Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 836: Endless loop

   The operation of the world will not change by someone's will!

   Therefore, the empty hope is lost!

   In the following time, the whole sea was in chaos!

  The huge reward offered by Saint Martin has made countless killers, bounty hunters, pirates, and even passers-by on the sea crazy about it. For this reason, they began to attack the admirals who were offered the reward!

Although these admirals who have been rewarded are not easy to provoke, each of them has great strength, but there are more people who are jealous of the huge rewards. In the continuous attack and killing of the former servants, these are not easy to provoke. , The powerful naval officers still produced a number of casualties that make the navy distressed!

   "How many times have you said that? Be careful, be careful!"

   "Don't go out, remember don't go out!"

   "Stay together, don't run around!"

   "I will let Huang Yuan pass by, be careful!"

   "Aka Inu, go chase them down, let them see the fate of provoking our navy!"


   In the Marshal’s office, Sora watched the distressing numbers of casualties while making a call violently, arranging for naval officers to deal with these red-eyed people!


   After a long time, I finally dealt with everything temporarily, took a deep breath, put down the phone in his hand, and his emotions slowly eased!


   Suddenly, the phone rang again!

   Hollow head suddenly tightened, thinking that something was happening again, but after the call was picked up, the moment he heard the voice on the other end of the phone, he was relieved and said, "It's Xiaohe!"

   "Marshal, what's wrong with you?" the crane on the other end of the phone asked in a puzzled way.

   She could clearly hear it over the phone, and she was relieved!

   "Too many things have happened during this period. Every day someone called to tell me something was wrong, so I felt a little nervous when I heard the call!" Kong simply explained it!

   "Oh!" Crane nodded to express understanding. She also knew about the navy being attacked and killed these days, and she also knew how much pressure Sora was on this matter, so she understood Sora very well!

   "By the way, Xiaohe, is there anything wrong with you? Is there something wrong with Saint Martin?" Sora said, and his heart became nervous again!

   If something goes wrong with Saint Martin, then he really wants to cry without tears!

   "Nothing here!" Crane shook his head and said, "I just want to ask your opinion! Do you continue or stop? If you continue, civilians may suffer a lot of casualties..."

   There will be many casualties among civilians...

   After listening to these words, he was silent for a while!

   Although he thinks he is not a good person, as a navy, he cannot be regarded as an ant like a pirate to civilians, so he hesitates to continue!

In order to retaliate against Saint Martin and to appease the hearts of the people in the navy, he has caused the death of civilians in Saint Martin. He is already a little uneasy. If he continues to cause more civilian deaths, he may feel guilty. Feel it!

   However, thinking that countless navies died because of Saint Martin's reward during this period, he couldn't help but get entangled!

   Do not continue?

  After hesitating for a long time, in the end reason defeated sensibility.

   gritted his teeth and said, "Go ahead, if we just give up like this, we won't be able to explain it internally. Colleagues who have died these days will never look down on purpose!"

   He heard this, and after being silent for a while, he said slowly, "I know!"

   said she hung up the phone!

   While listening to the beep from the other end of the phone, after hanging up the phone, Kong thought for a while, picked up the phone bug, and dialed out!


   As the phone worm rang, the call was soon connected, and a thick voice came from the other end of the phone, saying, "Empty, what's the matter?"

   "My lord, I must have known about the recent events... the navy needs support!" said hollowly.

   After the voice on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, he questioned, "Is the Navy unable to hold on so quickly?"

"My lord, I think you should know how much Saint Martin's bounty is?" Faced with this questioning voice, Kong said without changing his face, "The most indispensable thing in this world is desperadoes, in the temptation of huge profits. Down, there are always many people who will completely fall into madness!"

   "I understand!" The voice on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, and said, "I will send someone to support!"

   "That's good!" Kong let out a sigh of relief!

   As long as this sentence, he can feel a lot of peace of mind!

   "By the way, many naval bases have been in a mess because of the rewards during this period, so I hope that the military expenditures this year can be paid as soon as possible!" At this time, Sora added.

   "Okay!" The voice on the other end of the phone agreed without hesitation!

   Military expenses or something were originally given, but now it’s no big deal to post it early!

   "Okay, that's it!" Kong said in a deep voice, then hung up the phone!

   At this time, the expression on his face has become a lot easier!


the other side.

   When Sora had a headache for the dead navy, Arthur also had a headache for those who rebelled during this time!

   In recent years, especially in the past two years, the kingdom has acquired too many new territories, and the time to acquire it is too short. It has not yet begun real governance, let alone completely subdued people's hearts. Therefore, more and more people have rebelled!

Although Arthur had let the army he swung down to do his best to suppress it, there were still people in the navy's deception, causing waves of rebellions, causing these new sites to fall into chaos and causing a lot of trouble for Saint Martin's governance of these sites. Big trouble!

   "What a headache!"

   Arthur rubbed his temples~www.ltnovel.com~ thought with a headache.

The current situation is that the Navy has led waves of rebellions in order to avenge the admirals who died due to Saint Martin’s bounty, and Saint Martin has increased its rewards in order to avenge the waves of rebellions led by the Navy. , And because of the increased rewards, the Navy has killed many people!

   can be said to be an endless loop!

   And from the current situation, Arthur can see that if this endless loop is not broken, it will continue!

   However, the reason why an infinite loop is an infinite loop is that it is not easy to break!

   want Saint Martin to stop revenge?

  What about the losses caused by the rebellion?

   want the navy to stop?

   What about the navy that died because of it?

   There is no reason for both parties to stop, so this endless loop is not easy to break!

   thinking, some helpless Arthur can only say bitterly, "The rebellion will be suppressed one day, but there is a reward... There is no shortage of desperadoes for money in this world!"


   But what both parties did not expect is that this endless loop is too long!


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