Above The Sky

Chapter 151 What Is This Battle? (44)

Show real strength...

"Is there still...isn't it completely freed?"


——Whether it is Mr. Yinfang, or his sublimation plant, there is absolutely no possibility of 'coincidentally' looking for him for appraisal on 'tomorrow'... Everyone must have negotiated it, and it is necessary to give a good performance to those foreign guests. Some Ian's 'hard power'!


Then, the teenager opened the vision of vision: "Tomorrow, I will fully demonstrate my identification ability without exposing the silver chip and vision of vision. What will be the consequences?"

"No, I want to drink shrimp porridge."

After returning home, Elan consciously taught himself to read, and Ian went to his room before making dinner.

After Alan's physical fitness reaches the standard, Ian will let him practice the legacy of his improved Wave Singer, in preparation for his future conversion to goblin blood.

Such a smart and polite businessman, keen and decisive, is indeed the type that is easy to make a fortune.

"At your age, you should get more sleep. But hard work is also a virtue, and I can't say much about it."

Ian instructed Ellen not to feed this fish no matter what, even if he hasn't come back for a long time, and replace it with a new one when he dies to ensure the reliability of the crisis reference.

After thinking about it again, Ian realized that the real meaning of what the Viscount said was actually 'acting'!

This fish is Ian's reference for self-prediction.

"How is it? Is it delicious?"

"Let's go."

The next morning, Ian wakes Ellen.

Turning his head back, Ian really sighed: "If I knew you would arrive so early, I would have come earlier too."

“It was delicious! It was delicious!”

Ian turned his head to the side, Elder Pude and several guards of Mr. Yinfang were standing there, and the old man of White People nodded to the boy.

"Let's go."

In the final analysis, the vision horizon is only foreknowledge, a prophet, not an absolute prophecy, describing a given destiny.

After the two brothers finished their morning exercises, Ian asked Alan to chop wood and make breakfast by himself.

However, in addition to this, near the window, there was a small fish tank with a half-dead, weakly swaying silver-scaled fish.

Although they were all just small gifts and cheap, Ian didn't think they deserved it.

——What kind of mistakes, it is impossible, as long as I foresee enough and the plan is perfect enough, there is absolutely no possibility of low-level mistakes and omissions!

The little boy is still very reliable. As long as he promises something, he will fulfill it seriously.

This is the daily life of the prophet - trial and error directly in reverse order!

He has become the leader of the team, and both Mr. Yinfang and Elder Pude have heard the sound.

Acting tacitly? √!

At the door of Baishi Groceries, there are still several people waiting for his arrival.

But, unexpectedly, Ian got up very early and came very quickly.


After carefully selecting an almost flawless action plan, Ian walked out of the room contentedly, ready to make dinner and a small pot of 'sea urchin, shrimp and seafood porridge'.

Eat man's fish, gain the kindness of man, you should always do something.

Next, Ian turned on his psionic power to test all kinds of ideas and action patterns for tomorrow, and all kinds of mists emerged back and forth on this little fish.

The overall improvement and repair of physical fitness brought by becoming a sublimator should be able to cure this problem.

Immediately afterwards, as thoughts surged up, pale red mixed with pale black mist appeared on the small fish.

After chatting with Sai Nan for a while, Ian wasted a small bucket of sea urchins again. Carrying this gift, the teenager took his younger brother home: "Forget it, at least it's not inevitable, it proves that he listened to my words."

--Do not.

"Uh, it's not hard... On the contrary, you, Mr. Yinfang, came so early, which is beyond my expectations..."

But now, Ian still has to have a reference... Six years ago, that abnormal "prophecy" never happened again.

Although the fisherman looked pale, the scarlet omen of death on his body was much lighter.

"I'm going to get some tools and appraiser robes."

Patting Alan's head, Ian said, "Or do you want to eat fish today?"

After seeing the surprised boy of Bai Zhimin, a tall and thin half-old man standing at the door of the grocery store showed a surprised expression.

Go all out to identify? ×!

At least, not to the point of being accurate enough to be used as a reference for the fate of the crisis.

Just like cooking, even if it is the same recipe and the same ingredients, as long as there is a slight deviation in the actions during the cooking process, the final taste will be completely different.

The wealthy merchant Kutag Lavent liked to be called by the name of his shop 'Silver Square'. It was delivered at the first time and was appreciated by the governor, becoming a model merchant at that time, and was also commended by the outstanding citizens of the empire.

"Want to learn?"

The precognition horizon is not flawless, not to mention that there are countless possibilities for the interpretation of fog, but the accuracy is not absolute - as long as his actions cannot be like a robot, and absolutely follow a certain set of plans, then precognition The future presented by the horizon is constantly changing.

"It's a good thing if it doesn't happen, or in other words, only if I change a little bit of that future, will a new 'prophecy' appear."

After explaining a bit, Ian took out the key, opened the store door, and went upstairs to get things. Everyone waited at the door until the boy in white robes who looked quite professional walked out.

Although Mr. Yinfang invited him to identify at Harrison Pharmacy, he still needed to get some handy props and put on a professional silver-patterned white robe representing the appraiser.

The night passed.

Therefore, Ian simply raised a small silver-scale fish. This fish is extremely fast and hunts shrimp and other small fish for a living. However, its vitality is average, and it will die if it is not fed for a few days.

He laughed, then stepped forward and stretched out his hand compared to the boy who was a head shorter than him: "I was chatting with Elder Pude just now, guessing when you will come-I thought it would be at least an hour or two later. , and he firmly said within twenty minutes."

"Haha, I'll teach you when you're older and can hold the pot firmly."

"Let the whole of Port Harrison cooperate with the acting... Neither the Marquis Family nor the Alchemy Association can have this face."

This ability to predict the future direction may be a bit vague, but if it is determined to be just an experiment, and the decision in the next few days, it can be predicted quite clearly.

It's about half past seven in the morning.

The results were about the same, and there was no essential difference in risk.

"I didn't expect that you actually started working so early, it's really too hard!"

The teenager asked his younger brother to stay at home today. If there is anything, he can go to the elders hall to find Elder Pude, and then go out and prepare to go to his workshop.

"Is it a scene, or was I discovered before?"

Kutag was tall and thin, with a face like a poor old peasant, and a gray-brown goatee. His stomach was ruined by the indigenous disease when he was young, even though he later made a fortune in the building materials business with the support of the Governor The sublime became a knight, but his body still had some root causes, and his resistance to the indigenous miasma was lower than that of ordinary people.

The boy's response in terms of eating was so quick that the boy couldn't help laughing and patted the other's head: "Shrimp is much cheaper than fish... Okay, you are really good to support."

In this regard, Ian, who was really embarrassed, thought about it for a while, and felt that it should be just a scene, so that he could cheer up and play with all his strength.

On the way, Ian and Elder Pude walked in front, and he asked the old man who had been silent in a low voice with some doubts: "This battle is more terrifying than I thought - tell me who it is, the Ellen family, or the royal family. Alchemy Association, or His Majesty the Emperor?"

Regarding Ian's words, Mr. Yinfang disagrees. He has always regarded Ian as an equal adult, and is very polite and respectful. Similarly, we can see how he was treated by many nobles, including the Governor of Nanling. .

He couldn't think of an answer for a while, and the young man couldn't help shaking his head: "It seems that this matter must involve more than just a sparkling crystal shell, a South China Sea labyrinth."

"What's the matter, elder?"

According to Ian's examination, the boy's problem is not with his body, but with his mind - there is an abnormality in the area of ​​the brain where Elan converts his thoughts into language, and he cannot express his thoughts smoothly. Will be temporarily unable to speak.

Ian's room is very simple. Almost all of his personal belongings are in the workshop. There are only a change of clothes and a part of the paper, pen and wooden board used to teach Elan to read and write.

Ian muses: "There's a risk, it's not very dangerous, but be careful."

As Alan grows up, the cute little boy can no longer be used as a reference for the prophecy of life and death - although if Ian really suffers a catastrophe, Alan will definitely not be much better, but with the As the younger brother grows, the possibility that he will die together will also decrease.

Ian bought a plate of prawns from the fishermen of Bai Zhimin, and waited for Sai Nan, who looked tired and was about to find a friend to play cards.

This does not affect daily life - it's just a little clumsy. Elan is very smart. Under Ian's teaching, he has learned a considerable degree of mathematics and simple woodworking knowledge, and insists on morning exercises with him every day.

Ian poured a little dried shrimp into the fish tank. Immediately, the little fish, who seemed to be the only one left to turn his stomach, got up and started chasing and swallowing the shrimp.

"Mr. Ian!"

After saying that, Lamar left the fishing market - he was very busy, as the port treasurer, the right-hand man of the Viscount, who always has the financial power in the whole place, can take time to come and talk to Ian about this, just It is enough to prove that Viscount Grant attaches great importance to this matter.

In this regard, the old man Bai Zhimin said a word with a serious expression, which made the young man look stunned.

In four years, Ellen has grown a lot, but his speech is still the same.

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