Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 835: Promotional killing

   "Promotion? Kill one get one free! "---Le Monde!

   "A joke? No, it's revenge! "---Western poster!

   "Aristocratic rebellion? Navy conspiracy! "---St. Martin Daily!


   Early the next morning, news swept the world over!

   The rebellion in St. Martin and the conspiracy behind the rebellion were also revealed with the emergence of news.

   Of course, people are not most concerned about these, but the reaction to the rebellion of Saint Martin!


   What the hell?

   This is what everyone subconsciously thinks after seeing the news content!

  For the Navy to do something like this, you don’t want to retaliate, and even promote it?

   But when they took a closer look, they couldn't help but red eyes!

  Because the content of the promotion is that, starting from the first time the news is released, within two months, anyone who kills any navy offered by St. Martin can get a reward of kill one, get one free!

What does    mean?

   That is, if killing a navy that was offered a reward in the past could get a 500 million bonus, now after this news is released, you can get a billion bonus!

   is to double the reward!

A man named Ma said that with a 20% profit, capital would be ready to move, with 50% profit, capital would take risks, and with 100% profit, capital would dare to take risks. The danger of beheading is 300% profit, and capital dares to trample on all laws of the world.

   And now it's more than 300%!

   The amount of St. Martin's original reward was extremely bright, and it was several times higher than the reward issued by the Navy under the same strength, but now it has doubled the original basis!

   If you count this way, it's already a thousand percent, which is ten times!

   "What are you doing?"







Assassins, bounty hunters, pirates and even ordinary people all over the world, under the temptation of this huge interest, can't take care of other things. They call their friends with red eyes, or are alone, pick up the guy and prepare to go. Hunted the navy that was offered a reward!

   Well, as long as you make one or two pennies, you can retire early, with the money in St. Martin, or you can find a place to hide your name and live a life in style!

   In this case, who cares if the target is the navy?


  New World Mobile!


   The white beard who was drinking milk and eating breakfast couldn't help but squirted after seeing today's news.

   "A reward for this kind of thing... can it be promoted?" Baibeard said wryly, and showed a long-lived expression!

   He dare to say, this is definitely one of the most absurd and nonsense things he has ever seen in his life!

   He has seen promotional products and agricultural products, but he has never seen it, nor has he heard that murder can be promoted!

   "Father, why don't we do such a pen or two too!" Marco on the side couldn't help saying.

   The price is almost ten times higher than the normal price, which makes the deputy of the top pirate group like Marco couldn't help but jealous!

   Although the White Beard Pirate Group is one of the largest in the world, the annual protection fee is an astronomical figure, but the White Beard Pirate Group still lacks money!


   The pirates have to pay money, and each pirate ship also needs money. Needless to say, all kinds of guns and ammunition are also costly!

   In this case, the landlord’s family has no surplus!

Hearing Marko’s words, White Beard was a little moved, but after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and said, “Forget it! If too many navies are killed, the world will fall into complete chaos. in"

   Whitebeard is a pirate!

   However, he is not a qualified pirate, more like a righteous thief!

   Although he opposed the navy, he also admitted that the navy played an important role in this world order, so he didn't want to slaughter the navy for money in this situation!

   Of course, he will not stop others from killing the navy!

   "Okay!" Marco said disappointedly.


   The opposite of the White Beard Pirates is the BIGMOM Pirates!

   "Jie Jie Jie... it's really interesting, it even promotes killing!" Charlotte Lingling smiled, lest the world will not be chaotic, and said, "Go Kata Kuri, kill as much as possible!"

   Charlotte Lingling doesn't care much about money. She is afraid that the world will not be chaotic. What she cares about is whether she can pass this incident and make the navy more casualties!

   Of course, it is better to have money during this period!

   "Understood!" Kata Kuri said in a deep voice.


at the same time!

   Navy Headquarters!

   "Promotional killing?" Sora looked at the newspaper in front of him a little sullenly.

   When he asked Crane to take revenge on St. Martin, he also thought that St. Martin would retaliate, but what he never expected was that St. Martin would come to do this!

   Promotional killing!

   Although it looks a bit nonsense and ridiculous, after careful consideration, Sora discovered that this is a subtle and upright conspiracy!

   The original navy bounty was memorized, but now that Saint Martin has increased it again, naturally more people are thinking about it!

   Money can move God!

   This sentence is not just for fun!

   As long as there is money, someone is willing to do anything!

   Like killing the navy nowadays, in the eyes of desperadoes who kill for money, it’s nothing at all!

   In addition, St. Martin also specifically noted that the promotion is only two months away. Sora can already imagine what kind of storms and storms the high-level navy generals will face in the next two months!

   But even if you can imagine it, nothing can be done with nothing!

  Stop St Martin?

   Stop kidding, Saint Martin and the Navy have become enemies after the previous war, and since they are enemies, how can they stop?

   Like St. Martin, use promotional killing methods to distract those killers, so that the killer will kill not only the navy, but also the people of St.

   can't do it!

   Unlike Saint Martin’s reward, the Navy’s reward is not arbitrarily set. It is determined after strict discussion. There is no way to change it at will, even if Sora is the marshal!

   Thinking, Sora became weaker and weaker!

   He couldn't figure out his dignified navy marshal, but faced with this kind of banknote ability ~www.ltnovel.com~, he felt that he couldn't start!

   But then, after he took a deep breath, he had to cheer up and start thinking about how to deal with these upcoming assassins!

   And after thinking for a while, Sora picked up the phone bug beside him and dialed out!


   After a while, the phone rang, and said emptyly, "It's me!"

   "Marshal, what's the matter?" There was a clear voice on the other end of the phone.

"Go ahead. Starting today, all naval missions with rewards will be cancelled, and they will return to their own bases or posts. If they are far from the base post, they should immediately gather at a nearby base and stop acting alone. Kong said in a deep voice.

   The only way he can think of now is to get the navy to gather as much as possible. In this case, not to deal with the assassin, but at least to have a response when facing the assassin!

   can also reduce naval casualties!

   "Yes, my lord!" The voice on the other end of the phone agreed and hung up!


   Kong took a deep breath, looked at the scenery outside the window, and couldn't help sighing, "I hope I don't die too much!"


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