Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 833: Before the storm

   April 1st!

   The spring breeze is fascinating, and the wind is sunny!

   These days, the entire Saint Martins and even the entire West Sea have fallen into an inexplicable silence. Nothing happened, and nothing happened. Everything seemed peaceful!

  Behind this peacefulness, some sharp people feel the breath of a storm that is coming, and some others are ready to join this storm!


   Kingdom of Saint Martin

   Dandelion Island!

   This is the island where the King of St. Martin, after the war with the world government, fled because of fear of St. Martin’s attack, and was eventually swept down by St. Martin’s income!

   And now, in a luxurious manor in a corner of this island city!

A fertile aristocrat with a luxurious dress, a drunk look on his face, looked at the tall and fierce bald-headed man in front of him, and asked nervously, "What you said is true? As long as I agree. , Arranged for me to go to other kingdoms to become a nobleman?"

   "Master Jize, how old is our navy, don’t you know? Although we lost a while in the West China Sea last time, that doesn’t mean that our navy really lost. Our background is still there!"

   "Except for the other waters outside the Western Ocean, whether it is the East China Sea, the North Sea, the South China Sea, or the great navigation channels, they are still under the control of our navy. Our navy is still talking!

   "As long as you agree and things are done, it is easy for our navy to arrange for you to be a "real" nobleman in the kingdoms of other sea areas!" The bald man said in a deep voice.

   "Huh huh!"

   Hearing the words, Jie Ze's breathing suddenly became sharp.

   He recalled the days of being a nobleman in the past, and also of the days he lived after Saint Martin arrived and took over the Dandelion Island. He gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promised!"

"That's great!"

   The brawny bald guy grinned and showed a happy smile!


   This smile matched his fierce face, but it was a bit scary!

Jie Ze looked at his smile, his face stiffened and he took a breath, but soon his complexion quickly returned to normal, and at the same time he asked, "Right, how can I escape after I finish the work? "

   This is a critical issue. If you can’t guarantee your escape, or even escape from the West Sea, everything is useless!

   "Don't worry, we have all arranged!"

The brawny bald man had no expectation and said, "We have arranged a few merchant ships on the corner of Dandelion Island. These days, you can quietly transfer the assets you can take to the merchant ships. As long as the business is finished, you can board. The merchant ship left immediately!"

   "Then we have arranged the following things together. After you board the merchant ship, you will go to the Upside Down Mountain day and night. By then, even if St. Martin reacts, you have already entered other waters. They can't help you!"

"Yes, Not Bad!"

   Jieze's eyes lit up and nodded in satisfaction.

   "Okay, if it's okay, I'll leave first. I've stayed here for a long time, I'm afraid that Saint Martin will find any clues! As for the matter...you can arrange it as soon as possible!" The bald man stood up and said.

   After speaking, he turned and left the manor without waiting for Jie Ze to answer!

   While looking at his leaving back, Jie Ze's originally smiling face went cold!

   After thinking for a moment, he turned to the white-haired old housekeeper who hadn't spoken from the beginning, standing beside him, frowned and asked, "Do you think this matter is reliable?"

   Although Jie Ze agreed to the bald man just now, and he also got all the information from the bald man, including the full set of plans and how to escape afterwards, he actually didn't have any bottom in his heart.

"The other party is indeed the Navy, this is undoubted! We have repeatedly confirmed from multiple channels!" After a deep voice, the old butler shook his head and said, "But it is not reliable, but it is hard to say! "

   "The cause of this incident was caused by the death of a lieutenant admiral after Saint Martin offered a reward to the navy. It is normal for the navy to want revenge!"

   "The question is, in the process of retaliation, what does the Navy regard us as? Tools? Or partners? Or is it the target of exploitation?"

"It's okay if it's the second type, but if it's the first or third type... even if he says the full set of plans, even if he arranges a complete plan if he escapes, then we are still not safe! The Navy is likely to After using us, completely abandon us!"

   At this point, the old butler changed his voice and said sternly, "Of course, these are just my personal analysis. The final choice depends on you!"

   Listening to the words of the old housekeeper, Jie Ze fell into deep thought!

   After a careful analysis of the pros and cons, Jie Ze took a deep breath and said, "You go down to make arrangements... Organize all the civilians who can still be controlled by us now!"


   The old housekeeper nodded silently.

   He knew that Jie Ze had made up his mind at this moment!

After   , the old housekeeper slowly left this room!

   "Saint Martin, Saint Martin! I blame you for deceiving people so much!" Jie Ze gritted his teeth and said bitterly, looking at the back of the old housekeeper.

   Jie Zeben is an aristocrat on this island!

   When the king did not escape and Saint Martin did not arrive, his life was still very good.

   Hold a banquet every day, participate in a dance party, bully the common people or fight each other with a bunch of old cunning people, competing for various benefits!

   All in all, I had a comfortable life!

   Power, interest, everything!

   But after Saint Martin came, everything changed!

   The banquet, although the dance party is still being held, and is still participating, but bullying the civilians, etc., can not be done!

  Because St. Martin treats nobles or civilians equally, as long as they commit a crime, they will be severely punished~www.ltnovel.com~ There is no noble privilege at all!

   But if it's just like this, it's okay, he can stand it too!

   Isn’t it just not bullying people!

  As a nobleman, he usually doesn't bother to bully people, and he doesn't bother to bully those civilians!

   But there is one thing he can't bear!

   That is, after Saint Martin arrived, his interests were lost!

  Most of the property has been turned over, not to mention, but also because St. Martin continues to send all kinds of goods to the island, causing his original store on the island to lose money!

   In this case, he had to cut a large number of personnel, so that the strength of the family shrank and shrank!

  If nothing changes in the future, it is conceivable that their family will be completely destroyed even in this invisible crisis!

   So Jie Ze had to find a way to find a new way out!

   And just at this moment, the navy found the door!

   One party wants to find a new way out, and also has a hatred of Saint Martin, the other party came here with the purpose of revenge on Saint Martin!

   Both sides hit it off!

   Because of this, the scene just appeared!


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