Above the King of Pirates

Chapter 803: Recruit 1 student

Because there was no disguise, the waiter and the two gamblers on the mahjong table recognized Arthur as soon as he arrived!

And when they were excited to say something, Arthur shook his head slightly and made a "hush" gesture with his hand to stop them!

"Don't mind, welcome!"

I raised my brows all my life, obviously I noticed something, but I didn't say it, but said with a smile.

"Crack, click, click~"

With the clash of mahjong, the four people on the mahjong stage, including his life and Arthur, played mahjong together.

At the beginning of my life, I was a little stumbling because of my hands, my lack of thorough understanding of the rules, and so on. However, under the guidance of the waiter and my talent for gambling, I soon became proficient in my life. Fight!




"Don't move, nope!"


In the slightly excited voice, the whole life with Arthur and the other two people on the mahjong stage went straight from the morning to the afternoon!


After the last humiliation, he took a deep breath in his life, stood up, and said sternly, "Today, let's stop here!"

He likes gambling all his life, but he also has a degree in his heart, so he won't be addicted to it!

So after seeing that the time was almost up, he directly proposed to end the gambling!

"Okay, let's stop here!"

In this regard, Arthur did not object, but said with a smile.

But Arthur agreed, and the other two naturally had no reason to object, and they also agreed.

Soon, this bet will be over!

"Walk together? Go for a meal?"

After the scene, Arthur came to the side of his life and smiled and invited.


After hesitating for a moment, he nodded his head all his life and said, "Yes!"

In his heart, he was still a little curious about Arthur, so after hesitating for a while, he agreed!

On the way!

"Mr. Yisheng, what do you think of this country?" Arthur asked with a smile after a glint flashed in his eyes.

"So far, it's good!" After thinking about it in his life, he said in a deep voice, "Although not everyone has a smile on their face, for now, more than 90% of the people I see are There is a heartfelt happiness!"

He doesn't like to say compliments all his life, so what he says is the truth!

Since his arrival, the people, things, and things he has seen along the way made him feel very comfortable.

Although some of them might be sad and distressed because of something, he felt that most people were still alive and happy.

And so far, he hasn't seen 90% of the things that would happen in ordinary countries in San Martin, such as the powerful oppressing the weak, the gangsters harassing the civilians, and so on!

When the civilians walked on the road, they would not exude the kind of humble feeling that was so solemn, nor would they see those luxuriously dressed, they would quickly hide away for fear of being cruelly punished for blocking the way!

This is what he hasn't seen or felt in the four seas and even the countries of the great waterway!

"Then Mr. Yisheng is interested in joining this country?" Listening to such a good evaluation of Yishi, Arthur didn't hesitate immediately, so he went straight and explained his intention!

In fact, there is nothing to conceal this intention!

Although the eyes are blind in the whole life, the heart is not blind, and even because the eyes are blind, the heart is brighter and clearer than ordinary people. If someone lied in front of him, he can clearly feel it!

"Thank you for your kindness, your Majesty Arthur, but... forget it!" I was a little moved in my life, but after thinking about it for a while, he shook his head and refused in a deep voice.

Did he recognize me?

Arthur was taken aback first, but after scanning the surroundings, he reacted again!

He did not make any disguise when he came out this time. Although he has not seen him in his life, people around him will talk in a low voice after seeing him. With the hearing of his life, it is nothing to hear their conversation. It’s difficult, so it’s not difficult to recognize him!

"Why?" Arthur raised his brows and asked involuntarily.

The rejection of a lifetime was actually what he expected!

If he could agree so easily, then it would not be a lifetime!

However, Arthur still wanted to know why!

"This country is beautiful and very good!" He first praised Saint Martin in his life, and then hesitated to explain, "But...I still want to go around the world to see!"

This is just one of the reasons!

I really want to go to see all over the world in my life, but the more important and deeper reason for his rejection lies in Saint Martin!

Saint Martin often fights!

This is the information collected the first time after arriving in Saint Martin in a lifetime!

Frequent wars, even every time they fight, Saint Martin tries their best to control, but every time there are some civilians who are harmed by this, so the family is destroyed, which is impossible for the civilians who want a good life. Accept the point!

Of course, unacceptable does not mean it will be disgusted.

St. Martin can make the civilians under his command happy, stable, and happy. These are the points that make you like St. Martin all your life!

the other side!

I want to visit all over the world...

For this reason, Arthur felt that the most common phrase used by people to quit before the trip was, "The world is so big, I want to go out and have a look"!

However, having said this all his life, Arthur couldn't think of any words to persuade him.

After thinking in silence for a while, Arthur said, "So is Mr. Yisheng interested in being a guest secretary?"

Since direct invitation to join is not possible, then change his mind, let him be a guest in his life, and after contacting Saint Martin, he will slowly think about ways in the future, slowly persuade, and change his mind!

"Ke Qing?" asked a little confused throughout his life.

"Yes, Ke Qing!" After Arthur nodded, he explained in a deep voice, "Ke Qing is..."

Arthur briefly introduced Ke Qing's welfare and obligations to his life.

After listening for a lifetime, after a brief thought, he nodded and said frankly, "Yes!"

Ke Qing’s treaty is very lenient ~www.ltnovel.com~ For a lifetime, it is basically acceptable!

Although he could not accept that St. Martin had been fighting forever in his life, he still admired the wonderful life that St. Martin made the civilians under his command, and he also wanted to protect this beauty!

So after weighing in his mind for a while, he agreed!

"However, no matter what the circumstances are, I will not attack the civilians!" At this time, he added again throughout his life.

"Yes!" Arthur nodded without hesitation.

He knows his life's character and thoughts. If he doesn't agree to this, he probably won't agree to become a guest in his life!

Furthermore, Arthur never thought of letting the civilians go for a lifetime!

A strong man, let him take action against civilians, that would only be done if Arthur was too busy!

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