Above The Sky

Chapter 150 Unusual Taste (34)

Lamar is the treasurer of Port Harrison and the deputy of Viscount Grant. Together with the city defense officer Yam, he is the real confidant and team of the Viscount.

Similar to Elder Pude, this good-looking red nation is the leader of the ethnic group, but he does not have the prestige of Elder Pude, and there is even an original line of patriarchs in the clan, but now he is dormant and silent. .

But on the other hand, the red people of Port Harrison are not the same as the white people.

They are not the migration of sinners, but escaped from the flames.

The internal struggle of the Thirteen Kingdoms of Flying Flames is extremely fierce, especially at the junction of the two major bloodlines, if one side of the struggle fails, it will be forced to move.

This is exactly the case in Harrison Harbor, but the ship they fled was deflected by the storm and ran aground on the coast of Harrison Harbor and was besieged by the natives. At that time, the old Viscount sent troops to rescue them and let them settle in. this.

Lamar was able to become the leader of the Red People entirely because of the Viscount's strong support, and he also had enough strength to take on this responsibility - this red-haired civilian's talent regeneration ability far surpassed his peers, and after receiving the grant from Grant Viscount After the true form of the 'Wolf Hunter', his personal strength is more than enough to suppress the entire clan.

Of course, Ian feels that this is also a means of power... There are still forces within the people of Chi who are dissatisfied with Lamar. If this financial officer wants to better manage the family, he must rely on the power of the viscount.

Perhaps there is also an emotional element. Lamar and his cousin seem to have a close relationship with the Viscount, and there is a lot of gossip in the port.

But Ian wasn't too interested in these.

He was more interested in the issue of the descendants of the nobles of Terra Continent.

As we all know, blood inheritance requires both parents to have the same inheritance in order to function, and the genes of the Terra people are very complete, even if consanguineous marriage will not increase the probability of deformity and mental retardation, so for the blood nobles, the ability to digest within the clan It is common sense. If you have to find an outsider, you have to spend a lot of money to cultivate the other party into a sublime.

Because of this, it is actually difficult to achieve the marriage of nobles in the Terra Continent, and it cannot be arbitrarily combined due to considerations of power and alliance. It must be possible to have similarities in blood or research.

In the same way, because there are very strict restrictions on reproduction, most of the private lives of the bloodline nobles are very chaotic and random, and even some aspects can be called curious.

In this respect, Viscount Grant is already very innocent - he simply likes red-haired beauties, that's all, he doesn't even have any other superfluous hobbies.

Because of the special bloodline, the Terra nobility is completely different from the similar period of Ian's hometown in terms of political ecology, appearing to be more independent and restrained, and the rise and fall of the family is more rapid.

For example, Viscount Grant's father, Harrison Grant, died early and did not leave many children. Otherwise, Viscount Grant would have married and had children at this age, and it would never be like this, with only two lovers.

Ian and Lamar have a great relationship.

Or rather, Ian is on good terms with almost everyone in Port Harrison.

Who wouldn't like a sweet-mouthed prophet psionicist who is polite, good-looking and interesting, and can even directly see the change in favorability and choose the future?

At least Lamar, who had a good chat with Ian, was very optimistic about this future 'colleague'.

"But why would he take my brother to buy fish?"

The weirdest thing about Ian right now is this. It's not that he's worried about abduction, it's mainly that Elan is very good and won't go with strangers. What method did the other party use to get his younger brother to follow him?

Just ask when you think of it, and Ian walks straight forward.


Before the teenager could speak, Lamar noticed Ian's approach. He turned his head and smiled slightly: "Your brother is looking for you."

With that said, he let go of Alan's hand, and the little boy who was looking around the market noticed his brother, his eyes lit up, and then he ran over and stood beside Ian obediently. .

"You haven't been home for a long time...I'm thinking, is there something wrong..."

"That brother, I can find you. I know him, and he likes to grow flowers. It's amazing!"

Grabbing the corner of Ian's clothes, Elan whispered, and the boy nodded slightly when he heard the words, knowing it in his heart.

This is mainly his own problem.

Ian remembered that he seemed to have told Ellen in the morning that he would take him out to see the flower and grass market tonight, but it was late because of a series of events from Sai Nan.

Lamar should have something to go to his own house to find himself, and happened to meet Elan who also wanted to find his brother, so he just brought it over to find him together.

As for planting flowers... that's true.

Lamar's hobbies are indeed flowers and plants. Like Ellen, it's no wonder that the two of them were quite happy chatting before, and it seems that they really get along well.


On the other side, the red-haired financial officer also smiled mildly. He and Ian looked at each other and explained: "Mr. Kutag, the wealthy businessman from Nauman City came to the port today, and he is discussing cooperation with the Viscount. , and acquired a brand new mysterious sublimation plant."

"You understand." He blinked, pretending to be helpless and said, "He still appointed you to identify."

"Mr. Yinfang? He is really rich."

Hearing this, Ian suddenly realized that it was because of his old client, a businessman from the capital of Nanling Province, who specializes in building materials and rice oil business, Kutag Lavent, a rich man known as "Silver Square".

This is the acquaintance who wanted to marry his daughter to him. Every time he comes to Harrison Port, he must appoint Ian as the fund provider for his identification.

Three years ago, Mr. Yinfang suffered from a strange disease and suffered from a long-term loss of appetite. Even if he was forced to eat it, it was difficult to digest. After diagnosis, it was determined that it was a common miasma in Nanling, and it had penetrated deep into the internal organs and was extremely difficult to cure. Seek medical advice.

He spent a lot of money to buy a copy of the 'Qingning Tree Root' that is said to be able to expel Gu insects and purify toxins, a parasitic sublimation plant wrapped around the roots of the rotten wood in the miasma forest, which can effectively relieve all Nanling miasma diseases.

At that time, he was a guest at Grant's Mansion. When talking about this, the Viscount just wanted to promote Ian's identification ability, so he invited the young man to try to identify the medicinal effect of this Qingning tree root.

Identification result: one eye is fake.

What Mr. Yinfang bought was just a well-camouflaged foggy forest with roots entangled in it. The only difference between the two was that one had a refreshing aroma and the other had a heavy earthy smell.

In other words, as long as it is soaked in the same kind of perfume for a long time, the root can also have a fragrance.

After a long period of camouflage treatment, even the source quality fluctuations are very similar.

If he really eats this stuff, let alone his illness, the rich man will surely die.

Ian saved his life and saved his face, so Yinfang always looked at him differently.

After several follow-up appraisals and confirmation of Ian's ability, the wealthy businessman even wanted to marry his daughter to him.

"It must be that after acquiring a lot of 'exotic plants' again, I encountered a few things I don't know, ask me to go over and confirm one by one."

After knowing it was the other party, Ian couldn't help but smile helplessly. He knew that the other party sometimes just looked for an opportunity to send him money, and he didn't know exactly why.

In theory, taking care of his business for three years and promoting word-of-mouth for him for free is enough, why waste money like this.

——Anyway, it has to be drawn by Viscount Grant and the elders, so it is better to pay directly in private!


As a result, Lamar shook his head, and he said directly: "This time, the adventurer team under Mr. Kurtag destroyed a small magical beast nest in the northwest mountain forest, and obtained the mysterious sublimation plant from the nest."

"It's a brand-new sublimation plant that I've never seen before. The drugstore can't figure out the specific effect, so I want to ask this professional 'appraiser' to see it."

Hearing this news, Ian did not like to doubt it.

He smelled something unusual.

"Is that so?"

Responding casually, the white-haired boy pretended to be surprised, but he was thinking about it: "I just felt that because of Sai Nan today, I might be targeted because of my appraisal ability..."

"As a result, as soon as the evening came, there was an event that named me for appraisal and showed my appraisal ability?"

If it's not a coincidence, it can only mean that the old employers behind Sai Nan are probably more powerful than he imagined!

In other words... an offer that even Viscount Grant and Mr. Ginbo couldn't refuse.

Of course, it's not surprising to have both.

"Interesting, a sublimation plant I've never seen before, it's a challenge."

Thinking in his heart, Ian smiled on the surface: "It's a good thing, I will definitely agree."

"When will the identification begin?" he asked.

"Tomorrow." Lamar's answer was also very fast: "Tomorrow morning, the identification site will be at Harrison's Pharmacy, and the instruments are all ready, just go there tomorrow morning."

Saying so, the red-haired financial officer restrained his gentle smile and said with some seriousness: "Lord Viscount also asked me to tell you something."

"Ian." He lowered his voice, imitating the tone of Viscount Grant, and said slowly: "Don't worry about other messy things."

"This time, show your true strength!"

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