Above The Sky

Chapter 119 The Truth Of The Unrest (24)

"How is this possible... no, nothing is impossible..."

"Brother will not lie to you."

Smiling and telling the lie, Ian could see that the purple psionic imprint on top of Elan's head vibrated and flickered, transmitting all the sounds in the room.

"Take this." When he took Ian's hand, he also handed the things around his waist to Ian.

Reaching out his hand and rubbing the boy's hair, Hilliard smiled bitterly: "I'm still old, I didn't expect that I've never played before... Hey, he's pretty good, why didn't he see that he was actually quite talented back then? "

"What the hell is going on?"

The young man looked down and couldn't help but be slightly taken aback.



Elan spoke, and the boy grabbed the boy's shirt before Ian turned to leave.

"If you see it, he's already dead."

——Yes, Wiggs’s psionic energy can eavesdrop on the sounds around the mark, he is fighting with the opponent, and he is stabbed by the opponent’s arm bone, he must have been hit.

Smiling slightly, Ian didn't say the lines.

The Tantan Cliff was wrapped by tumbling dark clouds. The strong wind carried the surging water vapor, blowing on the cliff wall, the waterfall-like water flowed on the surrounding sandy beach, and the humid and warm sea fog and rain washed the heaven and earth. all things.

He squatted down and gently soothed: "I will follow Elder Pude later, you will not be in danger."

"...Then go." With a long breath, Elder Pude closed his eyes, then opened them again: "Prophets are arrogant... I didn't expect that even children were like this."

"What, did you lose?"

"I will."

"It's useless for the second energy level." The old man said meaningless words: "But pay attention to safety."

He didn't even know what he was thinking, all his thoughts surged like a tide, and then quickly calmed down.

Ian treated the wound for the other party in silence. He first used the source substance to stop the bleeding for Hilliard, then pulled out the bone blade, and then smeared ointment to fill the bloody wound on the abdomen - visible to the naked eye, the old man's wound was Healing slowly, within a few hours, at least half of the trauma will heal.


His voice made the boy who wanted to leave silently sigh, and his indifferent expression loosened.

In fact, coconut water can also replace plasma, and regenerative medicine works better.

Not caring that his hair was messed up by the teacher, Ian pointed it out calmly, Hilliard sighed and changed the subject: "Is Elan set up."

As the two agreed, the old man was sitting and resting in a pit at the bottom of the sighing cliff. The golden halo on his body was already very dim and shallow, almost white.

"I will, elder." Ian answered pointlessly, and he whispered, "I'll be back."

"Drink medicine."

After being silent for a while, the old man glanced sideways at the boy, and he said complicatedly: "As you guessed before, I am a knight of the late emperor Inaga II."

"It is still difficult for me to understand it so far. I can only tell you what I saw and heard back then."

"How can I give up the teacher?"

Hilliard didn't lose too much blood. He was simply weak. After drinking the regeneration potion, he gradually regained his strength. At least he could open his eyes and look at the awe-inspiring boy in front of him, healing himself and pouring medicine.

"It's just that you don't know yet."

Ian picked up a small bottle of reddish potion, which was a regeneration potion made from fertile leaves, which could speed up the body's regeneration power. If it was directly injected into the blood vessels, it could also be used as a substitute for blood plasma.

"Well, it's handed over to Elder Pude."

The old man and the young child stared at his back. They wanted to say something, but in the end they didn't say a word.

The old man who knew the meaning of confession stared at the young man in front of him, and he said solemnly: "I can't stop you, you just want me to fulfill your will and achieve the future you want to see, right?"

Noticing that his teacher was watching him, Ian also responded. He was taking out the linen towel to dry the old man's face and hair: "They said that you are not in good health recently, so you should rest and recuperate."

"No matter what I say, you'll leave, won't you."

Following this half-truth atmosphere, they said something to confuse Weggs, and it was a full set of tricks.

"I brought a hemostatic pill, and Brin apologized to me last time, the best thing."


Standing up, he turned his head without hesitation, opened the door of the room, and left.

And Ailan spoke stubbornly, his purple eyes and the young man's psychic halo looked at each other: "You and uncle... promised me!"

"I'll be happier if you don't come." Hilliard didn't say a line.

Motivating the source material, using the strengthened muscles, and using the optimized body structure as the support for one's own strength... Every step can take ten meters away, even the vines and branches in the dense forest, facing a soil genus As far as the sublimator's tough body is concerned, it is nothing more than weak spider silk.

Ian walks on the ground in the jungle. After Hilliard's two years of highest-intensity training, he has long been able to jump easily in this complex environment and turn into a fast shadow in the forest.

After the play, Ian asked in confusion.

He reached out and took the dazed Ellen from Ian.

Hilliard also cooperated to show the wound on his abdomen. The old man's voice was a little weak, but his life was not in danger for the time being.

The rainstorm kept falling.

So, in the next instant, he raised his voice: "I'll leave the inheritance to you in the hope that it won't fall into the hands of others! You should give the treasure to Ellen and send him out of Port Harrison - what are you doing with it! "

Lowering his eyes, Ian said calmly, he put his head close to the boy's ear, and said 'quietly', "Don't worry, the treasure that my uncle gave me is on my body, there will be no problem this time."

Because most of the guards converged toward the east of the city, and the guards in the southwest were empty, the boy quickly circled out of the city, and then flew all the way towards the Tutan Cliff.

"And Dark Moon's turmoil is precisely the act of assassinating His Majesty by a group of rebels headed by the Crown Prince Apid."

"Elan, be obedient."

"If he recuperates, he won't be able to fight. Fortunately, he cut off one of his hands before, so that he can't run. Otherwise, I won't be able to escape."

Repeated in amazement, the old man raised his head and looked at Ian. Elder Pude himself didn't know how weird, how surprised, how scared and dazed his expression was.

Don't worry about footprints, don't worry about trails, because the storm's rain and leaves will wipe it all away.

Ian said lightly: "After all, the legacy is on me, they can't find it."

"Brother, we have to go to the end of the world together."

At this time, Hilliard's physical condition has stabilized a lot, but it is difficult to move due to lack of energy and physical strength, so he asked the teacher about the cause of everything: "You said that Weggs is here for the truth of the Dark Moon turmoil... ...then what is the truth?"

Opening the vision of precognition, Ian soon found Hilliard.

Because what appeared in his hand was a heavy silver old-fashioned handgun.

Ian took all the equipment and props and walked towards the Tutan Cliff in the south of the city.

"elder brother……"

"What I can see is definitely not my future, elder, this is actually your will."

He and Hilliard had agreed long ago that if there was an accident and the two sides parted at a time of crisis, they would gather at Takutan Cliff—a place just right for Ian to set up some traps and facilities.

Without any extra words, Ian came to the teacher's side and took out a jar of light cyan ointment with a faint fragrance from the package he was carrying.

And the scarlet mist on Elan's body gradually faded.

If the sublime were to run, the speed could easily exceed their theoretical physical limit.

Ian responded without hesitation, without hesitation, without worry that the words might anger the old man in front of him: "But, that is the future we want to see together."

Accompanied by the continuous sound of footsteps, on the ground can only see a deep hole in the ground, and a series of frightened birds and insects.

Hilliard blinked, and he quickly realized what Ian meant.

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