Above The Sky

Chapter 185 The Little Sheep Came To Your Door

Isengard indeed came to Ian on purpose today.

Master Gosse talked to him about many tasks this morning, and asked him a lot of things, one of which was to contact Ian and inform him that he had been selected for the exploration team, and at the same time inform him of some information that he must know.

So the blond boy brought two guards to look for Ian, only to find that the appraiser of the white people had already left and went outside the city gate.

Isengard felt that it was not a shameful thing for him to find someone, so he directly asked the guard Ian's whereabouts, and threw a lot of thalers by the way - it can't be said that the guard revealed Ian's whereabouts, mainly because Ian himself did not hide it, In order to attract possible enemies, he even disclosed his whereabouts to others in a generous way.

So Isengard and his party followed all the way, and they didn't even use the escort's proud tracking method. They heard the gunshots of the natives at the edge of the foggy forest.

When he heard the gunshots, Isengard still didn't react... Could it be that there are guards fighting the natives around here? It was pretty intense.

As a result, the guards' expressions suddenly became serious. Although these veterans who had been on the battlefield had not experienced such a gun battle for a long time after they joined the Ellen family, they still knew very well the differences in firearms in different countries.

"This is the seventh-generation standard rifle of the Flying Flame... It can penetrate five millimeters of alloy armor, and its power is not small."

A dark-skinned guard whispered: "There is no such firearm in Harrison Harbor, the situation is strange, young master, shall we go back first?"

For them, Isengard's safety is paramount.

"No, I have to see Mr. Ian's situation, he is the point of this mission!"

But Isengard is obviously a dead brain, and he is still thinking about his own task.

The two guards looked at each other helplessly, and then moved forward with their young master. They also took out folding shields and the like from the weapon box behind them... No, they were shotgun firearms.

They advance fast, but some fight faster.

By the time the three arrived at the battlefield, Ian had already killed him.

At this moment, Isengard stood blankly in the corner of the forest, looking at the many corpses and the white-haired boy in blood.

Because of the rapid battle just now, the cheap hair rope was broken, and his long white hair was scattered behind his shoulders and waist. Ian is now sheathing his sword, his clothes and hair ends are stained with a lot of splattered blood, but his long hair and skin are more fair.

Pulling the hair covering his cheeks behind him, the young man stood in the same place and looked at the three of them. In the blue eyes, the clear water halo was gradually fading.

"A few."

He looked at Isengard with a smile, and said calmly, "Is there something wrong with coming here to find me today?"

Following his words, the surrounding mist that was about to close was expelled again. This sudden change in the source quality made the two guards tense for a moment—according to their information, theoretically, it was only a matter of becoming a Wave Singer. How long Ian can't have this kind of control.


The opponent is a triple genius in alchemy, inscription and sublimation skills!

"This matter has to be reported to Master Gosse and Master Pat." The guards swallowed and confirmed the idea.

But Isengard didn't think so much.


He exclaimed and praised: "I didn't expect you to be so powerful... You can compare with your brother and the others! But you are much younger than your brother and them..."

Speaking of this, the blond boy realized that he was a beat slower, and then hurriedly said: "Yes, yes, I have something to look for you today... So I followed, I didn't expect you to be attacked..."

He looked down at the mutilated corpses of the natives around him, and couldn't help shaking his head: "It may not be an attack for you."

For the peers in front of him, such a dangerous attack is no different from flying a few mosquitoes and flies.

"It's still an attack. Today is an unexpected danger. I didn't expect anyone to want to kill me so much."

Ian shook his head slightly, he didn't get close to Isengard, because the guards on both sides of the blond boy were obviously very wary of him... Of course, no matter how good-looking he was, let a dangerous person who had just killed a dozen people covered in blood touch him Protecting the target, no guard can do such a thing.

As for why Isengard came to him today, although he didn't know, he felt it was just right.

——It happened that I also reminded him of the crisis he may encounter... I haven't received enough credit to become a knight, the boss can't die first.

No matter what the Ellen family, Viscount Grant, and the Imperial City are thinking, Ian's goal is simple: he wants to take some credit from the Ellen family's mission, then get the knighthood, and then find an opportunity to go out on a cruise study.

Although Harrison Harbor and South Ridge are large, they are not enough for his stage... At least, in his capacity, in this port belonging to the Grant family, he cannot exert his full strength.

The Ellen family is his first springboard, and Isengard is a target that can be slightly 'induced' compared to the scheming Patrick and the almost impossible to fool Master Gosse.

However, Ian does not despise the other party - as a disciple that Master Gosse values, and a genius who is also quite accomplished in alchemy at a young age, Isengard may have a low EQ, but his IQ is definitely qualified.

It's just that Ian's knowledge does not mean other people's knowledge.

Moreover, the IQ is enough, it does not mean that he will use it.

Ian stopped in place, but the blond boy ran over by himself, and the guards behind him were full of disbelief but couldn't stop him - Isengard was faster than them.

Isengard originally planned to see if Ian had any injuries. He happened to have medicine on his body... But looking up and down, he found that although the white people in front of him were covered in blood, there was not even the slightest wound on his body, and the blood was all there others.

Moreover, the source quality fluctuations on Ian's body are very stable, which makes Yisen, who is very sensitive in this regard, instinctively feel a little strange... Anyway, according to the usual first energy level, no matter how talented Ian is, he is killing him. After more than a dozen people, the source substance in the body will appear to fluctuate a little because of the operation.

Unless... the source quality and source quality channel of the person in front of you have been tempered to a very high level...

After Ian coughed lightly, noticing how impolite his actions were, Isengard took a step back in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry... I took the liberty to visit without asking for instructions..."

He bowed his head, apologized and saluted: "Uh... I should call you Mr. Ian... or the guide..."

He obviously still had something on his mind, and he got stuck in the middle of his words and fell into silence.

"It's fine. Since it's a private visit, just call me Ian."

He put his hands behind his back, indicating that the two guards with helpless expressions were indeed not hostile.

The boy of Bai Zhimin raised his eyebrows slightly, and answered the question just right: "Excuse me, what is the reason for coming to visit today?"

After hearing Ian's question, this made Isengard slowly adjust, and his words were smooth again: "Okay, Ian...Although it is a bit presumptuous, please allow me to call you by your first name."

"I came to visit today because of some things. I would like to ask you, an appraiser who is familiar with the surrounding conditions of Harrison Port, to analyze it for me..."

"Fine. How much is the reward."

Ian raised his hand and interrupted Isengard's words. The blond boy didn't understand for a while, and was even a little confused and angry. He didn't understand why Ian interrupted him and asked for a reward so plainly.

But soon, when he noticed the gestures of his guards and noticed the situation of the corpses and wreckage in the surrounding area, he realized what mistake he had made again, and his ears immediately turned red: "Ah, yes, yes... remuneration The question is indeed very important... As for the details of the commission, I have found a private place where I can discuss it in detail!"

"The remuneration is easy to say, you can trust the reputation and financial resources of the Ellen family!"

Taking a deep breath, it was probably the first time in recent years that Isengard, who had left his elders and took the initiative to 'socialize', seriously invited Ian: "I wonder if you would like to chat?"


Since there are fat sheep in front of him, Ian readily agrees.

After the young guard Yu cleaned up the wreckage on the battlefield together, and brought all the alchemy firearms and firearms as the spoils and 'evidence' of this battle.

He then returned to Port Harrison with Isengard and headed to the Long Gull Tavern.

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