Above The Sky

Chapter 118 The Prophet (14)

"The battle is over."

High in Port Harrison, Ian looked away and whispered to himself, "The teacher said that if the patrol knight didn't find any clues, he wouldn't shoot."

"It seems that the other party still discovered the true identity of the teacher, which made the teacher make up his mind."

The boy took a deep breath, now is not the time to be upset.

He calmly analyzed: "Now we have to go home and wait. If there is no signal from the teacher within five minutes, it means the situation is critical."

With heavy thoughts, Ian returned home, Elan was waiting for him to come back, and the little white face was a little uneasy.

Although Ian and Hilliard didn't say anything, the boy was very keen in this regard and sensed something was wrong: "Brother?"

"Don't worry, Alan... I'll send you to Elder Pude to play for a while, remember to be good."


Holding his well-behaved brother in his arms and sitting on a chair, Ian silently waited for the signal.

He didn't wait.

"...Time to go, Ellen."

With a look of awe, Ian didn't do anything superfluous.

He got up and held Alan's hand, while the young boy bit his lip, a kind of unease engulfing his heart, but he didn't say much.


Elder Purd was in the office of the Elder Hall. He had just received a message from Knight Yam, and the old man was about to set off to prepare the artillery.

He looked at the boy and his younger brother with some doubts, and he was not quite sure about the current situation: "What's the matter, brought Elan to see me today?"

"Elder, my psychic can see the future."

But when Ian opened his mouth, Elder Pude opened his eyes wide and clenched his fists subconsciously.

Without the slightest hesitation, knowing that no one in the office on the second floor was eavesdropping, Ian, who was only Pude, said calmly enough to make everyone take a breath: "In recent years, you probably also feel that I The 'uncle' is very strange, it seems to be a different person."

He stated: "It did change one."

Ailan didn't understand this sentence in a daze, but the elder Pude who did understand looked stunned. He looked sideways out the window, and there was a thunderous shock in the east of the city, and he had an association in his heart: "Wait, don't you think? Say……"

"Elder, you don't need to know who 'he' is, but the knight did come for me and my uncle."

Ian closed his eyes, he was silent for a while, then opened his eyes and stared at the frowning Elder Pude with water-colored halo eyes: "I have to help my family, but Elan... I hope you can Help take care of it."

Then, like a prophet, he said again: "I don't need your help--Elder, you are not good at fighting, you will die, and you will not be able to bring any help."

"You don't have to think about moving me and Alan away. The other party seems to have the ability to track, and being able to find me and my uncle after two years is enough to prove that hiding and escaping are useless."

"Yes, this is not mind-reading, elder, I can see your future trends - in my eyes, the choices you just made are all inevitable, so I can guess what you want to do."

Saying this, Ian bowed his head slightly, and he said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Elder Pude, I'm only confessing now, just because this is the best outcome of all the futures I can see."

"...Really predict the future?"

Being stuck by Ian several times in a row, Pude's chest heaved up and down rapidly, the old man stared at Ian who was more mature than any time he had met in the past, with a vague understanding in his heart.

This is what the other party really looks like.

This boy who has always been more mature than all children, more mature than they imagined.

He didn't lie.

But even so, and because of this, the elder couldn't help but slap the table and roar: "Since you are so smart, you must know that all the preferential treatment I have given to you is because of your psychic power-I think you can revitalize the family. , can regain the glory!"

"But what about you now? You are going to take risks in the face of a mortal crisis, and you expect me to take care of your brother for you?!"

Ian just stared at Pudd, staring calmly.

In the blue eyes, the scarlet mist reflected in it gradually faded, and then turned into a deep blue.

"You can predict the future..."

Under the gaze that seemed to be able to see through all possibilities, Elder Pude muttered to himself, staggered back, and then fell on the seat.

He lowered his head blankly, staring at his thick hands: "You can predict the future... God, there is a real prophet in the family... A real prophet..."

"Yeah, your true abilities, the nature of those peculiar observational abilities... can indeed be explained by predicting the future!"

The old man raised his head, almost begging: "Is there no other better choice?"

Ian just shook his head slowly, brutally showing reality.

"Please help take care of Ellen."

He whispered and reiterated calmly: "Then wait for me to come back."

Elder Pude was silent.

He can completely disbelieve, and can completely lock up Ian for protection. Why should he believe the nonsense of a ten-year-old child? What can a child know!

It really couldn't be done, and he asked Viscount Grant to take action with his old face. No matter how strong Wiggs was, after such a fierce battle, he would never be able to defeat the Viscount armed with ether.

But...these changes are too big.

Why did Viscount Grant take action? Even if Ian is a prophet, will the other party really protect him? Not to mention the Viscount's shot, the next thing is not just the matter of a single knight, but the political incident of the frontier nobles attacking the envoys of the imperial capital. It is impossible for Ian's secrets to be kept secret under such a strife.

And he protects Ian, can he really protect it? Can the old man fight himself, can he really defeat even an injured second-level peak?

For the first time, Elder Pude felt an indescribable sense of powerlessness. It was the feeling that the entire family was expelled from the imperial capital and exiled to the southern border decades ago.

Because in the face of today's problems, he doesn't know what to do, and he has no way to start.


At this moment, Ian spoke, causing the troubled elder Pude to raise his head.

Then, he saw a group of light-golden source-plasma light clusters.

Dust, debris, and glass cups were attracted by this source substance and swayed, tumbling and dumping heavily, while the finer ones were gathered in the palm of their hand.

The young man skillfully manipulated the Elementium Out of the Body, as if he were manipulating a part of his own body.

The old man could sense that although Ian's Origin Response was much weaker than his own, it was better than his own in terms of pure, condensed, and pure attribute responses.

But the other party is only ten years old!

Moreover, this Origin Quality, this Origin Quality that is very familiar, but has not been seen for a long, long time...

"Sand armor apprentice..."

Unbelievably widened his eyes, this is the first time that Elder Pude has really lost his temper: "Could it be him?!"

Seeing the radiance of the source quality in Ian's hands, Elder Pude stood up directly and made the chair overturn: "You inherited his mantle?!"

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