Above The Sky

Chapter 152 Luxurious Viewing Lineup (54, 1W2 Update!)


Ian blinked, his expression quickly returned to normal, but his heart was full of doubts: "It's outrageous..."

"After the current head of the Ellen family was widowed, he married another princess. Although she was an outer princess who did not inherit the royal bloodline, she was quite favored by the emperor."

Elder Pude explained as usual: "The princess has one and only one son, the third son of the Ellen family, Isengard Ellen. This year is about fourteen years old and is following the tutor of the Royal Alchemy Association of the Imperial Capital. Learn alchemy and alchemical biology."

"I don't know much about the internal struggle of the Ellen family. In short, we don't need to worry about it... But this time, the young master of the Ellen family and his teacher came to Harrison Port."

Having said this, the old man shook his head: "You say, who can let a mother who dotes on her child send her only son from the safe, comfortable and safe imperial capital to our rural place where it is dangerous to go out and might get miasma? "

"At the very least... a mere maze is not enough. Even if this maze breeds some very precious strategically sublimated creatures, it is absolutely impossible."

It is naturally impossible for Elder Pude to know the true intentions of the Ellen family, but his thoughts are indeed fine-since he can't figure out the other party's goal, then it is right to think directly in Dali.

——Not the emperor, who can make them do this?


Ian understands that Elder Poud is here to tell himself - it is estimated that Viscount Grant is also reminiscing after getting the news. It is no wonder that Lamar came to him in person yesterday, and the other party designated that he had met the young master and guardian. face.

But to him, there is no difference, it's just that the object of acting has changed to a better fool.

The communication between the two was not too taboo for Mr. Yinfang in the back. Occasionally, when Ian turned his head to look at each other, the old Sir would also smile slightly, as if he had not heard anything.

Since Viscount Grant invited him to come to play, he must have informed the relevant speculation and information.

After all, Mr. Yinfang never crossed the line. Although he was extremely wealthy, a sublime, and a knight, he was very polite and respectful towards those bloodline nobles who really had the power of force, and he had an excellent reputation.

During the indigenous war six years ago, he also took the risk of being destroyed by the port of Harrison in large quantities to transport all kinds of food supplies, and also provided a lot of convenience during the reconstruction and expansion of the port in recent years. with help.

In fact, he provided the critically important battle that took place in Anmore Town to destroy the main force of the natives, and the goods placed in Anmore Town waiting to be transferred were provided by him.

The icing on the cake, the icing on the cake, Mr. Yinfang does it all.

Therefore, even if he is not the viscount's confidant, he is still someone who can be trusted.

Of course, the current Ian can actually be regarded as the inner circle reserve of Viscount Grant.

After all, the young man is the successor of Elder Pude, the theoretical future elder of Bai Zhimin.

And 'six months ago', with the help of Elder Pude, he took magical medicine and became the first-level 'Wave Winger'.

Such young first-level sublimators and psionicists, if they developed normally, would have become the peak of the first-level energy before the age of thirty, preparing to prepare the second-level potion.

However, for ordinary people, this is almost impossible - the cost of the first-level potion alone exceeds 4,500 talers, and the second-level potion alone costs more than 4,500 talers. This number, not to mention the more expensive formula, the alchemist's sales fee, and all kinds of related information.

"I don't need to worry about money, as long as I think about it, I can always earn it... On the contrary, there are still too few channels, only Port Harrison and a few businessmen with good relationships."

Thinking of this, Ian nodded to Elder Pude, then slowed down and walked with the old sergeant.

"Excuse my curiosity, sir, where did you get the sublimation plant this time? It also gives me a mental preparation before the identification."

This is not acting, Ian is really interested - although there are all kinds of sublimation plants between the mountains and jungles of Nanling, a new species that has never been seen before is also a big discovery, enough for the discoverer to boast for a long time.

"It's a mutant magic plant."

Mr. Yinfang is more commonly used to call sublimation plants in the people, and his tone is a little excited: "The adventurers under my command originally just wanted to hunt some perching feathered snakes, so they broke a nest, but never thought that in the group of feathers In the middle of the jungle where the snake inhabits, there is actually a plant that emits light, similar to long-bearded grass."

"Injured feathered snakes, when approaching it, the regeneration rate will increase rapidly, the adventurers waste much more effort than originally expected to destroy them, but they also got this magical magic plant! "

"Just by close contact, the upper body of those adventurers was healed, and the place that was bitten by the snake, which was desperately dropped, also grew brand-new, white and tender meat..."

Mr. Yinfang talked eloquently, and his voice was very magnetic.

It sounds like just chatting, but in fact, all the information that needs to be said is said.

Features, abilities, specialities, similar sublimation plants... everything that needs to be said.

"It turns out that it is really a harvest of good luck."

With a sigh of relief, Ian nodded slightly, he already had a rough estimate in his mind.

At this moment, they also came to Harrison Pharmacy on Central Avenue.

It’s not even eight o’clock at present, but there are already a lot of people coming and going, and the shop has already opened its doors early. The doctors and apprentices in the hall are already busy, providing purchases and sales for the many herbalists and adventurers who come and go in Harrison Port. Serve.

There is even an elf mercenary in the shop who is talking to the apprentice in common language with a Canaan Moorish accent. The Canaan Moorish people in the country of spirits are martial arts, and the fertility rate is not as low as in the previous fantasy works. In contrast, their lifespan has no special advantage compared to other races, only that their perception and reaction speed are extremely keen and fast.

But the problem is not here.

At the first moment, Ian opened the vision of precognition.

In his eyes, the entire pharmacy turned into a huge whole made of thick white and a very small amount of blue mist. The elf mercenary was wearing a dark blue magic plant on his body, which looked a bit like Harrison Harbor. It is common in the surrounding herbs, but it is obviously very effective, which is very different from the ordinary herbs.

He and the apprentice are arguing about the purchase price of the herbs on the wooden board placed next to them, but it is just an ordinary bargaining and raising the price, and there will be no conflict.

However, even the dark blue magic plant is far from the brilliance Ian sees now.


Two clearly incomparable purple hazes, surrounded by a blue haze, stood quietly beside the pharmacy.

They were so inconspicuous, as if they were just ordinary patients waiting for the doctor to dispense medicine.

But the light on them has completely exposed their true identities!


Observing from the corner of his eyes, the boy of Bai Zhimin, who was shocked by his face, almost took a breath: "Two second-level energy-and a little guy! The young master of the Ellen family and his guardian that the emotional viscount said , have been waiting for me here?!"

"No wonder it reminds me to 'go all out'... This viewing lineup is too luxurious!"

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