the other party to become a member of the exploration team based on his appraisal ability, not to mention the fact that the other party was so strong!

Now, only one last procedure is left.

——That is, figure out how strong Ian's source stress is!

Only after knowing this, can they determine the scope and time of exploration, and determine the next plan!

Yes, they originally prepared corresponding exploration instruments, but how can a dead instrument have someone who can communicate and can accurately point out the direction and range?

The answer to this question is simple.

Ian lowered his eyes, staring at the scales in the metal box in front of him.

【Dragon scale of Zhanhai Crystal Dragon】

[First energy level peak, vacuum isolation treatment, cornerstone, edible]

[The scales of the deep-sea specialization of the crystal dragon inhabiting the high psionic energy ecosystem are derived from a young dragon and do not have many special effects. The dragon scales of the Crystal Dragon are natural source material storage crystals and raw materials for detectors, which can be used to manufacture a variety of rare auxiliary accessories and props, and can also sensitively sense most of the source material and psionic fluctuations in the surrounding sea area. 】

[Because it has not yet entered the mature body, the dragon scales of the crystal dragon do not have the ability to transform into spiritual substances. They cannot absorb water source substances for high-speed self-regeneration. The hardness is also relatively general, and they will dissolve quickly if stored improperly.]

[Contained Origin Quality: 0.054]


- What can you feel?

- The answer is all!

And the question of a prophet and chip holder is really overwhelming.

"It's a bit like the smell of Odell Reef, with high purity water quality and natural psionic energy."

He stared at the dark blue mist that had materialized and tossed in front of him, giving people a kind of metal-like solidity and a sense of vastness like the sea, and couldn't help but ponder: "I want to ask... what are your standards? Is it possible to sense the fluctuation frequency of the source material, or can it be traced..."


After hearing half of it, Isengard became excited, and he opened his eyes wide: "You can really sense it! Even through the box of Silent Silver Alloy, you can sense its source quality fluctuations!"

The boy stood up and clenched his fist excitedly: "O'Dell Reef, right? That should be the place where it perched recently - I didn't expect you to be able to sense this, Ian, it's really amazing!"

After that, Isengard rambled and said something, "The teacher said that your sense of power is much stronger than mine, and I didn't quite believe it at first." "It's not jealousy, it's mainly because I can't think of the country... Ah, it's not the country, it's... ...There are people as powerful as you in Port Harrison...' This is a rather low emotional intelligence.

Ian doesn't care, Tong Yan Wuji, what does he care about with a fourteen-year-old child.

——In fact, it’s far more than that. I can also tell that the owner of this scale is a dragon species... and it is also a very rare labyrinth dragon species.

Ian was silent. He knew what Sigil was. It was a special metal that could isolate all source substances and psionic reactions. Because the high purity Sisil can even damage the sublimation organs and psychic energy of those who approached. For safe use, only relevant alloys with low incorporation levels can be used.

No wonder he felt that the source quality perception just now passed through a very thick rock shell.

"Fortunately, it didn't reveal that I could even see the general image of the target."

With a sigh in his heart, because of the ability of the prophet and the silver chip, Ian has no idea what the reaction of ordinary people should be in this regard.

Playing a pig is also difficult.

Moreover, with the breath of this dragon scale, Ian has already speculated the truth based on the information he had exchanged with the ironclad shark late at night.

"It seems that there is a labyrinth sea dragon on the O'Dell Reef? Or is it a juvenile sea dragon of the first energy level, which has not yet advanced to the second energy level?!"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but marvel in his heart: "Sure enough, it has to be a prey of this level to attract the attention of the imperial capital, and let the young master of the Ellen family travel thousands of miles to this place, and there are two second-level high-level players. accompanied by a strong man!"

"If it's for a water dragon, then everything makes sense! Whether it's the mutation of the indigenous totem spirit, or the situation where the Iron Shark is afraid to approach, it's all because of this!"

"Because a Titan Warcraft cub with the potential of the fifth energy level appeared around Port Harrison!"

------off topic-----

Two chapters of 6,000 words today, and more will be added tomorrow... Recently, the online class in Shanghai Luyuan has affected the rhythm of coding a little, but there is no online class on Saturday, so I will adjust the progress of coding, and update the w word tomorrow to make up for it!

There will be double monthly passes at the end of the month, and there will definitely be more updates at that time. Today's 6,000-word break is the basis for future updates. You can trust me!

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