Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 834: Rebellion

   April 3rd!


   The weather is gloomy and the wind is raging!

   Dandelion Island, Dandelion City.

   On the wall, Jie Ze led a group of people to look at the scene in the city!

   "Master, everything is arranged!" The old butler respectfully said to Jie Ze on the side.


   Jieze listened to this, and after a deep breath, he gritted his teeth and said, "Action!"


The old butler nodded. When he was about to turn around and leave, he suddenly thought of something. After a pause, he turned to look at Jie Ze, and said seriously, "Master...Would you like to go first? I'll take care of it!"


   Jieze was taken aback for a moment, and then he reacted, hesitantly and somewhat emotionally, and said, "This... isn't it good?"

   The old butler has served Jie Ze for decades, and he understood what Jie Ze was thinking when he heard this!

   "You go first!" The old butler solemnly said, "So even if there is any accident, it will not hurt you, and you will have enough time to escape from Saint Martin and the West Sea!"

   "This... okay!" Jie Ze hesitated, but finally agreed!

   At this time, the old butler hesitated for a while, but gritted his teeth but said again, "In addition, the old servant has another request!"

   "Say!" Jie Ze said without hesitation.

"If there is any accident... I hope that the master can see that in my diligent work for so many years, my son will have a stable second half of his life!" The old butler looked at Jie Ze with hopeful eyes, and said in a deep voice. Dao!

   "Don't worry, he will be the new housekeeper of our Jieze family in the future! In addition, my little daughter will also be an adult this year, and I will let them get married!" Immediately, Jieze patted his chest and promised.

Not to mention that the old butler has taken care of him for so many years, and the relationship between them has long surpassed the average master and servant. It is said that the old butler’s hard work over the years and the initiative to implement the plan for him this time is enough for him to give something. Win the hearts of people!

   Of course, the most important thing is that the old housekeeper’s son is still good, and loyal is also there, and his little daughter is just a concubine!

   "Thank you, sir!" The old butler gratefully said.

   Jie Ze waved his hand and said, "This is what you deserve!"

   After finishing speaking, Jie Ze did not hesitate much.

   "Be careful with yourself, I will leave a boat for you, if possible... or come back alive!"

   After sighing and saying goodbye to the old butler, Jie Ze took the people to the place where the merchant ship arranged by the Navy!

   And the old housekeeper looked at the back of Jie Ze leaving, took a deep breath, turned his head, and looked at the city with scorching eyes!

   In a while!

   There was a sudden chaos in the city. Thousands of civilians shouted the slogan of St. Martin Get Out, and walked onto the streets!


   The night of April 3rd!



   As a thunder flashed by, the storm fell suddenly!

   At this time, Arthur in the study, his face looked like the weather, extremely gloomy!

   "What's the matter? In just one day, there were rebellions in so many places? So many officials were killed?" Arthur asked a little angrily.

   Just now, he received the news that in the territories that Saint Martin had just joined the kingdom, there was a rebellion in some way!

   "Return to your Majesty! I was careless!" Devin said with some guilt, "I originally thought that even if the Navy wanted to retaliate, it would target people who also offered rewards. I didn't expect the Navy to play cards like this!"

   "With the prestige accumulated by the navy over the years as a guarantee, they promised them to be nobles in the kingdoms of other seas as a condition, instigated them, let them launch the ignorant civilians to rebel, and also killed the officials of our kingdom in disorder!

   Arthur thought for a while, and asked in a deep voice, "What's the situation with the nobles who were agitated?"

"His Majesty, those aristocrats who have been agitated are typical aristocrats!" German said sternly, "I have already investigated. After the occupation of our kingdom, these nobles have not changed their thinking and did not adapt to our kingdom in time. Under the rule of the Kingdom, the industry has been hit by the developed commerce and various industrial products in our kingdom in a mess, the interests have been greatly damaged, and some even have the crisis of family destruction!"

   "Plus there are no previous privileges. Many of these nobles have been arrested by our people and punished in accordance with the law. Therefore, these more typical and more traditional nobles are somewhat dissatisfied with our kingdom!"

   "Under all the circumstances, when the navy approached them, they agreed to the navy's conditions and let the local civilians rebel with their local reputation!"

   "These **** nobles!"

   After Arthur cursed in a low voice, he asked, "Then how much is the loss caused by these rebellions?"

"His Majesty, almost a hundred officials died in this rebellion, and more than three hundred officials were injured as a result. In order to stop the rebellion, our army had to kill, so there were almost three. Wan's chaos were injured or killed as a result!" Devin said in a deep voice.

   "As for the property damage...it is still being counted, but what we can know is that it should be relatively small, because it rains all over the kingdom today, so there is no fire or the like!"

   Listening to these losses, Arthur pumped distressedly!

  Those 30,000 people in disorder and financial losses are forgotten, but the more than one hundred officials who died as a result and the more than three hundred officials who were injured because of it were his heart!

  Although Arthur has repeatedly suppressed the development of Saint Martin, the development of Saint Martin is still not slow. In the past time, the territory has been expanding, and therefore Saint Martin has a lot of problems!

  The chief among them is the officials!

  The territory has expanded, so naturally there are officials to manage it, right?

   But it takes time to train officials!

An official cannot be trained in a day or two, or even a month or two. It takes at least a few years for each of them to stand alone. Even if they are geniuses, they must have one or two IQ and EQ. Years!

In this case, even though Arthur has repeatedly lowered the entry requirements for officials, he has tried his best to train more officials, even though Arthur has tried his best to use the original, capable and untainted officials of these territories. , But officials are still in short supply!

   This time, more than 100 people died and more than 300 people were injured. How can I make him feel bad?

   However, while feeling distressed, Arthur had to admit that the navy’s revenge was indeed powerful. It could be said that it plunged into Saint Martin’s heart with a single knife, giving Arthur a kind of heartache!

   "Where did those nobles go?" Arthur thought for a while, then asked.

"It's all gone!" Devin frowned and said, "According to reports from the intelligence personnel under his staff, after the incident, they tried their best to track down the whereabouts of the nobles~www.ltnovel.com~ and finally found that they were all involved in the incident. Saint Martin, who fled for the first time at the time, went to Upside Down Mountain, and it seemed that he was going to other sea areas!"

"Can't let them run!" A cruel expression flashed in Arthur's eyes, and said with hatred, "If we let them run away, where will our Saint Martin's face be put? You will notify Arudiba and Shura later. People, go to Upside Down Mountain, block the entrance to Upside Down Mountain before the nobles arrive, then see one, kill one!"

   At the end, Arthur's voice could not help but raised two tones.

   is obviously very angry!

   "Understand, Your Majesty!" Devin didn't hesitate, and after nodding, immediately turned and left the room!

   "Damn navy!"

   Looking at the back of Devin leaving, Arthur yelled again and fell into contemplation!

  The matter of these nobles is still second, the most important thing is the navy!

  The navy behind this time.

   After being overshadowed by the navy, if you don't retaliate, it's not Arthur's style!

   Thinking, Arthur soon had a new idea in his heart!

   "Since you use conspiracy, then I will use Yang Mou!" The corner of Arthur's mouth raised slightly, revealing a sullen expression!


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