Above The Sky

Chapter 120 The Emperor Who Betrayed The Emperor (34)

Even Ian was stunned for a moment by his teacher's words.

For the Terrans, if this kind of wind and rain can make them feel uncomfortable... in a sense, it is a harbinger of death.

Hilliard also showed an extremely strange expression. He raised his head, stared at the dark sky and the torrential rain outside the cave, and muttered: "From the beginning, I was betrayed by my old friend and stained with the ashes of the Ice Prison. I fought hard to get rid of all the enemies, and when I came to the palace...everything was over."

"Everyone can have enough to eat, and everyone can live with dignity!"

"It's human."

"I asked several 'friends' of the year, and before they died, they all said with certainty that the emperor had been devoured by a terrifying monster from the labyrinth and turned into a monster against humanity... They got the queen and the prince's Support, this is the only way to dare to coup."

"Tell me, whose interests and whose interests have we violated?!"

His breathing became more and more rapid, like a real seventy-year-old man, and he even coughed a few times when he was beaten by the wind and rain.

Ian opened his eyes wide and looked at his teacher, while the old man stared at the child in front of him, but his eyes seemed to spread to the long time ago, and there seemed to be a raging fire burning in his eyes.

He wondered, "You want to change the world?"

Ian hummed softly. He observed Hilliard's wound and nodded after confirming that it had not burst due to the teacher's previous excitement: "Otherwise? What else can I do?"

After confirming that the wounds on Hilliard's body were treated, and after they began to heal, Ian wiped the sweat from the top of his forehead, supported the old knight, and said softly, "It's time for us to 'hide'."

He narrowed his eyes and thought seriously: "Let's not talk about the nobles for the moment, there are many civilian officials selected from the academies in the imperial court - there are not many reasons for them to participate in the coup, especially when the emperor is the one who promotes them as officials. even more so.”

"Your Majesty has also become a black king, a black tyrant. All the achievements he has created have been plundered and cut. All mistakes are the actions of the tyrant, and all the benefits are the new emperor, the 'soiler' Ake Serge's achievement.

The old knight's body was already deteriorating, and it could almost be said that with every step he took, the old man was getting older.

The old knight clenched his fists, and he stated, but there was an indescribable anger in his tone: "We fought natural disasters, we rescued famines, we resisted foreign enemies that were eyeing them, and we revived the entire empire!"

"I'll continue to treat the wound."

"Go to the top of the cliff, where it is obscured by clouds and mist, and there is interference from the psionic field. No matter how powerful the patrol knight is, there is no way to find us."

"Would you like some more medicine?"

"Ian, we have reduced or exempted agricultural taxes, abolished countless harsh taxes and heavy servitude, and also banned slavery—do you know that there were tens of millions of slave servants in the empire sixty years ago? In the empire, the land is starved to death, husbands sell their wives and children, and mothers cook for skeletons?"

"He offended the interests of the idol in his seat, the man named 'Emperor'."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

"It's profit."

Laughing lightly, then laughing, Hilliard was unaware of the wound in his abdomen, and smiled wistfully: "That's it? Of course not only... Haha, Ian, let me tell you what we did back then. Bar."

"You're calmer than I am... much calmer."

Because the knight of Inaga II is his teacher, Ian temporarily acquiesce that the other party is not a real tyrant, the black king, which may also rule out that the prince can't stand his father's cruelty and attack his father for the sake of the common people. Gorgeous rebellious' this possibility.

His words are so taken for granted, as if the heaven and the earth move naturally, like the sun rising in the morning and sinking in the night.

Hilliard looked at Ian in confusion.

"It's a little bad..."

While taking Hilliard to the top of the cliff step by step, Ian's heart fell step by step toward the bottom of the valley.

"If I can get stronger, maybe a little easier, save a little time to study."

"The spread of knowledge...maybe that's the big deal."

Walking out of the cave, the two faced the rainstorm and walked towards the dark cliff top.

Although there have been many rebellions of princes against the emperor in history, some have failed and some have succeeded, but in general, the number of normal succession is a little more.

On the sloping cliff road, another person who has dealt with the wound is slowly climbing to the top.

"Because he also offended himself - the most expensive nobles, the most superior people, the greatest vested interests, the privileged and the monopoly."

The boy smiled softly: "I see, I understand why the prince and the queen would betray their father and husband in fear."

"Only interest."

"The nobles and officials who participated in the coup actually accounted for more than 70% of the entire imperial court, and some of them stood on the sidelines, and only one out of ten really supported His Majesty... It's no wonder that the prince and the queen dared to act."

Muttering, the knight's voice fell, but his spirit was much better.

Coming to the side of a large raised rock on the top of the cliff, you can take shelter from the wind and rain for a while, Ian placed Hilliard here, and then began to arrange his own preparations.

In general, this is not normal.

But Ian replied calmly, his tone was cold, as if he was not at all indignant at what Hilliard said, unwilling to say: "The vested interests, the privileged, the nobles, the slave owners, the knowledge monopoly."

The boy couldn't understand the message he heard: "He thinks that his father has lived too long and can't wait to become emperor?"


He stared at this small body, as if some huge dark shadow was emerging from that body.

"The prince... assassinated the emperor?"

He smiled bitterly: "Yeah. He said the same thing back then."

This is too calm attitude, so many words that the old knight originally wanted to exhort could not come out.

"Teacher, you have violated the interests of the rich, the interests of most college officials, and the interests of land annexers and self-respecting pirates."

"What a boring cycle."

"Come on, teacher."

And just when the old knight's 'wound' was almost treated.

While Hilliard shook his head in confusion, Ian chimed in.

In the end, he just let out a long sigh in the dark, but a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Or is it that Inaga II wants to abolish the crown prince and let other princes be the heirs?"

"We build a fortress to resist foreign enemies; we build academies to popularize knowledge."

"Anyway." The old man raised his head and stared at the dark cave wall above his head: "The Dark Moon turmoil stopped all this."

Hilliard stared blankly at his apprentices and disciples, as if he really knew him for the first time.

At the same time, he told Hilliard a misleading lie in his mouth, and Hilliard also followed Ian's words and promised, from time to time, he let out a real low and dull groan, as if the wound was really touched.

On the other side, a figure who lost his right arm, staggered, but always listened to the voice, was also stunned for a short time, and then took steps again.

"Well." The old man stood up with the help of his students.

Ian also sighed, and he said to himself in a trance: "It is really troublesome to change such a world. It will probably take a long, long time, even a lifetime."

"We build water conservancy and dig canals; we destroy nests and clean up monsters."

The boy recalled the key words in his memory. He thought of the 'cultural popularization' that the old knight had said when he was chatting with him, and he couldn't help but be more certain of his guess: "The emperor must have done something that violated the interests of almost all the privileged classes. It's a big event, so it will cause the result of betrayal and separation."

The old man straightened his spine, and he and the young man looked at each other. Even though his body was thin and old, his aura was like a mountain: "Benefits? Who is touching whose interests?"

Thinking about it, Ian could only say the simplest thing in the end, but the old man smiled and shook his head, indicating no need.

"And I never understood."

"What did we do?"

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