Above The Sky

Chapter 190 The Conspiracy Of Flying Flames (44)

"What did you say?" "Tell me in detail."

"Ian your information is very important, I will remember it."

Originally, everyone thought that the two sides would break out a fierce battle for the fortress-canyon, but they never thought that the two sides would be smashed together, and the battle for the dominance of the bloodline alliance of the various countries began in the Feiyan Land, and the imperial capital also fought openly and secretly with the Grand Duke of the West. are equal opponents.


"I can't shoot directly."

He could vaguely sense that behind all this, there are real details and information that he has not yet fully discovered.

Now it was Ian's turn to ponder, and he thought in his heart: "The blue flame bracelet just reduces the success rate of Isengard's advancement, making him lose his potential and can't compete for the family master? I thought it could suddenly trigger an explosion to kill him."

A group of natives who have been scattered, and a group of natives with flying flame training and firearm support are two different things.

"Do we need to do something?"

"Isengard has already told me their real mission... Your lord, you must also know that, since that's the case, is it possible that there is a relationship between the mutation of the Soaring Squad and the mission objective? Do the spies of the Flying Flame Land already know about it?" Zhanhai Crystal Dragon'?"

"So it is! I said why he had the intention to kill me directly in the first place - although I am not wrong at all, but in a sense, it was my actions that forced him to kill his nephew by himself, so he Instead, you want to kill me!"


——Send Anzi to the rear of Nanling, arouse the indigenous mountain people, help with training, and provide weapons and materials...

Sitting up straight, Viscount Grant was already at work, and the brown-haired and blue-eyed nobleman pondered: "I also thought about it for a long time, if it was the internal struggle of their Ellen family, it was precisely because the secret hand was discovered, so they would definitely choose Direct attack - since there is no way to use the blue flame bracelet to make Isengard fail to advance and lose the qualification to compete for the family master, then they will definitely choose to kill."

Ian is not as sensitive as Elder Pude, and if he is a prophet, he may shy away from hunch, because this may reveal the fact that they do not have the real ability to predict.

As it is now, Viscount Grant has no doubts.

Thinking of this, Ian reiterated his findings: "Viscount, the mutation of the Tenglan Department has become very obvious. I haven't seen any merchants from the Tenglan Department come to sell related materials for more than ten consecutive days..."

At this moment, Viscount Grant was obviously really serious.

Six years ago, the kingdoms of the Flying Flames opened up the border between the Baisen Mountains and the Absalom Mountains, and connected with the western plains of the Empire.

——He is the biggest problem, okay?

It is enough for them to say common hunches, and no one should doubt that they are prophets.

However, since the passage has been pierced, it is impossible for both sides to do nothing.

"As for these firearms..."

But true prophets are not stingy with showing their keen perceptions, because they know very well what a world of difference their true abilities and premonitions have.

Aether armed split, he did not ask the specific meaning of the term, as the name suggests, it must be a copy of the ether armed. Viscount Grant also said that it is not as strong as the original version, but after all, it is also aether armed, and it is impossible to face the enemy without armor.

That being the case, it is not surprising that psionicists have keen premonitions about their own life and death.

"I sensed needle-like danger in Isengard, not from him, but from something bigger. All I could feel was this, as if I didn't want to sit on the edge of an impending storm. Like a capsized ship, my hunch told me not to approach him."

"The problem is the indigenous people."

"So that's why Patrick's attitude towards Isengard is so strange...that guy didn't really want to kill his nephew, he just wanted to make him uncompetitive...but when I did it, he We have to use the killing method to solve it as soon as possible.”

The middle-aged nobles prioritized, and he said slowly: "Let's talk about the affairs of the Ellen family first. After all, it is His Majesty's grandson, and I don't want to be reprimanded by His Majesty."

"The exposure has been exposed. With the strength of the Ellen family, it is not difficult to find out who is behind it, so you must achieve your goal before you are discovered."

In such a city, Viscount Grant, whose memory is not bad, thought of the 'flash mosquitoes' that held Bishop of White Mist a few years ago: "This plague is not always the work of the indigenous people. After all, our epidemic prevention is simple, but they are really friendly A group of mosquitoes living together is more likely to be infected!"

Ian couldn't help but open his eyes. Good guy, fortunately, I originally planned to report the news to the Viscount and Elder Pude, otherwise, there will be no key information!

However, Viscount Grant did not hesitate or doubt. He lowered his eyes and seemed to think of something, so he directly asked Ian to explain.

Thinking of this, the Viscount calmed down instead.

"With him, I'm afraid I can protect Isengard well without me."

The spying on the empire by Fei Yandi is obvious, and it is impossible to start action so quickly. At most, from now on, it is necessary to readjust the policy and attitude towards the natives.

Knowing that Ian was a prophet, Elder Pude showed a shocked expression. He did not expect that Ian would say such a detailed premonition... Although there is no explicit statement, it is difficult for ordinary perception psionicists to have such a specific and keen perception.

At this moment, Viscount Grant also took the blood-stained alchemy gun from Ian. He didn't care about it at all, but observed it carefully and said with certainty, "It is indeed the new model of the alchemy gun of the Flying Flame... ...damn, they didn't launch a direct attack, but they've already started to infiltrate agents?!"

Patrick's motive may be the clue to debunk all this.

"Maybe, a whole sublime agent team has been sent!"

Although there may be interests, it can never be just interests - this awkward way of action proves that there are more hidden secrets behind.

Ian said, "As a traveler, I will definitely be affected - Lord Viscount, I don't think I can survive the forceful attack on Isengard."

"Could it be that, so early, the spies of the flying flames have already begun to act?"

This kind of thing has always been rare in coastal areas, and most of the protagonists are ordinary people.

Human premonition is a very strange thing. Some people will suddenly feel flustered and uneasy before boarding a big ship, and then cancel the plan to go to sea. Then the ship really encounters a monster or a shipwreck and capsizes and disappears. .

"The enemies that the exploration team will face may not only be the killer against Isengard... but also the natives, and the flying flames behind the natives!"

As for this moment...

Viscount Grant stood up, he took a step in the office, and then said slowly: "These are all guesses, I have no room to intervene - the Ellen family does not need me to escort them, they have their own strengths, and Patrick also brought them this time. The split of their aether armed is the final trump card. Although it is not as powerful as the original body, it is more than enough for us.”

Viscount Grant didn't know what the Empire's side did, but what the Flying Flames side did is now obvious.

Thinking of this, Ian couldn't help but feel a little strange: "What kind of interests can make Patrick do such an awkward thing? And these imperial nobles are indeed sick."

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