Above The Sky

Chapter 153 Regenerate The Magic Plant? (13)

A seagull flapped its wings and swept over the port along the sea breeze, heading straight to the northeast coastal beach.

There must be a large number of seagulls living near the human settlements in Nanling, because apart from humans themselves, there will be no natural enemies that can hunt them.

In the case of abundant food sources, humans do not always think that hunting will fly them with less meat, and occasionally try to domesticate them as a replacement for carrier pigeons.

According to the trajectory, the seagulls were going to cross the busy street to the beach at the other end of the city to feast on.

But in the middle of the flight, it suddenly rattled in horror, its tail feathers folded, and then it accelerated, evading at a speed of 90 degrees.

The pharmacy is located in the middle of the avenue.

Harrison Pharmacy was established when it was established in Harrison Harbor. It was set up by the old Viscount to collect the medicinal materials collected by the herb collectors. Over the past few decades, this pharmacy has become the largest medicinal material distribution center in Nanling.

The specialized acquisition point is not at the main store on Central Avenue.

There are acquisition divisions in XC District, New City and DC District.

Only rare and rare enough, even sublimated plant-level magic plants, will be sent to the main store for identification.

There are generally very few people in the main store. The price of medicines here is 20-30% higher than that of other medical centers in the same city. There is nothing special except that they have never sold fake medicines for decades. Only those who don’t care about spending more People come here specially to seek medical advice.

But today, there are unexpectedly many people in the main store - a few apprentices behind the counter, a doctor who rarely walks out of the back hall, an elf mercenary who sells medicine, and a few helpers who usually help...

Especially the three guests gathered on the right, all wearing black robes, covering their faces, looked very suspicious.

Among the three, one is a well-proportioned adult man, the other is a tall old man with a slightly hunchback but not short, and the middle of them is a young teenager.

At this moment, they all stared at a white-robed, white-haired boy standing at the gate.

"Mr. Guide!"

After Ian humbly gave in several times, but could not let the two elders, he stepped into the store first.

The first time he entered the store, he heard a respectful welcome from the apprentice of the pharmacy: "I've been waiting for a long time!"

In Terra, except for real acquaintances and relatives, they are generally not called by their first names, but are replaced by various codes.

In this world of sublimation skills, the appearance can be changed, the voice can be changed, and even the gender is not difficult to change.

Only the real name represents, the real background source cannot be replaced, only a pseudonym can be used to disguise...

But pseudonyms also carry risks. Since they all have the same effect, the more abbreviated codename has become a common choice, so much so that it has become a cultural convention over hundreds of years of evolution.

Most of those who go out, or make public appearances, show their names by name.

Just like Lubeck, the head of the mercenary in Harrison Harbor, was called 'Red Blade' by all the local mercenaries, and the wealthy businessman in Nauman City has always acted in the name of Yinfang.

Appraiser, of course, is such a job, and Ian is also called "guide" by many clients - a guide who leads them to the path of wealth and truth.

"It's too much battle... and it's not the first time."

Ian accepted the apprentices' hospitality, but also felt a little helpless - Viscount Grant is really exaggerated, he is an old acquaintance here, who doesn't know him locally, and needs such a fanciful introduction?

Naturally, there are foreigners, only need.

However, he could also hear that these attentive compliments were by no means perfunctory, but sincere.

Basically, all certified appraisers are mostly alchemists with rich knowledge. They can use various tools and means to infer the true effect of unknown things. They have extremely rich knowledge and experience, and most of them are highly prestigious locally. Middle-aged or elderly people can endorse their identification results.

And there are a small number of psionicists with observational psionic abilities.

Ian is the latter, but he is striving towards the former - he has the psionic power of observation and is also learning alchemy, and in the foreseeable future, he will also become a pivotal figure in this city, the leader of nearly ten thousand white people .

Coupled with the impeccable resume in recent years, not to mention the pharmacy apprentice, even the doctor in the hall, will be very polite to Ian.

At this moment, there were still several real customers in the pharmacy. When they heard this battle, they couldn't help but look back in amazement. Several of the locals quickly discovered Elder Pude and Mr. Yinfang behind Ian.

They knew right away that something big was going to happen here.

"So exciting in the morning?"

"Hurry up, go and call the Rona gang, there is a lot of fun to watch!"

"Public identification? Did something good come out this time?"

It's human nature to watch the fun, not to mention there is a care in it.

Ian noticed the change on the side, and knew that more people would come to watch soon.

This play is really a complete set from start to finish, and the details are also readily available.

However, the public identification process of the drugstore is originally a reserved program - they just want to tell everyone what the medicinal effects of those plants are, and what good things they have here, so that they can attract human beings, attract attention, and start fame.

And those who want to sell counterfeit medicines to take advantage will also be exposed to the public eye, expelled from Harrison Harbor, and even hanged by the dock.

"plz follow me."

The process is also quite familiar. The apprentice emptied the place opposite the door of the pharmacy and moved the alchemy tools used for identification in the back hall. At the same time, some apprentices and helpers went to the door and started to publicize it loudly.

The crowd slowly gathered.

When the number of people was almost the same, Mr. Yinfang whispered a few words to his guard. The guard of the Iron People, who had been carrying a black box with a little metallic luster on his skin, opened the box.

There is a fluorite light source inside the box, which is warm and peaceful, almost the morning sun, and inside the box is a light cyan plant covered with transparent crystal.

Carefully placed the pot of sublimation plant on the appraisal table, and in front of Ian, Mr. Yinfang lifted the crystal cover with a smile.

Immediately, a gentle wave spread out from the turquoise long-bearded grass as the center.

The fluctuations involved an extremely wide range, with a radius of more than 30 meters. The entire drugstore and the onlookers gathered at the street entrance and watched the excitement through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows were shrouded.

No matter who it was, they felt a trace of coolness emanating from the body, a kind of wound that seemed to be healing, but they didn't know where the wound was. There was only a nameless comfort.

"so smart?"

"Is it an illusion? The cut I just cut from the fish in my hand has healed?"

"This, this effect is too obvious, I have never seen medicine for so many years..."

"It's a real magic plant!"

Whether it was passing by or the onlookers who had been waiting for a long time, they all noticed this abnormality, and they couldn't help but be surprised and delighted, and even extremely shocked.

In the past, when high-level magic plants appeared, it was not without a similar situation.

However, most of them are strange fragrances that make everyone feel uncomfortable, or they are cold and dizzy, or even feel paralyzed by electric shocks. Where is the comfort from the gentle healing feeling of this magic plant?

Even the trio who had been watching quietly in the store moved slightly and were obviously shocked.

"A magic plant close to the second energy level."

The hunchbacked old man said softly, one of his eyes is a crystal prosthetic eye, and the other eye is also flashing with blue light: "The flow of source quality is very strange, I have never seen it before..."

"There are really good things in the countryside." The middle-aged man was a little surprised, but he didn't particularly care. He had seen too many demonic plants with similar effects, and it was just a mere regeneration of demonic plants, which was not worth paying attention to.


But the young figure was a little puzzled: "Does such an obvious demon plant need to be identified? It doesn't look like some kind of powerful healing demon plant, it should be a variant of some kind of regenerating demon plant in the book, right?"

"Isn't this very simple? The effect is obvious at a glance." He was a little unclear: "What can be identified?"

"It's not that simple, Yisen." The hunchbacked old man narrowed his eyes. He watched it earnestly, then shook his head and said, "Pharmacological alchemy is not that simple. Magic plants with the same effect have very different principles."

"Is it by consuming the magic plant's own source to heal the user, or stimulate the user's vitality to regenerate itself?"

"Is it a simple hyperplasia of flesh and blood, causing a near-distortion cure, or a brand new limb based on the blood vessel root information?"

"The magic plant that uses its own source material regeneration cannot regenerate sublimation organs, catalyze your vitality, but it can consume lifespan to regenerate... And some bloodline true shape inheritance requires almost distortion effects to achieve the sublimation of their own inheritance."

"Who can know the difference between these magic plants just by looking at the effect?"

Having said this, the alchemist master sighed with emotion: "Magic plants are both medicines and poisons, and if they are not used properly, they can kill people—this kind of seemingly mild demon plants is the most difficult to identify and the easiest to give birth to. From the poison of life, the appraisers of the imperial capital also need professional tools."

"If you jump to conclusions at will, it's just laughable and generous, proving that you are a layman appraiser in the countryside."

"It's so particular." Somewhat ignorant, the young man vaguely understood the importance of appraisers.

But at this moment, he raised another doubt, some expectations and some doubts.

"Since identification is so difficult."

He looked curiously at the white-robed boy in the center of everyone's eyes, the appraiser of the white people who was about the same age as himself: "Even the appraisers of the imperial capital are difficult to distinguish."

"Then... can he really identify so many details?"

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